Decentralizing the gaming network: what is MindSports IO?

Decentralizing the gaming network

What is MindSports IO?

There are several problems with the way the gaming network is being controlled right now: it's centralized in a small gorup of "game venue owners", to say something, and this affects mind game players and enthusiasts. Now, I envision a decentralized future, as I have said before, and decentralization must come to every single aspect of our lives. The team behind Mindsports IO has understood this, and is now working to bring everyone a new social gaming platform that will integrate the blockchain with these games, starting a new era of decentralized mind sports network governance.

What is it?

Mindsports describes itself as a "decentralized mindsports network", and is based on the Ethereum blockchain. But how exactly can you integrate the blockchain in the gaming network? How do you gamify Ethereum? This is where MindSports shines. As a platform, its main goal is to unify in a single (yet decentralized) interface the gaming network, particularly for mind games (hence the name), in a secure and transparent way. Not only this, but because of how it uses the blockchain, Mindsports opens an unlimited window of possibilities for online and social gaming.

Imagine playing games like chess, bridge and backgammon throughout the Internet with other people all around the world, being able to host tournaments and integrate Ethereum in them, and incorporating more games, reaching out everyone around the globe. This is, without a doubt, the start of a gaming revolution!

What are its features?

As a social gaming platform integrated with the blockchain, one of its main features is the use of tokens to decentralize network governance. In what way? Well, anyone will be able to host a mind sport match or tournament, or to join and play in one of the different venues that will be available. Not only this, but each player will have voting power to ensure, agree with or oppose important decisions, report inactive players or cheaters, and generally speaking to make their voice be heard. And finally, players will be able to redeem a new token called Mind token, further monetizing games with the help of Ethereum.

How will it change the social gaming network?

Right now, there are monopolies on the social gaming niche: a small group of individuals and corporations control how these games are played, integrating ads and finding out a profit for themselves. With Mindsports, this control would be transferred to all the players and participants in an equal way: we are talking about a new way of gaming network governance.

To finish off, I think Mind Sports will achieve an important milestone in the social gaming network: democratizing the decision taking process regarding games. Every player and enthusiast will have the opportunity to take a stand and make their best effort to make the community move forwards and improve every single moment.

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