Tesla and Cryptocurrency

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Have you ever heard of Tesla? No, not the car! I’m talking about the man, the myth, the legend; Nikola Tesla. So, who was Nikola Tesla and why should you know his name?

Most people that have heard of him will know him as the man that discovered Alternating Current. This is true, but there is much more to the man. Born in Croatia in 1856 and died in New York in 1943, Nikola Tesla was a true philanthropist. He wanted the world to be a better place. He believed that the world would benefit from his technologies. He is the father of all things electronic and robotic, as well as having invented amazing mechanical devices, all of which are not used today. The why will become apparent. A fraction of what he created is available to us today.

Let’s look at some of his not so published achievements. ‘Facts’ about these events will vary to the extent of completely different accounts. Nonetheless, it is the readers due diligence to research into the following. This is but a taste of what he accomplished in his lifetime.

Samuel Clemens, better known as Mark Twain, was a good friend of Nikola Tesla. Once while visiting Nikola in his lab, Mark was invited to stand on this strange looking platform that Nikola had created. Curious as to what it might do he stepped onto the platform. Nikola turned the machine on and shortly after Mark’s face started to beam with euphoria. He wasn’t quite sure what was going on, but he loved this invention. Tesla was pleased he liked it and asked him to step off the platform. Mark realised it was this platform that was giving him this euphoric feeling and declined the invitation to step off. Tesla urged him to step down for the sake of Mark’s own dignity. Again, he refused until seconds later he shot off the platform with such a worried look on his face. The platform emitted frequencies that would put the body in a euphoric state. It must have needed some tweaking for the euphoric feeling built on itself until Mark Twain almost lost all bowel control. That’s right, Nikola Tesla almost made Mark Twain shit himself.

Tesla created a device that could fit in your pocket that acted similarly to the platform Mark Twain stood on but served an entirely different purpose. This pocket-sized device could start an earthquake. Before as I mention the frequencies creating a euphoric feeling, all these frequencies piling in on top of each other until the vessel carrying these frequencies can no longer hold them. Think of the analogy of an opera singer and a wine glass. It takes a certain frequency or set of frequencies to break the glass. Once it can no longer hold the frequencies it shatters. Like how Mark Twain lost bowel control. His body could not hold the frequency any longer, therefore, something had to give.

Now, let’s suppose you took this pocket-sized device into a building that was under construction, like Tesla did, and placed it on an I-beam like Tesla did. This device, like the pleasure platform that Mark Twain stood on, has a frequency generating function. Tesla placed the device on a beam and turned it on. Nothing at first, but then the beam it was resting on started to vibrate, then the beam attached to that beam started to vibrate, and so on and so on until the entire building started to resonate like a tuning fork. Nikola quickly grabbed the device and took off before causing any more trouble.

He created a structure called the Wardenclyffe Tower. Your mainstream history will say that it was a tower designed and built for radio transmissions. This is partly true if you only think of radio waves as something that makes that device in your car come alive with music. Tesla could power anything within a certain radius of this tower. Anything. Forever. One could simply hang lightbulbs in their home and watch them glow. No connection needed.

What happened to this amazing device? Well, the project was funded by JP Morgan, and when he discovered that this tower provided free unlimited energy he pulled the plug. If you can’t put a meter on it to make money, what’s the point? What would have happened if cryptocurrencies existed back then? His funding wouldn’t have been pulled and we would have spectacular technologies today. What amazing technologies can we produce today with crowd funding with cryptocurrencies.

I’m not claiming to understand everything Tesla has worked on. Tesla was a giant of his time and still is. There are more like him that are still alive. I consider myself one of them. Not a giant by any means, but it is possible to see a little bit further when you stand on the shoulders of giants. I hope you guys are excited as I am about the future of cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies are tools that can make a radical difference in the world. Indeed, they already have. It’s hard to fix something if you don’t have the right tool. Ladies and gentlemen, we just jumped from horse and buggy to the steam engine! The future awaits.

Einstein was once asked by a reporter how it felt to be the smartest man in the world. He replied, “I don’t know, you’ll have to ask Nikola Tesla.”

Tesla was not convinced with Einstein’s work on relativity. He was cited in The New York Times in 1935 describing a relativist as a “beggar, wrapped in purple, whom ignorant people take for a king.”

Guglielmo Marconi was credited with inventing the radio. When Tesla was asked how he felt about it, he replied, “Let him take the credit, he’s using 40 of my patents.”

Nikola Tesla was well ahead of his time, rocked the boat, and was promptly taken out of the history books because of it. He heavily disagreed with what other mainstream ‘scientists’ were saying. “Today’s scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.”


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Still get my upvote even if 1 or 100 years have passed

Good post :)

Guglielmo Marconi was credited with inventing the radio. When Tesla was asked how he felt about it, he replied, “Let him take the credit, he’s using 40 of my patents.”


lets revive Wardenclyffe Towers!

My apologies! You said you upvoted a previous post in another comment and I didn't know which one. Tesla is the man! Glad you appreciate the good stuff!

Cheers mate!

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