We've Decentralized our Money, now let's Decentralize the Parasitic Cancer that is Government.

Iceland have the right idea

Iceland's pirate party (home to a small and nimble nation with little red tape) have been advocating "direct democracy" for some time. There is a big distinction between "direct democracy" and our current system of "representative democracy".

Please allow me to explain some of the major differences, in our current system, we elect a bunch of predominantly

Don't say anything and just take my hand

Firstly, I want to thank you for reading my post because today, you and I are going to plant a seed in the collective conscious that I hope, beyond all hope, takes root.

Now buckle up...

You have no choice, you have owners

Look at the world we live in. Last year we had Brexit and Trumps elections because (assuming the elections weren’t rigged) it’s apparent, people want change. Change is afoot however, there is no doubt in my mind that both of these events have been carefully planned by the power elite. Why else has there not been a vote on Grexit, Itaexit, Spexit etc? The Greeks even went as far as electing a government to get them out of the Euro but Grexit never happened, fools for ever thinking that they had any free will, yet the British were allowed to leave?. Maybe the powers that be need to save their independent country (AKA the City of London) and see the writing on the wall in the Eurozone? Either way, there is a clear selection process by those in power and Greece wasn't on the "exit" agenda.

Most European citizens, should they ever get a chance to vote on the subject, would most certainly want to leave the European Union which would hasten the demise of the already doomed Euro.

The sinking ship that is the Eurozone

Humans have survived for millennia because we instinctively know when to jump ship and save our hide. However, at this point in time, the people of Europe have not been given the option to vote and leave the Euro. Remember elites have stayed in power for centuries because they know how to control the masses. That is, as George Carlin told us, “The politician are there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice, you don’t, you have no choice. You have owners, they own you, they own everything….”.

Given the above evidence on Grexit, it’s hard to argue with George's synopsis.

All it takes is for a seed to take root

Now back to that small seed I mentioned earlier. Just as Satoshi Nakamotos ingenuity is leading us out of clutches of financial terrorism, I would like to take this one step further.

I propose we take all government decision making and hand it back to the people (i.e. direct democracy). We couldn't possibly screw it up a whole lot more than the bunch of pro-pedophilia crooks in power.

How do we do this? We can do 99% of this on the blockchain and cut out the parasitic cancer that’s systematically ruining our lives and the lives of our children.

Decentralizing Government

What I’m proposing is decentralizing government. Now I know, It may sounds crazy at first but think about the function of government and more importantly, how much of that could we automate on the block chain?

There are elements of the government that you can’t put on the block chain, like for instance the police, firemen/women, teachers, nurses and other people who are part of the government that actually do real jobs. However, that’s not to say that they shouldn’t be more accountable to the people who pay taxes and ultimately pay their wages.

Remember, you're just one unlucky incident away from having your face smashed in by a cop whose salary you're paying for through your taxes. The police do not "serve and protect". Those days are long gone.

I’m so tired of filling out the same repetitive stupid forms

We could certainly outsource government offices. For instance, if you have a block chain ID which you share only when it’s appropriate, that has all your personal information on it, Name, address, spouse, dependents etc. This means no more filling out the same stupid forms over and over again when you apply for anything from the government, bank, real estate agency etc. It also means that your information is not sitting on a government computer without your permission. We already know what the NSA is doing with our information so the government clearly can’t be trusted in this regard.

Pedophilia a disorder, not a crime - WRONG NY Times
Pedophiles should be able to adopt kids - WRONG The Telegraph

WTF is the media trying to ram down our throats? You want to roll the dice on out placing kids with known predatory pedophile sex offenders?

It's no wonder then that these newspapers are going out of business and becoming less and less relevant. It's hard to put up with this barrage of illogical morale assault upon our society. Then to expect people to actually pay for it?

When was the last time the NSA's data collection machine picked up on a pedophile ring? However, try organizing a flash mob on the Federal Reserve and you'll know how well monitored your data is and how quickly "law enforcement" responds. It's also indicative of why the NSA collects your data and what they use it for. Preventative measures against uprisings, revolution, protests etc.

Not only would the government block chain instantly kill a huge amount of the corruption but it would be extremely efficient.

If for instance, you want to hand your house down to your child. You don’t need to go through a lawyer, you don’t need to wait 3 months to get approval, and you can apply instantly on the block chain and you're done.

Jumping through hoops for criminal enterprises

To open a bank account in japan you have to go to the ward office, fill out two forms, bring your personal stamp, pay money to prove the stamp certificate is from your stamp and also pay money to get your proof of address certificate.

So you have to pay for the transport to the ward office, the hanko certificate and proof of residence certificate in addition to wasting the whole morning getting information that should be stored digitally on the block chain with your photo and released only at your discretion.

After the government offices, you then have to waste the rest of the day going to the bank, queuing up, filling out more forms, waiting for a bank clerk who interrogates you and then they post you out the bank card.

It's my contention that you shouldn’t even have to leave the comfort of your own home to do all of this.

What we would do with all these useless government workers sucking off the tit of the public at large who are suddenly unemployed? I have no idea about but that’s for a different blog

Major decisions

We could for once participate in major policy decision like "going to war" for instance. Seemingly this doesn't require any congressional approval anymore, nor the will of the people.

“We have heard that half a million (Iraqi) children have died, is the price worth it?” - 60 minutes
“We think the price is worth it” - Madeleine Albright

Ah yes Madeleine, I’m glad that murdering half a million children is at the discretion of yourself and your psychopathic friends. After all, we should leave it to the experts. When it comes to mass murdering kids, nobody has a finer record than the US military industrial complex.

This Little Thing Called the Internet ... Makes It Much Harder to Govern

John Kerry once infamously said This Little Thing Called the Internet ... Makes It Much Harder to Govern

Let's hope my seed take root and not only will the internet make it much harder for us to be "governed" but we can take it one step further with block chain technology and make impossible for us to be "governed".

I wish I had the capability to make direct democracy blockchain a reality but alas, it's far beyond my scope. If you have the resources, please go ahead and make this a reality, you have my full endorsement.


@chatman I don't think the government wants to give up control over the money supply either. With bitcoin and decentralized currency however, that's now become a reality.
The problem is, we don't have any obvious replacement for governments now.
You are most likely right about them finding some other way to scam us though :)

Government can be decentralised. For decades I've heard people whinge about giving "Power to the people" and here we have blockchain technology that can basically deliver it.

Have a closer look at how steem works. It is more than a social network, it is an economic and political system too! The witnesses are our elected representatives and if they screw up or screw us over, we can turf them out in a heartbeat.

We are closer to a direct democracy solution than you realise. We just need to iron out the bumps and then have the collective will to transition to it.

@buggedout - your comments are inspirational. Glad to hear we're on the same page :)

Good idea however I doubt the government is going to concede power to a voting blockchain in my life & if they do the crooks will find another way to manipulate the system, through social engineering or 51% attacks

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