The Crypto Crisis or Just An Attempt From The Elite To Drive The Price DOWN? I say DON'T SELL, DON'T PANIC, BUY MORE.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)


First of all, I want to say I am not in any way, shape, or form an expert on Crypto markets, or a famous guy on Steemit. I don't know much about a way the whole Crypto world thing works as I have just recently got into it with joining this platform. So please do not take my words as advice on what to do now as the Crypto is in a free fall right now. This is only my personal opinion based on little research, and my gut feeling about it all.

What I have been reading lately is that the reason for cryptos value falling down is because JP Morgan, Bank Of America, and other banks have banned purchasing any cryptocurrencies over their bank cards.Plus India and I believe China banning the whole thing about cryptos. So it makes sense why prices of cryptos are going down significantly. But, for me, it does not make sense why they are doing it? Actually, it does, and let me tell you my reasoning behind it?

My Personal Reasoning Behind It

It is a simple answer for me. The big elite banks are on the brink of losing control and cryptos are getting stronger and are becoming a treat to the "real" money these banks invented, and print whenever they need. It has become a treat to their ways of enslaving people into the dept of money and controlling our lives. It has become a treat to their power in the world. With cryptos in place, people are literally freeing themselves from the chains of the current money "slave" system. And, they do not want to see this happening. So what are they doing about it?


In order to control the world, you have to control the source of power? In previous cases money, and in this case cryptos which they are trying to take under control. So how are they doing it? Simple by banning regular people from buying it, so they can drive its price down, and buy as much as they can for themselves. And, they can do it with just printing more of the literally invisible money they control. They want to take control of the crypto distribution as well.

So the more they own, the more they can dictate the prices on the market, and in a way enslave people again. They want to be majority holders of all crypto on the market. They know their financial system in which they controlled people is crashing down, and they want to take control of new cryptosystem as well. So they can continue their terror on people. Just like for who knows how many years before. So what can we really do about it? At least in my humble amateur opinion, of course?


Greedy Only Desire More Greed

Don't panic about the prices, and don't sell your saved and hard-earned crypto. Because that is exactly what they want you to do. They want you to sell it now at a low price so they can buy it off from you. And, later take control of the supply of crypto and control our lives again. This is not an attack to destroy crypto, but rather an attack to take control of crypto. To limit your ways of buying more, and to sell the existing one we have so they can buy it. If we sell now we are giving them back the control they had with "real" money.

If we sell now we are giving up the "control". We are giving them back the power. With "real" money they had to the power to print and create as much as they want out of nothing. In reality, money does not exist. They are just numbers on the screen they put into your bank account. And, they control all of it. Let's not give them the power of supply ever again. Let's free our selves from the "money slavery" they created to control us and the entire world. I say in my amateur understanding DON'T SELL. Buy more, take the control back from them.

Like I said this is only my reasoning behind all of this "cryptos crisis", and I am choosing to save up my crypto, and invest even more. Could I be wrong? Of course, I am an amateur in all of this. But, my gut feeling is telling me it is time to INVEST, and not SELL. Because there are countries already allowing crypto as means of payments, and much more are on the way there. So this tries to limit people's ways of buying crypto is just an attempt to take control of the market and nothing else. Which brings another question?

The Fallacy Of Thinking Money Is "REAL"

If you can't buy what you want, including crypto, with "YOUR MONEY", is it really your money? Think about it? It is not your money, it has never been your money, and it will never truly be your "real" money. If you think it is then to try and go buy crypto with your Bank Of Greedy Americans card? Not you greedy, of course, but the elite controlling all the supply of "real" money. Makes you think twice about how truly free you are?

Cryptos are our way of taking control back to people from the greedy individuals who can't ever have enough. They always want more and more. So I am deciding to take a little control back from them. So I am not selling, I am not panicking, I am investing even more. I am not letting them control me by fear. Again this is my humble amateur opinion about it, and it is up to you to do research and make your own decisions. This is my "PERSONAL DECISION".I choose to trust my gut, instead of the fear they are creating in order bring the prices down, and buy them from themselves. Only time will tell if I am right...

I am interested in what you guys think about it? I want to know what you think is happening and what will come out from this crypto crisis? Am I wrong? Am I right? Would love to get a little discussion going about it? Especially from people who know way more about it than me? Let's help each other make the best decision possible about the cryptos?

Thank you all for reading, have an amazing day, much love,

dbjegovic 💓💓



Great article bro! I totally agree with your theory here.. I actually just sold my house yesterday and am putting in at least half of my profits, maybe more if this correction goes down even more.. I have nothing but faith in cryptos, they are the future!

That is a pretty big leap of faith, my friend. And, I truly hope you investments return in abundance. If not, we always have sunrise and sundowns right? :)

If for some reason I am wrong and cryptos crash out completely then I guess the universe had other plans for me.. lol.. But I am now at a point in my life where money doesn't really mean much to me anymore.. so whatever is suppose to happen is fine..

absolutely we always got sunrises and sunsets! like i always say, the best things in life are free..n ;)

Nice post. It would help if a lot of the people who invest in crypto actually understood or believed in it. Though you claim to not be an expert, you at least understand why it exists and why it should continue to exist. A lot of the new investors in crypto got in just hoping to get rich, so when entities try to regulate it and the price falls a little they sell and the price falls a lot. It may be just as well that the weak hands get out now so the true believers can hang tough. Unless like you said the banks are scooping it all up :) -@bozz

New "investors" who dont understand or believe in cryptos, but are simply trying to make a quick buck are GAMBLERS. Hold and buy more when you can. The blockchain community has been through worse and survived.

As for banks taking positions on cryptos, there is absolutely no way they would sit on the sidelines while an emerging technology threatens to change the game. Hopefully they aren't using Shorts and futures contract to manipulate things to much... but they also own patents on crypto exchange technology. Just look at Bank of America!

Thank you for a great comment. I hope it does help them. I am talking about this from my understanding of how financial world works today and this it the only thing which makes sense to me of why those banks would ban purchasing crypto. I could be wrong, but this is my gut feeling based on little research. :)

I am so pleased to see these posts more and more. I was getting tired of seeing post about people being doom and gloom about crypto when really they need to be taking advantage of it, I believe it will keep doing this for a while but when ever it does bottom out it could be the lowest and never reach that again.

Well, people are reacting to something they don't understand. Not understanding is creating fear just like in everything in life. Hopefully, I am right, and they read this post and stop being afraid. It is definitely time to buy for me, that is if I had some extra cash. lol

I guess my only investment right now will be through Steemit and posting in here. :)

Thank you, for a great comment. Have an amazing day. :)

You are welcome I read today that its finally settling down and an interesting article saying that if bitoin keep their 36% share its going to be worth 100 000 wow.

Hey bro, I will have to agree with you on all these points. I woke up this morning and saw every single thing in the red...I panicked at first but then thank god I was able to compose myself fast...I decided that it is the best time to get in so I am going to buy with what money I can spare and hold as soon as I get paid.

I think it is a good choice, but only time can tell if I am right or not. It is the only way this makes sense to me. Hopefully, we will be both smiling at this post in the near future. Because it was the day we made the right choice. : )

Just look at the US National debt. There are serious doubts about the ability to increase the debt ceiling and raise more funds to keep fighting wars, paying for entitlements, and running a horribly inefficient burarcracy. Cryptos, like gold, are a way of hedging against a crash in fiat currencies.

They can always print more money for their wars. They start these wars anyway just so they can take control of the other countries financial system. That is why it is important to take their power away. And, it can start with crypto. :)

I won't sell either. As soon as I have some more SBD I'll keep buying. :)

That is my plan as well. Let's see what happens. :)

This post has received a 0.02 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

I think I am gonna jump out of window in my mom's basement! ;)

I hope your mom's basement is on the bottom floor, my friend. If its not, then I truly hope you don't jump. lol

Hello! You've got a pretty big point there. Although it's from a personal point of view but this might be a good answer to some of the people's concerns and etc. Thank you for the share. :)

Only time will tell if I am right. I have an understanding of how the financial system works today and this is the only way I could explain what is happening. Drive the price down, and buy it all kind of thing. This is not the first time they did this. :)

it's as you said, there is no point of selling right now, others take advantage of our ''fear'' and buy buy buy more. then they control more power and as natural they can manipulate everything so instead hodl or buy, there is no reason to sell and as we can see by now the markets are again up!

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