You don't have one IOTA! - But I do now?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

 I just bought $1000 dollars worth of IOTA - Here's why ?


 On December 26, 2013, my wife and I were visiting friends for Christmas. After a wonderful meal I went and sat on a comfy chair with a glass of wine. Under the coffee table there were a bunch of magazines so I casually took one to have a browse through. It was mostly full of advertisements and I was just about to put it down when something caught my eye. The word "BITCOIN" and the number $9 million.  Does anyone remember this article?
I had heard of Bitcoin before but I did not have any idea of what it was about. 

So I read the article.  
Now I am generally not a person who gets excited easily but by the time I had finished reading I was jumping around the room ilike a crazy child that had just got their favourite Christmas present. I got the concept of Crypto-currency immediately and I was quite simply blown away.  My wife, as well as our friends, wondered what on earth had gotten in to me as I was acting so out of character.
At that time Bitcoin was trading at $12 and I suggested to my wife that we buy $500 dollars worth as soon as possible.  "I am certain they will be worth at least $500 dollars one day!"  I said.
Yes I know, I can hear you laughing. 

 I am an artist by profession.
Art is my education and employment background.
Although art and money have historically gone hand in hand, money has never been a part of my motivation to create art. Any serious artist of any worth is not motivated by money either, although today this seems to be changing.  Anyways, like I said, money motivation has never been my inspiration. 

So why was I so excited about Bitcoin? 

Bare with me and let me explain.
You see, for the previous three years I had been educating myself about finance.
I wanted to know everything there was to learn about money and the reason why I was so motivated was because I,
as well as several other billion people, wanted to know how the hell the financial crash had happened in 2008.
I did not lose my home or job, like many unfortunate people did, but I am certain that each of us were affected in some negative way by this financial armageddon.

The financial crash affected my career in a dramatic way and I took it personally. 

In 2008 I got my "big break" in the art world.
I was accepted to exhibit at an international respected gallery in Oslo. Wealthy art collectors and art critics often visited this gallery so if I had a successful exhibition I would be set for life.


However, the very next day, after I had finished hanging up my work, the gallery owner came to talk to me. He informed me that he had just heard there had been a gigantic financial crash and I was to expect NOT to sell a single painting. He feared that people would hold on to their cash through FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt).
When money is tight, art is always the first to suffer because it is a luxury item.  
The gallery owner was right. I did not sell a single painting.
I did not get big interest from art collectors but they they would not buy at that time due to worrying how bad the finical crash might get. And we all know how bad it became. 

 I wanted to know what the hell had happened!

When I found out I became very angry at the banks for their blatant corruption and greed. And so when I discovered Bitcoin I could see that this could change the world for the better.  I went around telling everyone I knew, and everyone I knew, laughed at me. They dont laugh now.
Just to tell you that I DID NOT buy $500 dollars of Btcoin at that time because other things happened and my attention was diverted for a few years. To tellthe truth I got swindled but that´s another story. It still pains me now to think about it but we can't go back in time. I just have to live with it.
However, I did buy Bitcoin when it was selling at $200. I also invested early in other crypto-currencies and have done rather well. I was a "fairly" early member here on Steemit too although I missed out on the early boom when steem reached $4.00.  

You don't have one IOTA! -  But I do now!

I read about IOTA about a year and a half ago but I can't remember where. However I do remember that I was in bed when I was reading about it lol.  I also remember getting the same "blown away excited feeling" as I got when I first read about Bitcoin.
Once again I got up and was jumping around the room telling my wife that this would be the next Bitcoin.
"Not again!"
she said. Like I said, this was one and a half years ago.
I actually tried to see if I could get my hands on some then but it was not possible at that time.

The reason why I became so excited was because the technology behind it was mind blowing. I love technology and had been looking into the development of quantum computers and so when I read that IOTA had been "designed" to run on quantum computers it caught my attention immediately.
I also understood that it had solved the problem of transaction speeds. As I understand it, the more transactions the more efficient it works. Genius!
What I did not know back then was that IOTA would also have NO transaction fees. But hey, that´s just a bonus.  
I am no expert on crypto-currency nor am I a programer, I am an artist, and as an artist I see patterns and I believe it is this ability that has enabled me to see how things develop- how their pattern pans out. I have a good track record for being able to spot something original.
And IOTA is original. It is also the natural next step in crytpto-currency evolution - the next stage int the pattern.
Read about it yourself and make up your own mind.
As for me, I will not miss out on this opportunity again.
I don´t want to end up like Dave Allen complaining that he does not have one IOTA

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 What I write is merely my own thoughts from my own life experience.
I do not like to say follow me or upvote me because I prefer you decide for yourself. But anyone who does follow me and tells me then I follow them back. If anyone upvotes me then I like to support them back.
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and a warm welcome back to you next time. 


I remember hearing about bitcoin while watching CNBC during the banking crisis in Cyprus. They brought up the bitcoin chart and were talking about how this new currency was rising as a result of the financial situation in Cyrpus, and at that point btc was trading somewhere around $100 or something like that.

Within a week, I had signed up on bitcointalk and was mining Litecoin with all the GPUs I had in the house, LOL. That was just a few weeks before LTC rallied above $40. It was crazy!

Btw, your paintings have a very psychedelic feel to them.

You got a new follower! ;-)

Wow I like hearing how people got into crypto..and a miner no less, impressive. I toyed wit the idea of course but just never go around to it. I have a couple of accounts on Genesis mining but that´s about it.
Ah yes my painting are known for their mad colours. I think it is from my childhood. I was born and raised in Sierra Leone, West Africa. The sun is strong and therefore so are the colours. There are also lizards and frogs with some crazy colours out there. Im sure all that had an affect on fledgling artistic mind.
Thanks for the contact and the follow.
Followed back ;)

"Not again!" she said. - haha just like my GF :D :D

Im planning on increasing my IOTA holdings as they progress. Im not jumping on train in one hop :) I would rather have a bit smaller gains, but more certainty.
Its like a bitcoin in 2011. You would have shitload of gains, but at that time, it was even less certain bet as IOTA is now :D

The tech needs to prove itself in real world. Somethign like a partnership with car company is needed. If that happens and it works.....damn boi :D Im gonna make IOTA my core!

Excellent thinking my friend.
Just to inform you i(n case you did not know)... Microsoft is now doing experiments with IOTA.
A mobile company is looking to make a type of iphone that runs like a blockchain using IOTA for free payments.
And a micro payments company "Satoshipay" is looking to get out of Bitcoin and use IOTA instead. Things move fast in the crypto world.

Thats awesome!!!!
Im a designer and Im gonna design wallet concepts for IOTA :) Help them go mainstream ... "You can predict the future only if you can change it. "

I have only 2% of my investments in IOTA right now, but I might bump it a bit up :)

Hey that´s cool my friend, great idea. I love that quote, not heard that before.
I am following you now so I will look out for any of your IOTA wallet design concepts in the future.
Brilliant :)

Finally you wrote on cryptocurrncy @authuradamson. This could be inspirational blog for various people. I invested a very small amount in bitconnect, and as per my information this coin / currency is going to be in top 10 of world's cryptocurrencies. Anyways , Thanks for sharing such a great blog. Most of the people who are not aware will get sufficient information. Best Regards,

I also own some Bitconnect but there is a slight danger the website can just up and vanish one day with eveyones money and there would be nothing anyone could do to get it back. Make sure you send to a Bitcoin address as soon as your contract is up. So far tit looks legit but I am just a little weary of it.

Once people understand just how far ahead IOTA is then it will rise to the top fast. Remeber I was the one who told you so.
IOTA is totally original in its concept.
Good to hear you are investing in crypto at least.
The crypto world is just beginning. All people investing now will be millionaire int ten years time. Thats if world leaders dont mess everything up and start a war.

I'll read more about IOTA, even if I have not a dollar to invest.
I liked the project behind EOS and bought some of them, and I'm following the development of their first meta-blockchain.
I followed the development of Viewly too, and I took a very little part of their pre ICO today.
Perhaps it's time I find a way to work inside the blockchain - perhaps it's still too soon, since I can't work in the tech - just in its application - maybe. :)

Yes I too was impressed with EOS especially considering who is behind it so i think that was a good investment.

The thing with crypto that people have to ask themselves is; What exactly will it be used for? When you ask that you often realise that there are other crypto-currencies that are already doing that job and have an established base. Or it is just a copy. Steemit has a use so I know it will survive and grow.
Ethereum has a use but personally I dont have a feeling for it and never have done.
In the end life is practical.
Things have to have a use.
Crypto-currency is no different.
At the moment the race is mostly about wrapping up the same technology in different fancy wrapping paper.
Bitcoin was totally unique.
So is IOTA. It is totally original.
IOTA tehcnology is the crypto of the future because it was built with the idea of working with computers of the future.
And we all know that technology does not go backwards but forwards. And it goes fast. When people realise this then IOTA will come to dominate.
I am considering doing a simple guide explanation of IOTA so that people can really understand just why it is inevitable that it will come to dominate the crypto world.
Good to hear from you my good fellow ;)

That's a solid smart investment. I consider IOTA the crypto that has the most long term potential in the crypto space right now. Sleeping giant.

Some other platforms for you to explorer that also have the same kind of enormous potential as IOTA:


Especially NEXUS, such an ambitious project! Watch some of the videos on youtube from the recent Nexus conference. Tons of great info.

Cheers! I will check those out @anarcho
I have read a little on Bitshares and I have heard good things about EOS but have not invested in it. Nexus I know nothing about so I will definitely look into that one.
Im pretty much in love with IOTA at the moment lol
It is a giant, bit I dont think it will be asleep for very long ;)

I wanted to but some iota today so I opened bittrex and thought of buying some iota but unfortunately it was not listed there.
Can you suggest any good exchange where I can buy it @arthuradamson ?

Yeah you are right, it is not on Bittrex.
But you can open an account on Bitfinex and buy some there.
Some people are averse to trading on Bitfinex because it got hacked last year. However, when you look into the matter it was not really Bitfinex fault. A scammer had set up a fake site that looked identical and people were giving away their information. The security on Bitfinex is actually very good these days so I dont concern myself with that. Anyways, you can just buy some IOTA and send it to an IOTA wallet straight away.
I saw IOTA was up 3% today.
You see, I have a theory. There are rumours that big banks and Wall St are set to poor millions of dollars into the crypto world. This amount of money would actually overload the system. It is not ready for it.
Now what do you think will happen when those who do not understand how blockchain works, the big investors who just want to make a profit, suddenly see their money locked up? They will ask for and pay for the best advice and the only answer they can give is IOTA. Suddenly everyone will jump onto it. Especially with this new atomic swap technology. Everyone with Bitcoin will jump over to IOTA and Bitcoin could fall like a stone. At this stage loyalty to Bitcoin is becomong thin. Profit is becoming the name of the game. When profit is involved loyalty goes out the window. It is survival of the fittest and IOTA is built to live un the future.
Its only my view but I have put my money where my mouth is and invest a lot of dollars. Good luck and thanx for taking contact @syedumair

I completely agree with you.
I have been doing bit of digging into iota from the past few days and I decided to buy some. I think it truly has the potential to take over crypto market.
And thanks for you reply, it was helpful.

Good investment my friend, I do not think you can lose.
I am totally blown away with IOTA.

thnaks hope fully post i like your post and make othere post about this>

congrats on your investment and hope IOTA becomes a success. I read a little into the token and it is out of my league to understand so I am staying on the sidelines with this one. I would be interested to learn more about it though and maybe change my mind. Thanks.

I guess I always feel like am talking to experts on cryptocurrency. I often forget that there still millions who are still new to it.
I will definitely do a beginners guide to IOTA so that anyone can understand it. Once people get this they will realise that IOTA is unstoppable. IMO it is the Bitcoin of the future.
Thanks for taking contact @mawit07 - watch this space for more info soon

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