Help finding GPU and motherboards for mining

I am guessing most of you veterans of mining already know this, but for those getting started you will find you have trouble finding Graphics cards and motherboards that support a lot of them at retailers as of a couple months back. My best tips and tricks to not only find them, but often for awesome prices include the following:

  1. Worst case you can search on ebay... not the cheapest but pretty good source that you are very well protected from getting crap or faulty gear

  2. Craigslist, probably the best overall location as you can search locally and other major cities. Many folks posting stuff here do not know about mining and many do not know the full current retail value of their gear. I prefer to buy parts here, and not "gaming " builds as most gamers have a lot of pride in their build and price their system at 200% it's value

  3. Letgo app - probably #2 on possibility of finding good stuff for cheap. Increase your search parameters to search all time and extend the mileage to look further from your location. I have bought a $1000 rig for $200 this past week. An MSI motherboard that will let me connect 7 GPU, with an i5 3570k proc, and 16GB ram. Sweet deal for nothing!

  4. Facebook app "buy sell trade" groups. This is pretty nice for local areas, join the local buy sell trade groups and search away. Not as easy to use and I have only picked up a few items from here.

  5. Varagesale app - another app that lets you join local communities to buy sell or trade. I have used this a little but am not very impressed with it. It is probably my least used option.

Good luck, hope this helps.

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I have noticed that some brick and mortar stores such as Microcenter still have GPUs in stock, so if you are lucky enough to have one near you, I would recommend checking there.

True, I also found that Best Buy lists tons of 1060's and a few 1070's every few days on ebay through their ebay account. Not bad, the 1060's were around $300 each.

Just found a few more video cards from people just outside the big city areas locally. They are selling cheap, probably because not many buyers in their area. Guess I'll be going on a road trip!

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