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RE: - Possible Indicator that the Crypto Bubble is at an End?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

It seems like it is levelling out on some sites but I think that will drastically increase as the holiday time comes to an end and more investors poor in as fall opens its doors.

I think this bubble was just a fantasy and I don't think we will experience any major crashes compared to before.

Hopefully this traffic will continue since usually with popularity comes higher prices of bitcoin @demotruk


I would agree, the above analysis does not account for seasonal variations.

I don't believe seasonal variations have much impact on this. Aside from the fact that it is a ranking system and most websites are affected by the same seasons (with a population primarily in the Northern hemisphere), the changes in traffic are many orders of magnitude which is way beyond the typical impact of seasonality.

There are many different metrics people are using to look for indicators. I applaud you for looking at something different to most.

I think looking at just one will not give a best indicator. In the end, there are always unforeseen events that historical charts can never account for.

So in the end, time will tell.

Yes I agree, no indicator should be looked at without a broader perspective in mind.

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