Best Long Term Cloud Mining Contract December 2017

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

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I have been on the hunt for the last couple of months trying to find a profitable cloud mining provider that is reputable while also delivering a reasonable hash rate to make a realistic ROI. A few months ago I found what I believe to be what I have been looking for a long time - MinerGate. MinerGate is a GUI based miner that can be downloaded on Windows, Mac, and linux but that isn't what I would like to share with you guys today. I would like to share with you a (semi) new service that they have launched recently Cloud Mining.

Pros to using MinerGate
1.) Easier to start up than building physical mining machines
2.) Lower upfront cost
3.) simplified upfront cost (no paying electric and maintenance fees)

Cons to using MinerGate
1.) May take slightly longer to get return on your initial investment
2.) Cannot resell used mining equipment
3.) No control over machines going down

You can currently purchase a 1000 GH/s plan for right under $100 (current price for btc $10980) this may go up or down depending on the price of bitcoin. You can expect to get your money back currently in around 3-4 months and remember these are lifetime mining contracts and will continue to mine forever until the maintenance cost is more than the value of bitcoin that is mined.

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