To Protecting Customer's Assets, Not Banning; Bitcoin | Melindungi Aset Nasabah, Bukan Melarang: Bitcoin |

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

BANK Indonesia (BI) as the central bank reiterated the ban on the use of various types of crypto or cryptocurrency currencies, including bitcoin. The prohibition applies in whatever form the use of cryptocurrency such as selling, buying, or trading. The ban also applies to financial technology providers in Indonesia, both banks and non-bank institutions.
There are several reasons for the prohibition, as can be read on the BI page, among others:

  1. Virtual currency is high risk.
  2. Full speculation.
  3. No authority is responsible.
  4. There is no authorized administrator.
  5. There is no underlying asset the price of virtual currency.
  6. Prone to inflation.
  7. Prone to use for money laundering for embezzlement or terrorism costs.
  8. Affects the financial stability system.

Based on the written statement, Executive Director of BI Communication Department, Agusman, to date, the official currency in circulation and used in Indonesia is rupiah. It is based on Law No. 7 of 2011 on Currency.

If the ban is to protect the public, of course BI's policy should be supported. But when it comes to risk, no business activity is riskless, big or small. Risks are already part of investment, business, and commerce. This is where BI needs to issue a policy to remind customers to avoid or minimize risks. The principle of high risk return return still applies, especially in cryptocurrency trading.

Forbidden, it does not protect

As more and more Indonesians have cryptocurrency including bitcoin, even Indonesia will also have its own crypto currency, the ban appears. This policy does not even protect the assets of citizens, instead instead suppress existing assets. Citizens who have invested their assets in the form of cryptocurrency, would potentially lose.

It would be wise if BI is careful in handling this cryptocurrency problem. Limited prohibition by considering a number of aspects that exist in the crypto world, of course, should be supported by still looking at the impact for citizens and the financial system. Crypto currency so far has not disrupted the financial system, has not been disturbing the public, and only circulated among the limited.

Not a means of payment

Whereas the rupiah is the current legal means of payment, it shall be recognized in accordance with Law Number 7 Year 2011 Concerning Currency. Different types of crypto currency have not been used as a valid means of payment, although some transactions in Steemit, some Steemians have tried to use Steem Dollar as a means of payment, but it is only a trial and just for fun.

Previously, the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (Bappebti), had time to open up opportunities for bitcoin trading in Indonesia. Head of Bappepti Market Development and Development Bureau, Dharmayugo Hermansyah, said that his party is discussing bitcoin trading opportunities, of course if they get permission from BI and the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

If bitcoin is officially traded, the growth of bitcoin and other crypto currencies is more open in Indonesia. In the meantime, let the discussion take place openly with various parties as a financial dynamics. Even Nobel Peace laureate Joseph Stiglitz says bitcoin does not provide social benefits. He predicts bitcoin will disappear later.

A different opinion was expressed by another Nobel Laureate, Robert Shiller, who sees crypto currency attractive to investors because bitcoin tends to have anti-regulatory "flavor" and antiregulation.

So, as for the Steemians we just wait carefully and consider all aspects before making a decision.[]


Melindungi Aset Nasabah, Bukan Melarang; Bitcoin

BANK Indonesia (BI) selaku bank sentral menegaskan kembali pelarangan penggunaan berbagai jenis mata uang kripto atau cryptocurrency, termasuk bitcoin. Larangan itu berlaku dalam bentuk apa pun penggunaan cryptocurrency seperti menjual, membeli, maupun memperdagangkan. Larangan juga berlaku bagi penyelenggara finansial teknologi di Indonesia, baik bank maupun lembaga bukan bank.

Ada beberapa alasan penyebab larangan, seperti yang bisa dibaca di laman BI, antara lain:

  1. Virtual currency sangat berisiko.
  2. Sarat spekulasi.
  3. Tidak ada otoritas yang bertanggung jawab.
  4. Tidak ada administrator resmi.
  5. Tidak terdapat underlying asset yang mendasari harga mata uang virtual.
  6. Rawan penggelembungan.
  7. Rawan digunakan untuk money laundry untuk penggelapan atau biaya terorisme.
  8. Memengaruhi sistem kestabilan keuangan.

Berdasarkan keterangan tertulis, Direktur Eksekutif Departemen Komunikasi BI, Agusman, sampai saat ini, mata uang yang resmi beredar dan dipakai di Indonesia adalah rupiah. Hal itu didasarkan pada Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 2011 Tentang Mata Uang.

Jika larangan tersebut untuk melindungi masyarakat, tentu saja kebijakan BI itu patut didukung. Tapi kalau menyangkut risiko, tidak ada kegiatan bisnis yang tidak mengandung risiko, besar atau kecil. Risiko sudah menjadi bagian dari investasi, bisnis, dan perdagangan. Di sinilah BI perlu mengeluarkan kebijakan yang untuk mengingatkan nasabah agar bisa menghindari atau memperkecil risiko. Prinsip high risk high return masih tetap berlaku, terlebih dalam perdagangan cryptocurrency.

Melarang, justru tidak melindungi

Ketika masyarakat Indonesia semakin banyak yang memiliki cryptocurrency termasuk bitcoin, bahkan Indonesia juga akan memiliki mata uang kripto sendiri, larangan itu muncul. Kebijakan ini bukan malah melindungi aset warga negara, sebaliknya malah memberangus aset yang sudah ada. Warga negara yang sudah menanamkan asetnya dalam bentuk cryptocurrency, justru berpotensi mengalami kerugian.

Akan lebih bijak jika BI berhati-hati dalam menangani masalah cryptocurrency ini. Larangan terbatas dengan mempertimbangkan sejumlah aspek yang ada di dunia kripto, tentunya harus didukung dengan tetap melihat dampaknya bagi warga negara dan sistem keuangan. Mata uang kripto sejauh ini belum mengganggu sistem keuangan, belum meresahkan masyarakat, dan hanya beredar di kalangan terbatas.

Bukan alat pembayaran

Bahwa rupiah adalah alat pembayaran yang sah saat ini, itu harus diakui sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 2011 Tentang Mata Uang. Berbagai jenis mata uang kripto belum digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran yang sah, meski beberapa transaksi di Steemit, beberapa Steemians pernah mencoba menggunakan Steem Dollar sebagai alat pembayaran, tetapi itu hanya bersifat coba-coba.

Sebelumnya, Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi (Bappebti), sempat mewacanakan untuk membuka peluang perdagangan bitcoin di Indonesia. Kepala Biro Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Pasar Bappepti, Dharmayuho Hermansyah, menyebutkan pihaknya sedang membahas peluang perdagangan bitcoin, tentu saja jika mendapatkan izin dari BI dan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK).

Jika bitcoin resmi diperdagangkan, maka pertumbuhan bitcoin dan mata uang kripto lainnya semakin terbuka di Indonesia. Untuk sementara ini, biarlah diskusi itu terjadi secara terbuka dengan berbagai pihak sebagai sebuah dinamika keuangan. Bahkan pemenang Nobel Ekonmi, Joseph Stiglitz, mengatakan bitcoin tidak memberi manfaat sosial. Dia memprediksikan bitcoin akan hilang nanti.

Pendapat berbeda disampaikan pemenang Nobel lainnya, Robert Shiller, yang memandang mata uang kripto menarik bagi investor karena bitcoin cenderung memiliki “rasa” antipemerintah dan antiregulasi.

Jadi, sebagai Steemians kita tunggu saja dengan hati-hati dan mempertimbangkan semua aspek sebelum mengambil keputusan.[]





I really hope that the Indonesia Government doesn't ban or even overly regulate cryptocurrencies.

In my home country of The United States, news media has become 90% just an extension of our intelligence agencies, and the narrative is manufactured to steer the masses like a pack of lemmings. Fortunately we are not going to have a ban on cryptos, because our rich elite stand to make a fortune in earnings from new, weak handed investors, which we can see happening right now as the entire altcoin market turns red the last few days. This is being done intentionally. Once these whales decide where the bottom is, they will allow for more natural growth, so that in the future again, they can strip all the profits out of the market. That's why now we are seeing so much negative news media buzz around Bitcoin. The same people feeding these news narratives are getting rich off of the panic sellers in the crypto markets.

You also have to be careful with regulation as well. Over regulation during the Obama Administration in The United States nearly killed all hope for the long term unemployed, but now that President Trump is slashing all the regulations, money can flow more freely again.

That all said, everyone must be extremely careful and calculated when entering the cryptocurrency market. Stick to the basic rules. Buy low, sell high. Don't be afraid of missing out and reach for the "moon" as they say, but be wise and pull your profits out incrementally. And lastly remember... You cannot lose money (or make money) until you sell, so if your investments are in a down time, you MUST have patience and hold on tight and wait. Everything in life rises and falls and rises again and falls again. It is as nature intended.

Great post, friend. Thank you.

very nice and i love reading your post

Saya juga baru kembaca kembali hari ini bang disalah satu media

Inti yang mereka khawatirkan ada pada poin delapan (8).
Poin 1-7 akan menghasilkan poin 8 (Menurut pandangan saya).

Terimakasih untuk informasinya
Great job

Masih ambiguous mas, BI sudah mentok, kalau mau melarang btc, harus amandemen UU atau bikin UU baru. Pemahaman BI mengenai btc berbeda dengan bappepti.

Crypto masih dilarang mungkin karena sifatnya yang bisa dimanfaatkan secara anonim. Yaa.. padahal anonim itu tak melulu buruk atau negatif. Banyak juga pembiayaan untuk riset-riset yg bermanfaat untuk orang banyak.
Benar kata abang @ayijufridar, kita tunggu aja kemana arah angin berhembus dan selalu bertanggung jawab secara pribadi atas tindakan dalam penggunaan crypto.

Sangat berguna, tetapi saya sudah tarik semua btc saya gak banyak cuma 6 btc, saya kira lebih aman saya simpan dirumah mas @ayijufridar

Pelarangan karena cara pikir pemerintah yang harus ada regulasi dulu baru sah... BTW, tulisannya bagus sekali....

Sepakat bg @ayijufridar
melarang bukan berarti melindungi

Sepertinya dikhawatirkan BI karena dapat memengaruhi sistem kestabilan keuangan. Selama itu halal menurut agama kita, ya sah-sah saja, kiban bang @ayijufridar

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