Prospective cryptocurrency.
BitCoin growing popularity has led to the appearance on the market of new projects cryptographic currency, which sooner or later will compete with the founder of this kind of money.
These projects invested large sums, each of which has its own value, the list of services and suppliers of goods and services, which are ready to accept the currency. In addition, each project has its own difficulties in their production.
Try to understand what perspective cryptocurrency in 2016, will be the most attractive.
Popular cryptocurrency

All with him began. The first cryptographic currency, born in 2009. Network nodes involved the generation of new coins by solving many complex, identical tasks type. There is a calculation of the SHA-256 hash.
It should be noted that today produce BitCoin was much heavier than a few years ago. That is why the ever-changing course of the cryptocurrency kept stably high. Cases of crossed the mark of one thousand dollars per BitCoin. This situation has led to the fact that individual users has been difficult to obtain the currency and they have to be united in the so-called pools.

This system was presented in 2011. The author of this kibervalyuty became a retired employee of the Internet giant Google Charlie Lee. He made an attempt to link the price of the currency to the value of silver. By the way, sometimes the cryptocurrency, called electronic silver.
Unlike BitCoin in that currency more friendly mining. The speed of transactions has increased four times. Furthermore, users who have installed specialized equipment will not receive any preferences.

Analysis of existing cryptographic currency would not be complete if you do not remember Primecoin. In fact, it is a modified copy of BitCoin, which differs from the progenitor of utility computing.
Computational resources users are searching for Cunningham chain and solution of other problems. This approach is useful for those involved in cryptography specialists-mathematicians. In addition, the defined reward for those who can find the numbers that exceed the threshold of 1/10/100/1000 million in the decimal system.

As of 2014, the currency is stable ranks third in the list of popular cryptographic currencies. But the main difference from the rest of Peercoin currency, is the fact that it has no restrictions on the volume of the issue. The resulting revenue will be divided not only between those who are engaged in mining, but those who own currency. This proposal looks quite tempting. But we must remember that Peercoin is subject to inflationary phenomena, however, it is only 1% per year, which is not so critical.

While this exchange was an attempt to eliminate one of the problems of the modern world of money. It lies in the fact that instead of having to invest free cash resources in any projects, people prefer to store them. This situation leads to destabilization of prices occurs, and the inhibition of growth. It was found that the original decision really difficult task, a tax on a simple cash resources. That is, if the currency is without any circulation, it is not subject to the five percent tax.

It cryptocurrency launched in 2013. Does not particularly different project got its fame thanks to a series of rumors that this crypto currency is much safer than others, including BitCoin. We must assume that this information is unlikely to be true as to break any known currency will have to use the power of thousands of computers with large capacities. Such computing power exists only in supercomputers.

By the way, the most promising cryptocurrency at the beginning of 2016 was considered Ethereum. For some reason, the high demand began to appear on it, and this has led to the fact that its production began in droves. As a result, its rate has increased from 0.8 to 1.6 USD in just one month.
Worldcoin, WDC

This currency has entered the market in 2013, today its rate is 0.5 USD, the turnover is 32 million coins. emission rate of 128 coins per minute. The maximum amount of coins of 256.4 million coins. This is the kind of cryptographic currency differs from many other translation speed. Since transfer time is 30 seconds to one minute, while BitCoin this operation occurs in a time 20 times greater.
Although this coin is not so much advertised and a little network where it can be used as a means of payment, its course is constantly growing and its growth for a few weeks was 7500%. The capitalization of the cryptographic currency is 20 million USD.
If all is quite difficult in terms of short-term investments, the market cryptocurrency difficult to predict what will go up and some down.
In terms of long-term investments all much easier. Suffice it to analyze the results of trading and you can pick the one that is in constant growth. But it must, of course, and look at the results of yield. By the way, one of the ever-increasing rates, at least according to the results in 2015 was considered DogCoin
These examples - it is only part of the prospective cryptocurrency appearing as a continuation of the legendary BitCoin. In practice, there are many projects that vary in volume issue, the name and some other characteristics.Many open source projects can be safely attributed to fraud. In fact, at one time BitCoin was recognized as the most convenient way to launder money.
Author: @Anton333
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Are you a Native English speaker?
Regardless I've given you an upvote for making an effort.