Possible Year End Boost For Bitcoin Like We Saw Last Year?


It seriously seems we have been talking about ETFs all year and with nothing good coming out of it at all. Just wild swings and crazy stories of pumps and dumps.

However news has just come out that the SEC is going to re investigate 7 ETFs that where rejected before.

This comes as a surprise to me since the SEC has rejected ALL ETFs based on market manipulation.

Now on top of the Bitcoin might also get a bump in increasing its block size and doing so without a hard fork!

I have no idea how that is possible yet but if it is its going to make bitcoin at least a little more appealing and be able to handle transactions a little bit better. Ever little bit helps but to go to those true massive transactions that need to take place its still a far cry away.

One last bit of news shows many experts saying bitcoin has bottomed and I think they are right. Bitcoins holds steady between $6,000 - $7,000 for the last few months despite bad news etc. Id love to see an end of the year rally like we saw last year!



@bitcoinflood, I am not an expert but I've read in couple of posts that SEC can review the ETFs and can make an decision by end of October 2018 and also some analysts says that may be we can see the bull run.

As per some analysts, the past Historical Data is giving positive points to think because in past years also October to December period was booster periods for the Bitcoin and due to Dominance of Bitcoin, if price of Bitcoin rise then Altcoins also going to rise. So let's hope that soon we will see the Bull Run because no matter what we have to hold the positive essence.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

Agreed it was not till end of October and through December when we went from $3,000 up to nearly $20,000 a repeat of this might take us from $6,000 to $40,000 ;) ;)

Yes, i am optimistic about it, and we cannot ignore these numbers because already we are watching some great vibes in the Crypto Sphere in aspect of development of projects. Stay blessed and have a great time ahead. 🙂

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The BTC price will most likely stay in its current range for the near future.

I see it! God I hope so!

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Are you talking about the Foward block proposal? It provides on-chain settlement scaling of up to 3584x current limits as a soft-fork....
But....It looks like it exploits a bug in bitcoin to make this scale possible...
So it good or bad? It needs way more testing but seems very interesting....

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