Things you should know about BTC and ETH

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Bitcoin :

12.5 btc = is named a BLOCK

1 Btc = COIN ( or bitcoin)

0.01 = is named BITCENT

0.001 = is named MILLIE

0.000001 = is named BIT ( e kam vrejt qe shpejt bitcoinin po i thuhet bit qe eshte gabim)

0.0000001 = FINNEY (named by the scientist that recieved the first BTC transfer) First sender was of course, Satoshi.

0.0000001 = is named SATOSHI

Learn these names that you might need someday.

Ether :

1 = WEI (Scientist that invented B-Money, from where BTC is based very much)

1000000000000 = SZABO (Scientist and the first to use the term ''Smart Contracts'')

1000000000000000 = FINNEY (same as Bitcoin)

1000000000000000000 = ETHER

Post was translated by the OP -


Are they useful for etherum?

If not now, in the near future they will.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 59238.58
ETH 3176.28
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.45