
And if you can't afford to buy, at least don't panic sell what you already have. The upward trend will come sooner or later.


Haha yeah this will be a lesson for me! Unfortunately I didn't prepare for that dip! I ain't got any other choice than hodl right now. 😅

Im in a pretty similar situation, so what do we do?
Steeeeeeeem on through it!

This is actually good advise (Not a bot comment hahahaha). Most people now are panic selling. These dips are normal, healthy and best of all profitable.

I was -40% for the last 2 days. I HODL and I survived!! Yey +10% today. I wish to buy the dip buy the paycheck is still faraway hahaha. Cheers!

Yep it goes up and then down. Gotta play the game and ride the wave. I didn’t enjoy my amount cut in half but it’ll go back up and I’m preparing to set aside to buy the next time it drops down. I blinked my eyes and missed the oppertunity this time ☹️

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