The STEEM fork you don't know about

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

I haven't invested in many ICOs since January. But I always keep my eyes open.

Disclaimer. This post covers topics and contains links that are NSFW and are unsuitable for minors. If you're reading this and you're a kid, then please leave now - be a kid while you still can. Believe me that there is plenty of time for being an adult later on in life.

I'm a crypto addict, that's no secret. I'm also into computers and everything that goes with them. So it comes as no surprise that I am well aware that the internet is used for pornography. A lot of pornography! In researching this post I found that statistics are hard to come by, but general consensus is that about 15% of searches are for porn.

Here are a few more interesting statistics that I have picked from a Psychology Today article which you can find at

  • In 2015, worldwide, there were more than 2 billion Web searches for porn.
  • 20 percent of mobile-device searches are for porn.
  • Porn sites attract more visitors each month than Amazon, Netflix, and Twitter combined.

So for a long time I was on the lookout for a good porn coin. Note that I said a good one. There are several bad ones, but I was looking for one to invest in, one which could actually dominate the market. With the rise of crypto and the prevalence and popularity of online porn, this remains a largely untapped gold mine. Until this week...

  • The STEEM fork you don't know about


Vice Internet Token (VIT)

You may have heard of it, I have mentioned it before. Vice is the first, and so far only, porn coin worth investing in that I have seen.

Look, it's not great in crypto terms, and I do have my reservations about it. But compared to its peers it is streets ahead. Vice formed impressive partnerships with the likes of Penthouse, Playboy TV and the infamous Stormy Daniels (if you don't know who she is, just ask Trump).

The idea behind Vice was always "get paid to watch porn", an advertising line which they obviously rely on to give the a competitive advantage. On the Vice website, you can see how they compare their superior model to traditional porn site ones: citing the advantages of being paid over paying.

Since its inception, the idea behind Vice has grown. Instead of just looking at porn, they are now looking at cannabis and gambling too. Not exactly wholesome family entertainment, but certainly true to the term "vice". At least you can't fault their honesty.

Vice is a work in progress and has been so for some time (like most young cryptos). The reason I'm writing about it today is that is has reached the "deployment" phase (my term for it). What I mean is that Vice now has a working VIT powered site. This site came online less than two weeks ago, and this past week I saw that it had opened to new registrations. THAT is why I am writing this today, because now YOU can register for Vice!

What is my angle here, do I want my readers to become porn addicts?

No. I want my readers to earn crypto. Remember the title of this post? The VIT token was launched on the Ethereum blockchain during the ICO. Later on, investors got a chance to stake some of their VIT on the new VIT blockchain. Yes, Vice Internet Token has its own blockchain! And that blockchain is a fork of STEEM!

What this means is that using VIT is very similar to using STEEM. It is also the method that they use to pay the rewards.

At the moment VIT runs mainly on a site called You can find it here: If you visit the link you will notice:

  1. A lot of porn videos
  2. That it looks a lot like STEEM

The great thing about using the site is that you don't have to watch the videos at all! All you have to do is curate, just as you do to earn on the STEEM blockchain. You certainly don't have to post your own content! Just select a video and click "Like" and/or leave a comment. That's it! Yes, the videos DO have a screen capture visible for each, so like my disclaimer says: kids and people at work should avoid visiting it (unless you work in the adult entertainment industry).

The VIT wallet operates much like a STEEM one. Tokens are claimed and can be staked. Staked VIT affects your earning power from curation. Like STEEM Power, your VIT Power also decreases as you use it. Vice have just launched a tracker, the VIT equivalent of, where you can can a little bit more information about what is happening. Today is also the first day that I see the reward system paying out (apart from a VIT faucet which has already been in operation for several days). The Vice platform is developing fast. It is still buggy, but changes are visible on a daily basis. The team really apear to be working hard to get it running smoothly.

At the moment I know of no way to get VIT from an exchange to the VIT blockchain. As par as I know, the VIT token you can buy on exchanges are still the ERC-20 tokens. I am waiting to stake more of my own ERC-20 VIT on the VIT chain, so I hope they inform us how to do this soon. But for now, and the real reason I'm writing this, is to tell you that the rewards on at the moment are good! In fact, they are great! Let me qualify that in terms of ROI: using curation alone I have made over 400% profit on my staked VIT in the last week. Did I get your attention now? To put it another way, I can earn far more than I do on STEEM for far less effort. I don't know how long this will last, I'm sure we are enjoying early adoption advantages, but it is still very early days for VIce and there is plenty of VIT flowing around. My advice is to sign up now and get in while you can earn plenty of VIT for free!

I'm on every day. I've even taught my wife how to use it (I put a shortcut onto her tablet) and she helps me curate the videos. I repeat, there is no need to watch them, but you do have to look at a few pictures, some of which I would describe as being "rather nasty". Vice is lacking in documentation for now. The VIT holders are guessing as to how the curation rewards work, but STEEM users can make educated guesses. It certainly seems to work along the same lines that STEEM curation rewards do. This is a major advantage for STEEM users, because many users do not use STEEM, that much is obvious. You can use your knowledge of STEEM to maximise your rewards while the other users help to inadvertently fill up your wallet.


That's all I really want to say about Vice. It's not my typical kind of topic, but it is a crypto, you can invest in it and it is paying rather well right now. I just wanted to share the potential opportunity with STEEM users, the people who will best know how to benefit from it. Do with that information what you will.

You can visit the Vice STEEM blog for more information: @viceindustry or rather visit their website which has far more information:

Yours in adult crypto,
Bit Brain

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by Bit Brain


The idea is not new, there is another project called SpankChain which has a (imo) much more experienced team, larger community and a product already in production on a scalable Ethereum side chain. Check them out.

VIT seems like a lazy fork of STEEM and Dtube but aight, could work.

Thanks for sharing this!

Ha ha! I know SPANK, I remember researching it when it first came out, and again shortly before I got into VIT. I honestly think that it doesn't compare, though it is probably the most popular and the first one to become relatively well known. I remember reading their whitepaper and seeing how they dealt with the concerns of proof-of-brain and of underage performers using the login of someone else. Their idea was to have the live camera model spank herself a certain number of times when the platform told her to (random performers would be picked at random intervals). The people watching would then certify that she had done so the correct number of times and the stream would continue.

Now I'm not one of those who shouts "porn is degrading to women" across the internet, but when I read that nonsense I decided that SPANK was definitely not the investment for me!

Haha...your post was blocked by my settings for adult content simply because it says the word “porn”. Anyway...nice post BB. I’m no fan of porn (no...really) but I do see the potential.

Yeah, this is a strange topic, and may cause unease for obvious reasons. But the fact is that right now it is a great way to earn crypto, possible a crypto that has a lot of growth potential. It's early days for Vice so it could either go really big, or drop into obscurity. Hopefully the former. I must say, the effort that the team are putting in is very impressive and is comparable to the best ICOs out there.

I tagged it nsfw, that could also be the reason.

That was probably it.

Coins mentioned in post:

CoinPrice (USD)📈 24h📈 7d
BNBBinance Coin10.208$-0.07%2.57%
KCSKuCoin Shares1.173$1.99%5.75%

In a very strange turn of events yesterday this post vanished and turned into a blank page when I tried to insert the images and before I vould check the text. I thought the whole thing was lost and I am very surprised to see it here, especially since I didn't publish it (at least not as far as I know).

I apologise for any mistakes in the text, it is entirely unedited, as well as for the lack of pictures (I wanted to show the interface, explorer etc)

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