PotCoin - Banking For The Cannabis Industry

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago


So there is this coin I've just heard about (I'm new to this all so don't know all the alt coins) and it looks amazing with lots of potential to grow and I think I will stock up on some pot coins soon. The coin has been going up like crazy for the last week but which alt coin is not right. Anyways this PotCoin is supposed to the banking solution to the already 100 billion pot industry, that sounds like a quite good investment while keeping in mind the cannabis industry is still growing at maximum speed. I think this will go up 10-100 times within a year so I'm buying a lot of these. What do you guys think about this coin will it go up or down?

Please share this so more people can know about this coin that could make a huge impact on the cannabis industry!


Who's knows whats is real in this market. I know from experience a great story with awesome graphics sells much better than boring facts and figures. You need a real finance & technological genius to read the white papers and understand the concepts of these crypto's. Just be willing to lose what you gamble. Best Luck!

I think the succes of an altcoin has everything to do with the people behind it and the people who support it. I have read different blogs about Potcoin here. Some people think it will go up big time. But I did not read anything (yet) about people who really believe in de fundamentals of this coin. They see it as an opportunity to make some money by trading it.
I thing that is the case with many cryptocurrencies. In the end there will be just a few that will be actually used in daily life. Which one that will be is impossible to say. It looks like Etherium will be hugh. Maybe ever bigger than Bitcoin. But I lost a lot of faith in Etherium when they needed to fork it. But I was wrong apparently. The price is insane.
A lot of people also believe a lot in Litecoin and ofcourse STEEM. There is also a Gulden. A Dutch cryptocurrency. The people behind Gulden do everything in their power to make this a very user friendly crypto. There are now many Dutch companies that accept Gulden. They also had a radio commercial on FUNX radio to promote the coin. I personally think that this one is also going to be big.

Good points in this article. I was about to post a similair thread. The real risk lies in the fact that the market is so irrational. This is quite an interesting website I found: https://www.coincheckup.com They researched and analyzed every tradable coin out there from a investment, team, product, transparency perspective. Really interesting.

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