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RE: Are Most Cryptocurrencies Doomed to Collapse — because they’re “ICO-issued”?

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

Oily foods in excess just aren’t good. Salmon is a very oily fish. It’s okay once in a while, but my experience with it, is it is not a good regular item for the diet. Also grass/bugs fed, open range raised beef and chicken also have significant omega 3. IMO and experimentation, too much omega 3 by over emphasizing fatty fish is taking the point about omega 3 to an extreme and beyond a healthy balance. Generally speaking if all other factors equal, fish that live exclusively in the wide-open ocean are leaner and healther than fish that dwell in streams, rivers, lakes (especially man-made such as Tilipia fish) or in the corrals or along the seabed. Yet very old fish in waters polluted with mercury aren’t desirable as they concentrate it. Tuna from the south Pacific where I am are very low in mercury.

I’m not claiming salmon is bad, but I don’t think eating salmon every day is a panacea or desirable, based on my experimentation with it. I find I am much more lean and feel better with tuna. If I eat salmon or tuna belly which are both extremely unbalanced high in omega 6, then I get adverse effects. Yet I am much more sensitive than someone with a healthy digestive tract.

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