BitNation | The pioneer of self-governing nations

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)


BitNation is the first Decentralized Borderless Voluntary Nation in the world. This simply means that it is a (digital) nation that uses blockchain technology to set up a superior system of governance where citizens can be made global citizens and enjoy the vast benefits that would cut across several offline countries.

The project started in 2014 and since then several milestones have been climbed to prove that the concept is achievable. BitNation has been able to issue through blockchain some vital certificates and legal documents including; Marriage Certificates, Birth Certificates, Valid Means of Identification (for refugees), Global Citizenship, constitutions and many others. The model is still being used by over 10000 people after the creation of the first 200 nations with embassies sited at various locations in the world.

The project has been decorated with some honorary awards as a reward mechanism for the ingenuity behind the innovation. Such awards include the UNESCO’s Netexplo Award in 2017. The project has also been featured on several journals and magazines including; the Wall Street Journal, BBC, CNN, VICE, TechCrunch, The Economist, Bloomberg and many other prominent publication companies.

The Substitution Effect of BitNation

I believe this is one of the purest practices of blockchain technology. I have seen thousands upon thousands of innovation coming out from this space. I have seen digital financial systems, health-care programs, music initiatives, social media, even legal innovations all leveraging on blockchain technology to disrupt conventional methods of doing things, but what BitNation has brought is unique and in my opinion is the ultimate application of blockchain technology; thinking about the possibilities of having borderless nations and autonomous nations that is capable of self-governance based on unique smart contracts on its own blockchain.

The enthusiasts of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology have been able to address the issues in various sectors of our countries by intensifying the competition among the major players in crucial industries of our countries but we are yet to see an innovation that puts pressure on governments and increases competition among them. This will only be made possible when there is a superior model that puts the threat of substitution on them. This is what I personally refer to as the “Substitution Effect of BitNation”. In pure economics, the concept of the “Substitution Effect” is used to describe the impact of the presence of an alternative commodity (goods or services) on the level of sales and performance of the other commodity in the same category. In other words, this means the presence of borderless and decentralized nations like BitNation would put more pressure on the conventional governing systems to serve citizens better.

The Road to Freedom

Citizenship by birth is borderline (almost) oppressive, especially for inhabitants of the third-world countries where corruption and poor governance is the order of the day. Millions of citizens wished they were from somewhere else and under the jurisdiction of a better government; a government that not only cares about the wellbeing of its citizens but also has a working knowledge of how to deliver all its promises to them. This is why BitNation would be a game-changer for most people especially for those who were born in the third-world countries.

At the heart of the innovation of blockchain technology lies a deep and undying desire for a better world where we can all be free from the manipulations and oppression of centralized government and corrupt financial institutions; a world where people can decide their own fate and destinies without anyone meddling with their choices. This is exactly what BitNation is offering; you can now choose your own nation; opt-in and out whenever you wish to.

A Paradigm Shift in Power Tussles

True Economic Power lies in the number of resources at one’s disposal. One of the greatest assets in a nation is its human resources. This is why you see nations with hundreds and thousands of natural resources still lags far behind in their quest to attain development. This is because development only comes when the human resources of a nation are able to drive (harness) its natural resources to their fullest capacities. This is why the reality of BitNation will with no doubt shift the power-tussle from citizens to citizens to a tussle of nations to nations in an attempt to keep their most valuable resources. The reason behind this will be because BitNation is throwing the door wide open and giving the people the power to stay with a nation or identify with another (opt-in or out). Hence, sovereignty shifts from state to citizens.

A Distributed Decision Making Mechanism

One of the most important concepts used by BitNation is the concept “holon”. This concept is used to describe a “jurisdiction that simultaneously represents a single part of an entire system. This would allow BitNation to retain fluidity, autonomy and at the same time curtailing the control of centralized hierarchies” source. With this, the decision-making process within each nation would be reached through a consensus among the various participants in these digital nations.

BitNation keeps its focus solely on four levels in the Pangea ecosystem (the Pangea world is the world without borders; a pre-Jurassic era where all continents were held together). These four levels include;

  • Global Citizens
  • Ally (Allies)
  • Embassy or Consulate
  • Ambassadors

These four have specific interactions giving citizens a wide range of options as to how they can utilize the BitNation Pangea services.

If you would like to know more about BitNation and more of its benefits or need more information about how to start your own nation, kindly follow the links below this post.

To read more about BitNation kindly visit the following links;





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