
Dude, I have some miller left here from a party, you want it. I mostly drink whiskey.

Lol...I rarely drink anymore.

indeed, there is no need for hasitation, before you know it you could have made 10 times your investment! dont wait!

Best advice ever "don't listen to TheMaInStReEM!" I'm a metals guy at heart and in the beginning I scoffed at CrYpTo's like s many others. Hell, I remember when BTC came out, then at $40, Then at $200, then $600 and so on and so on............ I finally got into it later, much later. Hell, I almost bought into at $1200 but didn't and I regret that decision but learned so much from it from not doing it then. I'm happy to be in it and where I got into it wasn't the ideal spot but it was the right time for me. The key to this video besides just getting in is to be diversified. Never put all your eggs in one basket as our grand parents used to say and this is so true. Every market has peaks and valleys. While your favorite is down others are up, this is just the way it works. Diversification is key and number one n my book as long as your in the game................. Love it BN. You're good at this stuff. Keep it up!

Metals are the perfect hedge to your Trezor wallet and Your Trezor wallet is absolutely THE BEST hedge to your metals stack. If you have both, the bankers are fucked.

Love it since they've been PhUkIn' you, me and everyone else who ain't in the club so to speak since day 1...... Speaking of Trazor wallets yes we picked one up not long ago but have yet to use it. Our thoughts are to buy a computer used only for the Trezor itself, nothing fancy, but one just for its use and nothin' else. That's in the works. I don't know the ins and outs of the Trezor and I know there a ton of vids on em' but do you have one and if so a link? I'm sure it's simple and again I know there are a ton on YT but I like the way you do it. You mentioned in a recent vid about if it's damaged or stolen having an extra Trezor and transferring the key? See stuff like that is gold and who better to explain than the BROC NUTZ himself :) If you have one let me know and I'm on it if not it's another vid idea for you that I know I'd appreciate brother! Thanks for ALL that you do!

I see the message... wake up and accept the High Life!
750 SP/week... nice!

It's the only life to live....

A Miller hat in Coors country....bold move. I think the fear/fud of the gov./tv boneheads is holding some back. Wall street making paper instruments, I think, reduces the odds they are going to ban/restrict it to the common person. I figure how in the !@#$ can they sell it but I can't buy it? A lot of the little cryptos are getting some love lately as people are wondering what coinbase will add to their market in2018.

2018 is gonna be a fun me!

Thank G-d I pulled the trigger and got back in the game or i'd be sick to my stomach. Another great video. Broncnutz is unselfish and looking out for his community. He who hesitates.... lol

crypto is a very smart space to move into

I just watched a video of you (the one where you tossed benjies like rose petals) and you suggested we buy at least a couple hundred in bitcoin. We would have already gained.

Ive been here less than a week and I feel like I can't learn fast enough. I want little silver chunks too!

Please tell me, where do I find the value of the steem token? I know how to look up SBD - but I understand that they trade at different values.

Good places to watch Steem and SBD markets are and you can see dollar valuations easily at hope this helps. They are all free to view and you don't have to sign up for anything to watch the markets.

👍🏾Thank you

Hello sir did you upload this video on YouTube i will watch on YouTube and share my friend

Love your videos @broncnutz!! I get excited! :) I wish I would have bought into bitcoin earlier.. but I'm still doing pretty good. Better late than never? I am buying a little litecoin now so hope that will have the same increase that bitcoin did!

I love it that you get excited to watch my videos. I have sooooo much I want to teach your guys to make even more! Pssssst.....look into getting some SMART cash. It's a coin, it can be bought at

Yay!! I am on it! ;) thank you!!

If you buy a 1000 which is only like 170 bucks or so you can stake it in a smart cash wallet and earn 7% a month in free coins. Watch some vids. They using this in Venezuela right now. Price right now is a bargain I think. Best to buy and get in a wallet before the 25th. After learning about it you will understand why before the 25th.

Ok thank you so much!!! I will look into this. It looks like it will connect with my Coinbase?

Any BTC wallet can send to any other BTC wallet no matter where it is. You can send coinbase funds anywhere in the world and to ANY BTC wallet address. So buy a lil Smart then transfer them out to a web based smart cash wallet to stake them. It's happens automatically, nothing fancy you need to do. You need a min of 1000 coins to earn intrest. Learn all you can about Smart because it's awesome and can do some really cool things. I'll make a video about it soon to help you understand.

You buy them with BTC or LTC

I bought SMART and staked them before Nov 25th. I am excited to see my dividend. I'm just going to leave it staked in SMART and make another 7% or so off my principal and my dividends. Compounding Baby!

There's still a lot of Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt getting pushed by all kinds of media types.

Some people are still living in fear. That said, I've had more conversations about Bitcoin in the last week than in the rest of my life combined.

Me too! This is just getting started, people haven't missed anything.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63483.25
ETH 2601.63
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.81