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RE: Top Crypto/ Currency/ Blockchain videos of the last 24 hours! A new series. I gather them so you don't have to. 2-13-2017

I have said similar in the past, even about myself. One night about 3 mths ago I said that in a post to @dantheman and @ned -- on one of their posts and Ned gaver a vote. I was nearly able to retire that week as a result LOL.

It helped me gain confidence learning on here --- to boldy go where no Dutton has gone before and try other #Crypto things.

You are so right @fulltimegeek.

Last week I asked when you made the transition away from Part Time Geek to @fulltimegeek and never heard back LOL, I thought that was quite witty of me !!!! I hoped you got a laugh.


Last week I asked when you made the transition away from Part Time Geek to @fulltimegeek

Shortly after the 2008 crash. I needed the hours.

I just noticed your Resteem of this, thanks very much, I am off to bed!! Did you see @papa-pepper 's post from about 30 mins ago, on the Steemit song collab??? I won't give it away, watch it or on YT. LOL

Just about to publish my article today on @charlieshrem officially working with @changelly

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