
hmm. I don't know how it is a tax on the productive - and yes, to be worth anything, it has to be used and valued. Only because someone has crypto doesn't mean that they are not productive.

hmm. I don't know how it is a tax on the productive

Lets say you had a farmer and a person on UBI.
UBI wants food. The farmer has food.

In all scenarios the food (production) goes from the farmer to UBI

And this is identical throughout planet earth. The stuff has to come from somewhere.
Someone had to work to make it. Thus, any transfer to a UBI person is taking from the productive.

Only because someone has crypto doesn't mean that they are not productive.

This doesn't make any sense. First, i would have to assume you meant UBI related crypto.
Then i would have to assume that there was UBI for everyone. Then, if everyone has UBI, some people will be productive... ELSE EVERYONE STARVES TO DEATH. So, your statement would be true, and meaningless.

Now, i was speaking of a crypto has to have a perceived value in order for people to exchange goods for it. Lets say that you got a crypto-coin were people were using it. And then you started printing tons of it to give out UBI. Well, in that situation:
Price for a loaf of bread
Month 1 = 1 UBItoken
Month 2 = 10 UBItoken
Month 3 = 100 UBItoken
Month 4 = 1000 UBItoken

This is what monetary inflation looks like when it is straight to the end users.
See Weimar Germany.

I grew up in Germany - so, I do know that history.
I still don't follow exactly your thought concept. The idea behind Universal basic income is that everyone, the farmer, the baker and the candlestick maker gets it. So, even the farmer has it to pay for his house, for example, while he is busy producing food.
Also, any crypto tokens are more or less generated out of thin air and people decide that they have value. Then, they exchange their money for it. Or get it in other ways - like through writing here on steemit.

And then there is the point that we are all different and that some of us have more abilities than others. And that can change in a life time. So, for now, I do feel that living in a rich country (US) I do have the responsibility to help to get rid of hunger in the world.
And the farmer would not have to produce more - we have enough food right now to feed everyone, but we destroy a good part of it instead of getting it to those in need.
And if a UBI token is helping those who need it to get it - I am all for it.

and I really can't see how that is a tax.

I really can't see how you can think that it isn't a tax.

So much of your statement here is wishful thinking.
Further, it borders on just failing outright.


That is a neat phrasing that the people use to describe what the unFederal noReserve Bankcartel does. What is actually the case is that with every loan the banks make it STEALS a little bit from every other dollar in existence. This is where inflation comes from.

So, you are defining a new money where you will steal from everyone who has it to pay everyone next month.

Now, back to the base problem.
Someone makes something and someone else wants it.
In ALL methods except for the person wanting it exchanging something of similar value, it is theft, or taxation.

Exchanging the goods for magic money is not acceptable.
The money has to be solid, sound and in use, such that the recipient believes they will be able to exchange it in the future for something that they want.

So far all i have seen is ideas of magic money (which is worthless) or various forms of taxation. And that taxation in all the methods is on the productive.

Further, the worst part is that there is no taxation on being unproductive or counterproductive.

I have made several posts entitled Better Than UBI. They offer some actual, doable solutions.

Let's just agree to disagree. I can't get behind your thinking that only people who can produce on the same level as you can should be getting something - anything.
What about the old, the children, the sick, the disabled? They are just a tax on you? How about you give freely - giving freely is not a tax.

Anyway, I don't think that I can change your mind or can make you see a different viewpoint.
So, I respectfully bow out of this conversation.

How about you stop putting emotions into this and blaming me for not being concerned. Obviously you have not read any of my ideas for something better than UBI. I am not callous or heartless.

You cannot change my mind without sound logic. So far, there has been nothing of solidity.

What you are missing is logic.
If you have a group of people that are the producers of goods, and another who are not. Anything that you demand of the first group is a tax. Any way you distribute those goods to the second group is theft.

And your solution was to say, "no, we aren't stealing, we are giving the producers some magic money".
So... how many Weimar Marks will it take for an hour of your labor? how many Zimbabwe dollars?

Printing money does not equal prosperity.
So, give me a reason to believe that your crypto will function over the long term.
All i see so far is that you have made a plan to enrich the banks every month.

I am not blaming you for anything. Just bowing out of the conversation.

What about the old, the children, the sick, the disabled? They are just a tax on you? How about you give freely - giving freely is not a tax.

This is you calling me callous and heartless.

That is you firing shots at me while saying, "how about a cease fire."
That is not bowing out.

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