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RE: Too Eye See Oh or not Two Aye Cee Owe?

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

You raise a valid point and it's a tricky question. The SEC does make a difference, but for how long? The SEC is an American "problem", but the old maxim of "when America sneezes, the world catches a cold" certainly applies. I know that Americans tend to forget that they are but one country out of hundreds, but that is the case, and every mighty empire falls from dominance sooner or later.

It is already quite possible for a properly marketed ICO to take off completely independently of US influence. I foresee this happening increasingly in the future, with over-regulated countries (like the US) finally being forced to adapt their regulations to the changes, or risk being left behind in the future of the global economic race. This opens the doorway to far wider topics, including the reasons that I am so supportive of crypto and optimistic about it in the long-run.

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