A Dose OF Realism - Crypto Trading Today's Movement

Yay! We have high movement in Crypto in the way of percentages today, it also depends what trading platform you use also.

Just wanted to show how many coins went over the 100% up over the last 24 hours (not surer if any news came out about any of them to make these increases).

This is in no way intended to be trading or financial advise

The percentages may change from when the screen shot was taken.

AudioCoin had a 156.43% change from it's low being 97 stats - the high of 287 stats when the screenshot was taken.

Coinonat had a 179.87% change from it's low being 154 stats - to the high of 431 stats when the screenshot was taken.

ChainCoin had a 106.97% change from it's low being 80001 stats - to the high of 290000 stats when the screenshot was taken.

Flaxscript had a 282.63% change from it's low being 126 stats - to the high of 776 stats when the screenshot was taken.

KushCoin had a 165.42% change from it's low being 609 stats - to the high of 1850 stats when the screenshot was taken.

SharkCoin had a 106.21% change from it's low being 1288 stats - to the high of 2665 stats when the screenshot was taken.

Scorecoin had a 472.95% change from it's low being 373 stats - to the high of 2372 stats when the screenshot was taken.

A few minutes before the screenshot was taken it was at around 600% up change from the low.

That shows how fast coins can go up then go down, when looking at any coin, research them, don't just jump in because they are going up as you could be buying on the high then it might not go up that high again.

Look at coins that have value to you, that you would hold them because you would use them or you support the project that is being done, not to just profit, taking some cake when they go high then supporting with lower buy orders after taking some cake, is still supporting the coin.

I don't remember seeing this many alt-coins over a 100% high's on a given day have you?

Thank you for reading my post, really appreciate it - Have a Fabulous Day/Evening!


What do you think causes spikes like this considering a lot of these coins are unknown to many trader?

Not surer at all, might of been news, or someone pumping them to get some of their cash back, really unsurer.
Looking at it today is totally different coins going over the 100% some reaching 700% gains in the last 24 hours.
It's just really weird why so many are going up.

Sucks for some one like me that has no funds to invest :PP

Maybe that's a good thing as most of them crashed again.
Audio is the one that's been around the longest out of them all, that's the second time in about two years it's gone up, so that could be news, or people wanting some cake.
The others are mostly new, some don't have much going for them, so don't really understand the pumps on them, this is where you need to be careful on pumps, yes you can make some, but also get burnt.

True man i know i will sound like a novice but a friend of mine is making money off coins worth 0.000001 and below. He spends a 50 buy an obscene amount waits a bit and they go up he makes about a thousand a week doing this. I think hes ready to move into the more expensive coins now and i showed him your page man thanks for the post again!

Mining is beyond me, I did collect some coins from faucets when I was starting out, wish I had collected more, when they were down, eth was just starting out at that time also and it was real low, it's just the waiting - you need patience.
Thank you!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 63283.09
ETH 2463.49
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.54