What did I say?

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

Nobody can tell what's happening in the market now

Why the dip? Are the bears back? What FUD caused this? Is no new money entering the market? Are investors scared?

What will happen next?

Nobody knows.


One man knows and he's been telling you!


crazy-3126441_960_720.jpgFrom https://pixabay.com/en/furious-upset-person-woman-angry-2514031/


This is what I said:

Coin line mini.png






Coin line mini.png





Look at where (and when) it turned:Screenshot_14.png
From https://coinmarketcap.com/charts/

Coin line mini.png



Coin line mini.png




Coin line mini.png





Coin line mini.png

THAT is what I said

Are you going to believe the unique insights of this guy now: Screenshot_15.png
or do you prefer to remain in the dark, listening to amateur speculators and faux "gurus"?


Mic drop


I am neither a financial advisor nor a professional trader/investor. This is not financial advice, investment advice or trading advice. Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are my opinion and nothing more. Crypto is highly volatile and you can easily lose everything in crypto. You invest at your own risk! Information I post may be erroneous or construed as being misleading. I will not be held responsible for anything which is incorrect, missing, out-of-date or fabricated. Any information you use is done so at your own risk. Always Do Your Own Research (DYOR) and realise that you and you alone are responsible for your crypto portfolio and whatever happens to it.


Upvoted ($0.23) and resteemed by @investorsclub

Join the Investors Club if you are interested in investing.

And how dumb are you going to feel if it keeps dropping or moves sideways ? Pride before a fall... ;-)

I have a prediction, oil prices are going to go up ! Fossil fuels will run out in the next 100 years and become scarce, so I 'predict' that oil is going to moon ! Ok, so it might take 40 years or so but I'll still be right ! This prediction stuff is easy...

I wouldn't know how to feel dumb if I tried! I don't have much experience in being wrong 😁
Up is the way forward now, gradually at first and then increasing in pace (I'm not talking about daily fluctuations here).

Okay wiseass, now try to do some crypto predicting...

You're asking me to predict something ? I can't because it's impossible.

All you clairvoyants need to answer two simple questions, then I'll believe your 'prophesies' -

  • Tell me how many people are out the market at the moment but about to buy ?
  • Tell me how many people are in the market at the moment but about to sell ?

I can't answer those questions because I'm not psychic. If you want to be in the 5% of people who make money trading, you need to just accept these simple truths and forget all this 'prediction' nonsense like we all have.

The choice is simple, make a $1 a time from the 'prediction economy' by writing articles on places like here, or just learn to trade/invest properly in the real world and make a fortune instead.

In that case I'm not doing too badly at achieving the impossible on a daily basis.

It's worth considering once I've built up more trades. I've logged every trade I've ever made, and while not in the 1000% region, I am sitting at over 100% ROI for the last 12 months. Of course this is somewhat of a no-brainer at the moment, the crypto market did very well since last June/July when I did most of my buying, I can't take the credit for that. But I am sitting with positions in many coins that I am ridiculously happy with and I expect to do exceedingly well when the bulls run again. I have also learnt a lot since my first mistake riddled month or two. That I will be able to take credit for, and then your suggestion may well have merit.

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