30 Day Doubling A Penny Experiment - Day 6-16 - The Crypto Standoff

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

penny post.png
Approximately Ten days of being in the Crypto Standoff can be frustrating when movement isn't much or in some cases no one wants to trade at all on certain coins that can last days without anyone willing to trade first.

Day 6

With having a low trading coin on the go, was able to sell was sitting at around 900 sats.
Put it in a faster moving coin.

Day 7 - 14

Movement started to pick up on this faster moving coin were I was able to bring the one penny up to around 3000 sats.
Decided to move to another fast moving coin, had some doubts should of got back in lower in the coin had just sold and gone two more rounds.

Day 15 - 16

The standoff where no one wants to go as low as you want to go on an order.
The coin did go lower just not as low as I had an order for, this is where I need to decide do I up the order or go to another coin or divide the 3000 sats up.

3000 sats on day 16 is far from $327.68 where if I was doubling every day should be.

When your checking everyday and expecting to make a profit everyday seems to throw in complications, than just going into a project that you back as you see the vision and the impact it can make and value, than seeing :moneybag: signs.

With crypto do you need to choose backing the project or money or can you eat your :cake: and do both?

If you missed Former posts -

Here is the post that started the experiment @lydon.sipe post here!
Introduction post about what the experiment entails you can view it here!
Day 1 - you can view it here!
Day 2 - you can view it here!
Day 3 - you can view it here!

Thanks for stopping by, have a Fabulous Day/Evening! We also hang out over on our website giving idea's of living with caviar taste on a budget among product reviews, and our Cafe blog chat of general chit chat.


good luck and I am following you too

Thank you @lenatramper

interest experiment. I'm rooting for you.

Thanks @bek, over half way now so who knows what will happen now.

man that would be a lot of $$$. Keep us posted

Yeah if I could even get near it lol. Will keep ya posted.

Like ! I wanna follow you and what about you?

Some interesting posts you have posted @aymenkallel, you just got yourself a new follower!

Thaaaank you i have the honor dear friend

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