How useless ICOs destroy value

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Virtually anyone can make a whitepaper, build a bootstrap website and then fill it with pseudo technological jargon terminology; and it'll seem legit enough for a community to follow it and give them millions of dollars in mere seconds. This is ridiculous and It's not similar to a startup getting VC funds at all. which is an argument that i see in such discussion on the regular.

I do understand that many traders are incited by the short term possible lambo-scale profits. And i don't really mind it, if it wasn't the main driving trend in the market right now. Which i believe many see as a threat for the decentralized economy and worldwide scale experience that is the essence of all of this.

I strongly see that the tech behind an ICO and it's long term potential should be the determining point of why it should be adopted. Projects like BAT, Sia Coin, DCORP, SNOM, Internet of Coins, ICONOMI and the recent Numeraire are what the attention should be on. and those ICOs with a strong tech and team backbone seem to generate a similar trend in profits as well so it's not a lose situation at all.

The attention on such projects that have disruptive change possibilities in them is the driving force needed for the world to recognize the powerful impact that decentralization can make.

Currently, The whole crypto currency system is still bouncing around +/-100 billion dollars. Which is literally nothing in comparison to other markets that are based on trade. Not to neglect that it was ten folds smaller just months ago. But by that i mean it's no where near a product that impacts the world in a scale-able change factor.

To put this into prospect. just compare it to the credit card market cap, or Forex for a higher bar. Crypto should aim to go above those because that would be the actual Flippening. Not the worthless argument of which well-built coin should be first.

The blockchain and smart contracts technology can be implemented in many forms that can prove the phenomenal benefits for the whole world if adopted. Think about an implementation of a smart contract in law-firms and how public cases can be stored in someway there. Or charity donations and the transparency that would be gained by seeing one's money actually going where it should. and many more!

I really hope that coins built with the day-to-day use cases in mind will be the norm. Just for the sake of this whole thing to see the light it deserves.


Thank you for sharing this, I'm following you

Very good article. Nice to see I'm not the only one who thinks like this. It's facinating how people invest 10's of millions of dollars in "just an idea". This is quite an interesting website I found: They seem to give this complete indepth analysis of all cryptocoins. Sorted by team, product, company, advisors, previous investors, etc. Check for example: To check Numaraire Report.

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