We missed the Boat on Bitcoin but this may well be your chance to still become a Multi-Millionaire

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

If you invested in Bitcoin....

How many times have you heard someone on social media talk about “if” you bought Bitcoin back in the year XXXX. You’d have $X amount of million dollars. In reality, most people who bought Bitcoin in the early days, cashed in as soon as it had doubled, tripled, quadrupled, hit $100 USD, hit $1000 USD etc.

I’m sure you know a guy, who knows a guy who lost all the bitcoin on his hard drive right?

Honestly speaking, I don’t think there are really “that” many people who loaded up on bitcoin when it was $1 and were patient and careful enough to hold onto it until now.

Going long and strong

Most people traded in and out because social pressure would dictate that you cash in early. You're up how much? And you didn’t cash in?

If you held onto Bitcoin after the Mount Gox crash, would you be an idiot? If you held onto bitcoin after you made 1000% gains after it move from $1 to $10 dollars but didn’t cash in, would you be an idiot?

Well, that’s exactly how you become a Millionaire, by NOT listening to other people, staying long and strong and believing.

Putting Cryptocurrencies in perspective

Traditional financial experts don’t have a clue what’s happening in the world of Bitcoin. The thing with bitcoin and subsequent cryptocurrencies is that they don’t behave like a normal financial asset class, a new ETF or small cap stock because they’re not like a normal asset class. Cryptocurrencies are revolutionary, there is far more room for them to grow as they continue to eat the current fiat currency.

It is estimated that there is $2.5 quadrillion dollars in derivative assets that exist in the world today. Around $75 Trillion USD of available currency. Bitcoin is only valued at $78 Billion USD at the time I published this article and that means there is a lot more currency to eat.

Choosing the crypto that will make you a Millionaire

The Dalai Lama say “If you lose, don’t lose the lesson”.

There will be another crypto that will perform as well or even better than Bitcoin, you just need to figure out which one it is. Stay long and strong and you’re all set.

So which cryptocurrency is going to perform this well?

As Winston Churchill once famously said “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.”

My thesis is that you need to look at who had the foresight to recommend Bitcoin back in the day, not only that, you need to find who was claiming that it would make people Millionaires?

Clif High

As you know I’m a massive Clif High believer. Clif isn’t going to always get it right, he’s not Jesus Christ but he’s got a pretty admirable track record especially in the world of cryptos.

Clif’s big calls up to now have been

  • Bitcoin
  • Ethereum
  • Veritaseum
  • Populous
  • OmiseGo
  • Sandcoin

I completely agree with Rob Holladay in his youtube video below.
The above recommendations are Clif's “big calls”

I don’t mind disclosing these because Clif has already posted information about them in the public domain. I would strongly advise you to buy his report, I don’t think it’s fair for me to betray Clif so I’m not going to post every recommendation, Clif should be paid fairly for his hard work, go buy his report if you want to trade his ideas.

I have made money from some of Clif’s other calls namely Neo, Monero, PivX, Dash, Litecoin and lost money on Cloakcoin and Komodo (Because of my own stupidity) but overall I’m way up having pulled my initial investment out. Please see my article on My Crypto portfolio is up 400% in 3 months

What is Big Bad Johnny doing?

I’m going long and strong on:-

  • Populous
  • OmiseGO
  • TexX
  • Sandcoin (If I get in on the ICO)

$50,000 USD or even $100,000 USD isn’t going to be my retirement trade. I figure $4 Million USD pre-tax would be more like the number.

I also feel like it’s going to be a binary trade, I either retire out of all these trades or all my investment goes to zero. I am under no illusion that if this were to come off, it would take 3-5 years at least.

Funnily enough, there was an error on my blockfolio iPhone app. I think maybe someone was spoof trading on etherdelta but perhaps this is a glimpse into my future?

Here's hoping...

Please remember this is not financial or trading advise. Please do your own homework on theses cryptos as trading and investment can cause financial losses.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 56583.42
ETH 2984.52
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.15