BitNation | Sovereignty of Citizens

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)


The classical economists held a belief in their school of thought about how best an economy would operate. That belief was that of a free market and it is primarily built on the works of Adam Smith.

The concept of having a free market was first postulated by the father of economics himself, Adam Smith. He believed that a free market would translate to competition among producers and the urge to keep their customers (clients). This competition would then lead to more productivity and reduction in the price of commodities. The concept of a free market has been quite successful in wide applications. As a matter of fact, that is the bedrock of every capitalist society; giving room for competition among producers in order to have more productivity in our economies.

Countries like The United States of America, Canada, Germany, The United Kingdom, Japan and South Korea that happen to be the top capitalist societies also thrive based on this fundamental principle of economics.

Producers, as a result of the free market mechanism, would be forced to be more productive knowing that if they are not competitive enough they would lose an unpredictable number of customers to other producers that provide superior quality in service. The concept of BitNation is to bring about this same competition that the early economists introduced in the commodity and money market to the state itself. If I were to describe BitNation in few words, I would refer to it as;

as s project that seeks to introduce competition among sovereign states in other to restore true sovereignty to citizens.

Sovereinty of Citizens

The concept of sovereignty of citizens isn’t necessarily a bad concept as this movement began due to the oppressive nature and inefficiencies of the state. Citizens demand for sovereignty in their quest to be free from the oppression of the state and this doesn’t necessarily depict a desire to go above or against the law. However, some laws are unfair and only favour a few in our societies. Thrasymachus who happened to be one of the earliest sophist and philosopher from Athens described “law and order as the will of the strongest and most powerful in the society of men”. A lot of citizens from all over the world are just like him, constantly asking the question of “who defines justice?” and how much justice can justice really bring?

Herbert Spencer who also happened to be a sociologist also showed great concern for this and he wrote in his words;

“As a corollary to the proposition that all institutions (sectors and industries including the government) must be subordinated to the law of equal freedom, we cannot choose but acknowledge the right of the citizen to adopt a condition of voluntary outlawry. If every man has the to do all that he desires, provided he infringes not the equal freedom of any other man, then he is free to drop connection with the state —to relinquish its protection, and to refuse to pay towards its support. It is self-evident that in so behaving he does not in any way trenches upon the liberty of others; for his position is a passive one; and whilst passive he cannot become an aggressor. It is equally self-evident that he cannot be compelled to continue one of a political corporation, without a breach of the moral law, seeing that citizenship involves payment of taxes; and the taking away of a man’s property against his will is an infringement of his rights.”
―Herbert Spencer, The Right To Ignore The State

In my opinion, the desire for the right and freedom to choose freely between states lies quietly in the heart of all humans as a result of their dissatisfaction with the state and its unfair rules (sometimes). BitNation gives that right back to citizens and that power that lies in the hands of citizens to choose to associate or disconnect from one nation and identify with another that seems to be more effective.

The Pangea Opportunities

The establishment of the Pangea Jurisdiction as promised by BitNation would give room for global consensus in a world that is gradually becoming a global village. Citizens will have access to countless opportunities and rights in a borderless world.

BitNation has been in existence since 2014 and it has proven itself to be viable and practically possible from the digital point of view. The founder of BitNation Susanne Tarkowski Tempelhof, who also happened to be the CEO of the company, has a wealth of experience in governance and the vision was born out of her knowledge of why and how governments fail. The flaws of centralized and conventional governing systems are corrected with BitNation through the instrumentality of other mind-blowing innovations that will make the possibilities of self-governing societies a reality.

Goal of BitNation

The primary objective of the project is to abolish nation states and give birth to the possibilities and opportunities for the creation of independent and autonomous nations in the digital space that doesn’t know any physical borders and that also equips citizens with the choice of cutting their connection with the state based on the performance level of its government.

The success of BitNation would mean freedom for all economic men. The level of liberation that BitNation will be bringing will also produce effectiveness and efficiency among these nations just like it does in the free market economies.

To read more about BITNATION kindly visit the following links;
Project Website:

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