What is the biggest amount you have lost in the cryptocurrency market?

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

View the original post on Musing.io

Oh god...I have lost so much from the market that it is quite sad. Right when every news outlet was covering Bitcoin and all these super cool alt coins, I decided now was the perfect time to ride the wave. Little did I know how awful my timing was. Back then I hardly read the crypto news and kept up with what was going on, all I saw was GREEN every day and I was like “this’ll make me a millionaire”. So I ended up putting in $1,000 in Etheruem and $1,500 in XRP. Ethereum at that time was exactly $980 and XRP was at $1.13. Ethereum then rose all the way to $1,300 and XRP was crazy and rose over $3.50 a pop! I was so happy those days that I became much very too greedy and never sold. Then Bitconnect happened, no need to explain as everyone knows. Since then, bitcoin and the rest of crypto has tublmed to oblivion and here I sit with less than $220 in Ethereum and hardly that much more in Ripple. I am still holding however as I do not want to accept defeat that easily, and am hoping for another moonbot this years end. If an ETF isn’t accepted by Novermeber there will be a very low chance of any bitcoin gains however, so this’ll be a super tense time.


I feel your pain. I am new to crypto and jumped in during the rise of XRP and it was the first crypto I purchased. I bought at $2.20. I spent around $1000 in total on that and Fun Coin. To make matters worse I got locked out of my Binance account in which my coins are held .... One day soon I will have to get my Binance account back up and running.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63330.55
ETH 2645.93
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.82