Fully Enjoy This Moment! cryptocurrency/ bitcoin

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

We are all attempting to come up with the most thoughts that are enjoyable actions possible, all the time, that's what life is all about.

Steeming has played an important part in helping me come up with some of my most comforting thoughts and actions over the entire year that is past. I look ahead to steeming it up even higher!

And as we've already said: "Maximizing my life's enjoyment while seeking to put an end to the physical violence that is unnecessary is the single most fundamental precept directing my life."

Unnecessary violence always comes to a close up being the biggest threat that is preventable one life's satisfaction.

(Audio: Normal, Fast)

Routing For Peaceful Resolutions Of Human Conflicts

Governments Are Today's most institutions that are violent


I see cryptocurrencies as being one of the factors that are mainly to government demises in favour of something better. What are cryptocurrencies explained below?

Witnessing cryptocurrencies growing threat to governments hegemony and having personally benefited from the redistribution of energy they generated, has been among the most experience that is satisfying of life.

Assisting in advancing cryptocurrencies usefulness and adoption is in perfect alignment with my most desires which can be profound are the underlying goals of this post.

Governments, Money & Individuals


Governments preferably work to persuade those they wish to rather influence than trying to coerce them into submission. States, simply like individuals use the money to this effect.

Money in the sense that is largest of the term is anything that has value. Thus because everything has value, even ideas have value, everything can be considered money.

National Currencies & Governments


Fiat-money, also known as national currencies are governments kind that is favourite of. They are created at a high price that is negligible and can be employed to buy anything of value. Governments are the institutions which are simply to create millions and even trillions of dollars out of practically nothing.

This money is legal tender, meaning they can not be refused as a way of payment, ultimately granting states the power to buy everything they want.

To be precise governments aren't specifically those creating money that is most in the entire world today. (See "National Currencies Creation" for further clarification.)

the national Currencies Are Backed By Violence


Violence is essentially what makes all this possible, or as the Nobel Prize winner of economy Paul Krugman puts it: 

"Fiat-money is backed by the man with guns."

Anyone requesting to pay for something of more value that is tangible meals or precious metals have to face being followed by armed individuals persuaded they better be making those peaceful people comply those bad legislation.

National Currencies Creation

A desire to keep things simple I've omitted to build a distinction between the national governments who have delegated their power to generate money and those who have received those powers. I've discussed money creation much more details in my post that is previous: United We Stand!"

Cryptocurrencies: All-Time Best Investments

Priceless Knowledge


Bitcoin and additional cryptocurrencies are the best monetary opportunities of all-time. Bitcoin is the cryptocurrency that is first and was release in January 2009.

The total market cap of all of the cryptocurrencies currently stands at $138B rank them as the business with the 52nd market cap that is biggest and in the 50th place between the Argentina and Colombia when compare to the M3 of the biggest countries. [source: 1, 2]

Growing Investments


The sums of money being invested in cryptocurrencies have been growing at an accelerating rate over the years that are past. My post: "the Value that is genuine of!" has additional information on all of the.

Only at that rate, cryptocurrencies would surpass Apple's market cap of $752B in under a year and be an element of the G20, ranking as the 18th economy that is biggest. In under two years, cryptocurrencies would rank as the third economy that is biggest, right under China and the USA and one year later. They would then represent $120T. [source]

Knowledge Power :)

All Cryptocurrencies are currently taking powers away from governments and redistributing them to individuals at a rate that is unrivalled. Learning why what are the present and repercussions that are future just how to profit from their store are the upmost benefits to an individual's life.

To rapidly sum up a number of this, investing 10$ into Bitcoin in 2010 (when it was meriting around 50 cents would be worth around 86,000$ today July.)

Cryptocurrencies Trends Will that is current Continue

The Rational


The styles that are present most probably back by sound monetary logical. Fiat-money creation benefits some unknown man with weapons with unknown intentions, aka governments and their delegates, while everyone else have incentives to protect themselves and therefore their wealth from those same governments and crypto currencies are currently supplying the solution that is best in term of securing the majority of individuals' wide range.

Thus unless a black event that is a swan, the present upward trends will stay.

Fiat-Money Benefits some interests being special


Fiat money profits some, at the expense of everyone else because fiat-money is continually being created at a cost that is negligible then allocated by The Federal Reserve through different schemes like fractional reserve banking and quantitative easing, expanding the monetary supply thus making everyone suffer from a decreasing purchasing power of their dollars.

Every currency that is national inflationary which alter in all of them suffering some purchasing power over times.


 (The US Dollar's purchasing power is less than 5% what it was in 1913. - Fed)

Bitcoin Benefits Everybody Fairly


Creating bitcoin that is aren't done and cannot be done at a minimal cost plus in fact, has constantly been increasing since is inception. The creation of the latest Bitcoin fairly empowers everyone who mine and hold them at the expense of governments which quasi Earthling is seeking to protect itself from.

Every Bitcoin holders and miners are subject to the price that is same. Late adopters didn't faced the risks that are same ealier adopters, thus the reasons their overall benefits aren't equal. However rewards have actually been proportional to the risks and therefore must be consider fair.

Cryptocurrencies' Growing Feedback Loops

Realizing cryptocurrencies advantages being fundamental


An increasing incentive to comprehend cryptocurrencies and money at large and improve on them as an increasing number of are people realizing the fundamental advantages cryptocurrencies hold, a growing number of individuals are rushing out to buy cryptocurrencies leading to multiple positive feedback loops, among them the acceleration of the devaluation of different national currencies.

After realizing all of this myself, I've personally maxed down my credit card to buy some Bitcoin at some point and I've heard numerous people doing the same, taking loans or selling their house for the reasons that are same. I want to point out that this is not a risk thing that is free nothing is.

Cryptocurrencies Are Unstoppable!


Cryptocurrencies are definitely taking away one of governments most power that is fundamental which they might not have the ability to survive, thus they may try to ban them at some point. A country or team of countries cryptocurrencies which are unilaterally banning being left behind without much chance of success at stopping them.

As a rule of thumb, cryptocurrencies will pose greater challenges first to the governments with the littlest weapons, aka the smaller governments/economies.

When in adverse conditions, governments just like people might attempt measures that are desperate finally cryptocurrencies take away from government to the advantage of everybody.

Cryptocurrencies' Greatest Assets!


When Paul Krugman said "Money is backed by man with guns." he immediatly followed suit with: "Bitcoin is not, so just why would this plain thing have actually any value." [source]

Well, the logic is pretty simple. Bitcoin allows to store wealth and transact it even while protecting its owners from being susceptible to the devaluation all fiat-money goes throught because of the policies that are inflationary by governments worldwide.

To top this down, Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are helping into the creation of the much surroundings that are needed those man with guns/governments could possibly be performed away with forever. Anything helping getting rid of violent governments have clearly value that is great.


Bitcoin Primer

<iframe width="672" height="378" src="

" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Bitcoin's Introduction Video

<iframe width="672" height="378" src="

" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Bitcoin's Basics

"Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that is worldwide electronic payment system invented by the unknown programmer, or even a number of programmers, under the name Satoshi Nakamoto. It was released as open-source computer software in 2009."

"the device is peer-to-peer, and transactions take destination between users directly, without an intermediary. These transactions are confirmed by network nodes and recorded in a public ledger that is distributed a blockchain. Since the device works without a central repository or single administrator, bitcoin is called the first decentralized digital currency." [wikipedia]

Bitcoin's Creation

Bitcoin ended up being launched on 3rd 2009 with the creation of what's called the genesis block january. Ahead of the genesis block, 0 Bitcoin existed. The genesis block created 50 Bitcoin.

The word Bitcoin first occurred into the paper that is white defined Bitcoin published on 31 October 2008.

Bitcoin Blockchain

Every ten full minutes or so, since the genesis block of Bitcoin, a block that is new mined or created and with it new Bitcoin are created. Taken together in the chronological order they certainly were created, these blocks are called the Bitcoin blockchain.

The bitcoin that is present size is roughly 129GB. [souce]

Bitcoin Mining Video

<iframe width="672" height="378" src="

" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Understanding Bitcoin Mining


The Bitcoin made up of every block that is new referred as mining rewards. Bitcoin miners receive newly created Bitcoin proportional to the computing power they offer. The power that is computational referred to once the hashrate.

It's a little more complex than straight forward proportional.

Mining is a service that is record-keeping. Miners keep consitently the blockchain consistent, complete, and unalterable by repeatedly verifying and collecting newly broadcast transactions into a group that is new of called a block. [wikipedia]

Bitcoin Mining Difficulty


Then after 2016 obstructs after the previous difficulty re-target, the difficulty would be double, resulting in subsequent blocks being found on average every 10 minutes if the computational energy of the Bitcoin network had been as an example, 6 billion gigahash/s and blocks were available on average every 5 minutes as opposed to the supposed 10 minutes. [Precision: bitcoin.it]

Every 2016 blocks (roughly 14 days at roughly 10 min per block), the issue target is modified in line with the network's recent performance, with the aim of keeping the time that is average new obstructs at 10 minutes. [wikipedia]

Bitcoin Price

Bitcoin Emission Rate

The number of bitcoins generated per block is scheduled to decrease geometrically, with a 50% reduction every 210,000 blocks, or approximately four years. The effect is that the true number of bitcoins in existence is not expected to exceed 21 million. [bitcoin.it]

Projected Bitcoins Emission Rate

Bitcoin Mining costs that are rising


The advantages Bitcoin has over national currencies and the mining incentives it provides make it so that the competition to mine Bitcoin is growing. The bitcoin that is rising difficulty and decreasing emission rate make the costs of mining Bitcoins to go up, and because no one ever wants to sell their item at a missing, the worth of Bitcoin is going up.

Notice here, I didn't write the purchase price of Bitcoin is going up; even I said the value of Bitcoin is, which can be the perceived value people can attribute to Bitcoin about everything else they attribute value to though they are.

Double Spending Attack


I thought important to add this right part about double spending attack as it helps to understand some fundamental aspects of Bitcoin.

Majority attack also referred to as being a 51% assault or >50% assault can take place if an attacker controls more than half of the network hash rate.

Someone controlling more than 50% for the hash rate, can trick the Bitcoin community by "spending the bitcoins that are same than once". This is a bit of an over simplification.

This attack has a 100% rate of success for someone managing more than half of the network hash rate but can additionally sometimes succeed if someone controls less than 50%. (go through the link below for further information.)

Since the attacker can generate blocks faster than the remaining portion of the community, he can simply persevere with his private fork until it becomes longer than the branch built by the community that is honest from whatever disadvantage.

A miner with more than 50% hash energy is the incentive to reduce their mining reframe and power from attacking for their mining equipment and bitcoin income to retain its value. [source]

Bitcoin Advantages Over National Currencies

Currency Face Off!

Though the current cryptocurrency styles have a top limit, they will stay their growth and help us to create a better, more world that is enjoyable.

I will repeat my simple contrast from my previous post which helps understand why crypto currencies are shifting energy away from central authorities and how this is every person that is greatly benefiting.

I'd like to add, cryptocurrencies cost a lower amount to transact than fiat-currencies. They can also be used as contracts, smart contracts, systems of tracking and much more.

Cryptocurrencies also take away from governments power which as I previously said are today's most institutions that are violent. These governments use violence following choices that are arbitrary mostly by the unknown guy behind closed doors leaving no one safe.

National Currencies

The cost of creating money that is new negligible.

The future creation rate is unknown and decided by a group that is little.

They can be counter-fitted.

Nobody knows precisely how money that is much is.

Benefit those who benefit from the money that is growing, at the cost of everyone else. (It's that simple.)


The expense of creating Bitcoin is non-negligible.

The long run that is exact rate is known.

They can't be counter-fitted.

Everyone can know exactly how bitcoin that has much been created.

Benefit everyone else fairly.

Further Comparison

US power that is purchasing gone down 11% in the final seven years

Bitcoin purchasing energy has gone up 799,900% within the last few seven years

Understanding The Crypto Revolution

The Crypto Rush!

Everything claimed above should make the reasoning behind the estimate that is below oblivious. The implications of what it states are profound as this post already discussed.

"Hardware miners capable of mining cryptocurrencies have become the most lucrative commodities as well because of the cryptocurrencies on their own."

Cryptocurrencies Are Self Improving

The above quote ended up being followed by:

"Cryptocurrencies predicated on other mining process than POW, like those based on DPOS such as Bitshares, Steam and EOS could very change that, soon meaning those process could become more profitable."

Understanding DPOS

The article below is possibly the guide that is easiest to understand DPOS' basics. I don't necessarily think DPOS can become more profitable than POW but DPOS permit many advantages, and features that are useful cryptocurrencies will never be able to offer. DPS is quite revolutionary and is big plus for the cryptocurrency space.

"What Are Steem Witnesses And Why You Should Support Them!"

Some Benefits DPOS Has Over POW

I do not think DPOS systems are ultimately superior to POW systems or vice versa. Both systems complement one another nicely.

Who Controls Bitcoin? @dantheman

The evidence that is real of anthem

Knowing EOS:

Dan Larimer's interview listed below is by far the most thing that is awesome seen on EOS. Dan Larimer is Steem and EOS creator that is main.




EOS.IO Technical White Paper

Coin Interview with EOS

Working Toward Peaceful Cooperation Against Tyranny

Cryptocurrencies Are our Way that is calm Out

Putting an end to governments' tyranny should be on every person's agenda, or they will sooner or later wind up pray that is being it on their own or their descendant will.

Cryptocurrencies are placing a dent into governments' tyrannical powers all the while making the endeavour that is whole profitable for people who use them.

The potential risks associated with their usage are a proposition that is great for most in comparison never to with them and risking missing on their future price performance.

Creating Positive Change


Creating change that is positive comes from rebutting every falsehood every utter or written, but rather it comes down from empowering those people who are ready to be empowered.

Let's all ongoing work together in concerted effort constantly seeking to higher ourselves and environment.

Quote from Alberto Brandolini 

Acknowledging The Plight Of The Less Fortunate

I'm grateful for everything I have and once more hold dear to acknowledge the plight of this minimum fortunate, those injustices which are dealing with anyone going through some hardships whatever those are.

I humbly accept I cannot change everything all at once and I look forward to enhancing my means of life and joy that is spreading and wide because of much as you can, knowing full well no one is immune to reduce everything at any moment.

Using Steam As An Educational Tool

To solves, mankind's biggest challenges will necessitate more than simply a couple of articles that are good. We'll desire an enlightenment that is global can only take off influence by each of our actions.

Regardless of how insignificant Steam might currently seem, raking just a couple of thousands views for top trending posts, we are nonetheless birth that is giving a matrix of intricate knowledge and human relationship of unprecedented nature.

Each of our actions duly matters, even on a global scale in the end.

Useful Cryptocurrency Links


Coinmarketcap (list cryptocurrencies that are 1,000 much more)

The Bitcoin Economy, in Perspective

Mining Profitability Calculator


Bitcoin Charts

Bitcoin Stats

Bitcoin Price Charts

Bitcoin Difficulty Charts

Bitcoin Video

There's Nothing That May Stop Bitcoin - 5m

How Bitcoin Works Under the Hood - 22m - (Advanced)

Smartest People in the worldwide world on Bitcoin - 5m - (Compilation of Mainstream News Media addressing Corporate CEOs and Company Founders on what they have to say about Bitcoin.)

President Obama about Bitcoin - 1m

Roger Ver on the importance of Bitcoin - 1m

Blockchain 101 - a Demo that is visual - (Advanced)

Bitcoin Mining Farm Video

An appearance inside America's bitcoin mining operation that is biggest - 1m

Life Inside a key Bitcoin that is Chinese Mine 9m


Steam its Appeal Is Still Skyrocketing!

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Witness #53

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Thank you for reading and for commenting! All responses are read by me!

Steam Witness Votes: Your 30 most important Steem votes.

Fun Quote

"Right now I’m having amnesia and déjà vu at the time that is same. I think I’ve forgotten this before." - Steven Wright

Good To Know

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Exactly how to pictures that are aligned.

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Official Steemit.chat

SteemSpeak.com @fyrstikken @fyrst-witness (24h/7 Voice chat)

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Where shares @fuzzyvest @officialfuzzy

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Steemit 101 @mrviquez

Find Out More!

Steem 101

"Steem: An In-Depth Overview!" (The many in-depth and guide that is clearest understand what Steem is and what it can do for you!) (Reached top #1)

"The Ultimate Steem Guide!" (How to Use Steem: The revamped version.) (Reached top #1)

"What Are Steem Witnesses And why you need to Support Them!" (Your 30 most Steem vote that is important.)

"Some Steem Stats!" (Empowering Cryptocurrencies Stats, Steem In Particular.)

"Some Steem Tips for many Steem Success!" (Who to follow and many more Steem fundamentals every steemians that are serious know!)

"Hello, Steemit! - Coinmarketcap.com Introduced me personally!" (Template people can follow due to their introduction that is an own post. It lists my many favourite videos that is short documentaries.)

Some Of My Best Posts

"Stand for What Feels Best!" (Money these days is created away from thin air with an elite that is tiny at the expense of everyone else.)

"Creating The World We Long For!" (my post that is last from the previous series, listing my 16 past posts.)

"Thank you, Dan Larimer! You are a mentor that is great" (Dan is the Ex-CTO of Steemit)

"Steemit.com Set To Become The World's Most Popular Website" (the main steenbok that is ultimate

"The most thing that is stunning have you ever heard" (My best-paid post at 8,000$)

My series that is latest

"#1 Toward A More Merciful World!"

"#2 United We Stand!"

"#3 The Real Value Of Everything!"

Shared On

Facebook Profile: (760)

Facebook Page: (236 followers)

Twitter: (858)We're all trying to generate the most thoughts that are enjoyable actions possible, all the time, that's exactly what life is about.

Steeming has played a crucial role in aiding me coming up with a number of my most comforting thoughts and actions over the year that is previous. I enjoy steeming it up also higher!

And as I've currently stated: "Maximizing my life's enjoyment while seeking to put an end to the violence that is unnecessary is the single most fundamental precept guiding my entire life."

Unnecessary violence always ends up being the biggest risk that is preventable one life's enjoyment.

(Audio: Normal, Fast)

Routing For Peaceful Resolutions Of Human Conflict

Governments Are Today's most institutions that are violent


I see cryptocurrencies to be one of the elements that are main to government demises in benefit of something better. What exactly are cryptocurrencies is explained below?

Witnessing cryptocurrencies growing threat to governments hegemony and having benefiting from the redistribution of power they generated, has been one of the most experience that is satisfying of life.

Helping to advance cryptocurrencies usefulness and adoption is in perfect alignment with my most desires which can be profound are the underlying goals of this post.

Governments, Money & Individuals


Governments preferably work to persuade those they wish to rather influence than trying to coerce them into submission. Governments, just like individuals use the money to this effect.

Money in the sense that is biggest of the term is anything that has value. Therefore because everything has value, even thoughts have value, everything can be looked at money.

National Currencies & Governments


Fiat-money, also known as national currencies are governments type that is favourite of. They are created at a cost that is negligible and certainly will be utilized to buy anything of value. Governments are the institutions that are only to create millions and even trillions of dollars out of very little.

This money are legal tender, meaning they cannot be refused as a method of payment, ultimately granting governments the energy to buy everything they need.

To be exact governments aren't exactly those creating money that is most on the planet today. (See "National Currencies Creation" for further clarification.)

National Currencies Are Supported By Physical Violence


Violence is fundamentally what makes all of this possible or as the Nobel Prize champion of economy Paul Krugman puts it: "Fiat-money is backed by the guy with guns."

Anyone requesting to be compensated for something of more value that is tangible food or precious metals has to face being chased by armed individuals persuaded they better be making those peaceful people comply those unfair guidelines.

National Currencies Creation

In a aspire to keep things simple I've omitted to make a distinction between the national governments that have delegated their power to create money and the ones who possess received those abilities. I've talked about money creation in more details in my post that is previous: United We Stand!"

Cryptocurrencies: All-Time Best Investments

Priceless Knowledge


Bitcoin and a few other cryptocurrencies will be the best financial investments of all-time. Bitcoin is the crypto currency that is first and was released in January 2009.

The total market cap of all cryptocurrencies currently stands at $138B rank them while the company with the 52nd market cap that is biggest and in the 50th destination between Argentina and Colombia when compare to the M3 of the most major countries. [source: 1, 2]

Growing Investments


The sums of cash being invested in cryptocurrencies have been growing at an accelerating rate within the years that are past. My post: "the Value that is genuine of!" has more information on all of the.

As of this rate, cryptocurrencies would surpass Apple's market cap of $752B in under a year and become the main G20, ranking once the 18th economy that is biggest. In less than two years, cryptocurrencies would rank as the third economy that is biggest, right under China and the USA and one year later. They would then represent $120T. [source]

Knowledge Is Power

Cryptocurrencies are taking powers away from governments and redistributing them to people at a rate that is unmatched. Learning why, what are the present and repercussions that are future how to profit from their store are associated with the full benefits to 1's life.

To rapidly sum up some of this, investing 10$ into Bitcoin in 2010 when it had been worth around 50 cents would be worth around 86,000$ today July.

Cryptocurrencies Trends Will that is current Continue

The Rational


The trends being present most probably right back by sound monetary logical. Fiat-money creation benefits some unknown man with guns with unknown intentions, aka governments and their delegates, while everybody else have incentives to protect themselves and so their wealth from those same governments and crypto currencies are currently providing the solution that is best in term of securing most people's wealth.

Thus unless a black event that is a swan, the current upward styles will continue.

Fiat-Money Benefits some interests that are special


Fiat-money profits some, at the expense of everyone else because fiat-money is always being created at a price that is negligible then allocated by The Federal Reserve through different schemes like fractional reserve banking and quantitative easing, increasing the financial supply thus making every person else suffer from a decreasing purchasing power of their dollars.

Every currency that are national inflationary which translate in all of these losing some buying energy over time. (The US Dollar's purchasing power is lower than 5% what it was in 1913. - Fed)

Bitcoin Benefits Every Person Fairly


Creating Bitcoin that is aren't done and may not be done at a negligible price and in fact, has constantly been increasing since its inception. The creation of new Bitcoin fairly empowers everyone who mines and hold them at the expense of governments which quasi Earthling is trying to protect itself from.

Every Bitcoin holders and miners are subject to your price that is same. Late adopters didn't face the risks that are same earlier adopters. Thus the reasons their general rewards aren't equal. Nonetheless, rewards have been proportional to the dangers and hence must be considered fair.

Cryptocurrencies' Growing Feedback Loops

Realizing cryptocurrencies benefits that are fundamental


An increasing motivation to understand cryptocurrencies and money most importantly and improve on them as a growing number of are people realising the fundamental advantages cryptocurrencies hold, an ever growing amount of people are rushing away to get cryptocurrencies leading to multiple positive feedback loops, among them the acceleration of the devaluation of the different national currencies.

After realising all of this myself, I've personally maxed out my credit card to purchase some Bitcoin at some point, and we've heard multiple people doing the equivalent, taking loans or selling their house for the reasons that are same. I want to show that this is not a risk thing that is free nothing is.

Cryptocurrencies Are Unstoppable!


Cryptocurrencies are taking away one of the governments most energy that is fundamental which they might not have the ability to survive, hence they could make an effort to ban them at some point. A nation or number of countries cryptocurrencies that are unilaterally banning being left behind without much chance of success at stopping them.

As being a guideline, crypto currencies will pose greater challenges first to the governments with the smallest guns, aka the smaller governments/economies.

When in desperate situations, parties similar to individuals might attempt measures that are desperate ultimately cryptocurrencies take away from government to the benefit of everyone.

Cryptocurrencies' Greatest Assets!


Whenever Paul Krugman said "Man with firearms backs money." he immediately followed suit with: "Bitcoin is not, why would this understandable thing have any value." [source]

Well, the logic is pretty easy. Bitcoin allows to store broad range and transact it all of the while protecting its owners from being subject to the devaluation all fiat-money goes through because of the policies that are inflationary by governments worldwide.

To top this off, Bitcoin and crypto currencies are helping in the creation associated with much environments that are needed those man with guns/states could perhaps be done away with once and for several. Anything helping to do away with powerful governments have obvious value that is very good.


Bitcoin Primer

Bitcoin's Introduction Video

Bitcoin's Basics

"Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that is worldwide digital payment system invented by an unknown programmer, or even a group of programmers, under the name Satoshi Nakamoto. It was released as open-source software in 2009."

"The system is peer-to-peer, and transactions take place between users directly, with no intermediary. Network nodes confirm These deals and recorded in a public ledger that is distributed a block chain. Since the system works without a central repository or single administrator, Bitcoin is called the first decentralised electronic currency." [wikipedia]

Bitcoin's Creation

Bitcoin was launched on 3rd 2009 with the creation of what is called the genesis block January. Before your genesis block, 0 Bitcoin existed. The genesis block created 50 Bitcoin.

The word Bitcoin first took place in the paper that is white defined Bitcoin published on 31 October 2008.

Bitcoin Blockchain

Every 10 minutes or so, since the genesis block of Bitcoin, a block that is new mined or created along with it new Bitcoin is created. Taken together in the chronological order they were developed, these blocks are referred to because of the Bitcoin blockchain.

The bitcoin that is current size is approximately 129GB. [souce]

Bitcoin Mining Video

Understanding Bitcoin Mining


The Bitcoin created with every block that is new referred as mining rewards. Bitcoin miners get newly created Bitcoin proportional to your computing energy they offer. The power that is computational called the hash rate.

It's a little more complex than straight forward proportional.

Mining is a site that is record-keeping. Miners keep the blockchain consistent, complete, and unalterable carefully by repeatedly verifying and collecting newly broadcast transactions into an organisation that is new of called a block. [wikipedia]

Bitcoin Mining Difficulty


Then after 2016 blocks after the previous difficulty re-target, the difficulty would be dual, resulting in subsequent blocks being available on average every ten full minutes if the computational power of the Bitcoin network was, for example, 6 billion Giga hash/s and blocks were found on average every 5 minutes rather than the supposed 10 minutes. [Precision: bitcoin.it]

Every 2016 blocks (roughly 14 days at approximately 10 min per block), the difficulty target is adjusted by the network's recent performance, with the goal of keeping the time that is average new blocks at ten mins. [wikipedia]

Bitcoin Price

Bitcoin Emission Rate

The number of Bitcoins generated per block is set to decrease geometrically, with a 50% reduction every 210,000 obstructs, or approximately four years. The result is the fact that correct quantity of bitcoins in existence is not expected to exceed 21 million. [bitcoin.it]

Projected Bitcoins Emission Rate

Bitcoin Mining costs which are increasing


The benefits Bitcoin has over national currencies and also the mining incentives it provides make it, so your competition to mine Bitcoin is growing. The Bitcoin that is rising difficulty and decreasing emission rate make the costs of mining Bitcoins to move up, and because no one ever wishes to sell their product at a loss, the value of Bitcoin is rising.

Notice here; I didn't write the price of Bitcoin going up, even we stated the value of Bitcoin is, which will be the perceived value folks are willing to attribute to Bitcoin about everything else they assign the value to though they are.

Double Spending Attack


I thought essential to add this right part about double spending attack as it helps to understand some fundamental aspects of Bitcoin.

Majority assault, additionally referred to as a 51% attack or >50% attack can happen if an attacker controls over fifty percent associated with the network hash rate.

Someone controlling more than 50% of the hash rate, can trick the Bitcoin network by "spending the bitcoins that are same than once". This is a little of an over simplification.

This attack includes a 100% rate of success for someone controlling a lot more than half of the network hash rate but may also sometimes succeed if someone control less than 50%. (Click on the link below for more information.)

Since the attacker can generate blocks quicker than the rest of the network, he can only persevere with his private fork until it becomes longer than the branch built by the system that is honest from whatever disadvantage.

A miner with increased than 50% hash power is an incentive to reduce their mining reframe and energy from attacking to enable their mining equipment and Bitcoin income to retain its value. [source]

Bitcoin Advantages Over National Currencies

Currency Face Off!

Though the current cryptocurrency trends have an upper limit, they will continue their growth which helps us to create a much better, more world that is enjoyable.

I will repeat my simple comparison from my past post that assists realise why crypto currencies are shifting power away from central authorities and exactly how that is everyone that is greatly benefiting.

I wish to add; cryptocurrencies cost a lower amount to transact than fiat-currencies. They can also be used as contracts, smart contracts, systems of tracking and much more.

Cryptocurrencies also eliminate from governments power which as I previously stated are today's most institutions that are violent. These governments use violence after choices that are arbitrary mostly by the unknown man behind closed doors leaving no one safe.

National Currencies

The cost of creating money that is now negligible.

The future creation rate is unknown and decided by friends that are small.

They can be counter-fitted.

No one knows exactly just how money that is much is.

Benefit people who take advantage of the money that is growing, at the expense of everyone else. (It's that simple.)


The expense of creating Bitcoin is non-negligible.

The future that is the exact price is famous.

They can not be counter-fitted.

Everyone else can know exactly how Bitcoin that is much created.

Benefit everyone fairly.

Further Comparison

US energy that is purchasing gone down 11% in the final seven years

Bitcoin purchasing power has gone up 799,900% within the last few seven years

Understanding The Crypto Revolution

The Crypto Rush!

Everything stated above should make the reasoning behind the quote that is below oblivious. The implications of what it says are profound as this post already discussed.

"Hardware miners capable of mining crypto currencies have become the most profitable commodities in addition to the cryptocurrencies themselves."

Cryptocurrencies Are Self Improving

The above quote was followed by:

"Cryptocurrencies based on other mining procedure than POW, like those considering DPOS such as Bitshares, Steem and EOS could very change that, soon meaning those process could become more profitable."

Understanding DPOS

The article below is possibly the guide that is easiest to understand DPOS' basics. I don't always think DPOS can be more lucrative than POW but DPOS allow for many advantages and features which can be useful cryptocurrencies will never be able to give. DPS is very revolutionary and is big plus for the cryptocurrency space.

"What Are Steem Witnesses And Just Why You Should Support Them!"

Some Advantages DPOS Has Over POW

I do not think DPOS systems are eventually superior to POW systems or vice versa. Both systems complement each other well.

Who Controls Bitcoin? @dantheman

The proof that is real of anthem

Understanding EOS:

Dan Larimer's interview given just below is by far the most thing that is awesome seen on EOS. Dan Larimer is Steem and EOS inventor that is main.




EOS.IO Technical White Paper

Coin Interview with EOS

Working Toward Peaceful Cooperation Against Tyranny

Cryptocurrencies Are our Method that is peaceful Out

Putting an end to governments' tyranny must certainly be on everyone's agenda, or they'll eventually end up prey that is being it themselves or their descendant will.

Cryptocurrencies are placing a dent into governments' absolute powers most of the while making the endeavour that is whole profitable for people who use them.

The risks associated with their use are an idea that is perfect for most in contrast to not using them and risking missing on their future price performance.

Creating Positive Change


Creating change that is positive comes from rebutting every falsehood every utter or written, but instead, it comes from empowering those who are prepared to be allowed.

Let's all ongoing work together in concerted effort always seeking to better ourselves and environment.

Quote from Alberto Brandolini -->

Acknowledging The Plight Of The Less Fortunate

I'm grateful for everything I have and once more hold dear to recognise the plight associated with least lucky, those injustices that are facing anyone going through some hardships whatever those are.

I humbly accept I cannot change everything all simultaneously and I also look ahead to improve my ways of life and joy that is spreading and wide whenever you can, knowing full well no one is immune to lose everything at any time.

Using Steem As An Educational Tool

To solves, humanity's biggest challenges will necessitate more than just a couple posts that are good. We will need an enlightenment that is global can only take down influenced by all of our actions.

Regardless of how insignificant Steem might currently seem, raking only a couple of thousands of views to find the best trending posts, our company is nonetheless birth that is giving a matrix of intricate knowledge and human relationship of unprecedented nature.

All of our actions duly matter, even on an international scale in the long run.

Useful Cryptocurrency Links


Coinmarketcap (list cryptocurrencies that are 1,000 much more)

The Bitcoin Economy, in Perspective

Mining Profitability Calculator


Bitcoin Charts

Bitcoin Stats

Bitcoin Price Charts

Bitcoin Difficulty Charts

Bitcoin Video

There's Nothing That May Stop Bitcoin - 5m

How Bitcoin Works Under the Hood - 22m - (Advanced)

Smartest People in the international world on Bitcoin - 5m - (Compilation of Mainstream News Media Speaking with Corporate CEOs and Company Founders on whatever they need indeed to say about Bitcoin.)

President Obama about Bitcoin - 1m

Roger Ver on the significance of Bitcoin - 1m

Blockchain 101 - a Demo that is visual - (Advanced)

Bitcoin Mining Farm Video

An appearance inside America's Bitcoin mining operation that is largest - 1m

Life Inside a secret Bitcoin that is Chinese Mine 9m


Steam it's Appeal Is Still Skyrocketing!

Steem is a cryptocurrency. It allows for new function Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies don't possess. Click here for more information.

Steemit.com, which gives access to the Steem Blockchain, is still quite small but its appeal is rocketing at a very rate that is impressive!

Share the enjoyable by inviting your pals!

Approving My Witness!

Witness #53

I'm still a few thousands minnow votes away from reaching the top 50 witnesses or whales votes that are 1-2.

Would you consider voting for my witness to assist us Steeming the world we all for that is very long? https://steemit.com/~witnesses

Thank you for reading and for commenting! I read all comments!

Steem Witness Votes: Your 30 many important Steem votes.

Fun Quote

"Right now I’m having amnesia and déjà vu at the time that is same. I think I’ve forgotten this before." - Steven Wright

Good To Learn

I use Markdown Pad (free version) to create my posts, and I recommend it to everyone else.

Exactly how to pictures that are aligned.

Access It The Chats!

Maybe not the messages that are private in the chat spaces. These are some of the best places to make some Steem friends.

Official Steemit.chat

SteemSpeak.com @fyrstikken @fyrst-witness (24h/7 vocals chat)

Peace, Abundance, Liberty @aggroed @ausbitbank @teamsteem & More (Minnow Support Project)

Where shares @fuzzyvest @officialfuzzy

The Pirate Podcast Raido @sirlunchthehost @beanz

Steemit Talk Podcast @steemittalk

Steemit 101 @mrviquez

Find Out More!

Steem 101

"Steem: An In-Depth Overview!" (The many thorough and guide that is clearest understand what Steem is and what it may do for you!) (Reached top # 1)

"The Ultimate Steem Guide!" (How to utilise Steem: The revamped edition.) (Reached top # 1)

"What Are Steem Witnesses And why you need to help them!" (Your 30 most Steem vote that is important.)

"Some Steem Stats!" (Empowering Cryptocurrencies Stats, Steem In Particular.)

"Some Steem Tips For Some Steem Success!" (Who to follow and lots of more Steem fundamentals every steemians that are serious know!)

"Hello, Steemit! - Coinmarketcap.com Introduced me personally!" (Template people can follow for his or her introduction that is an own post. It lists my most favourite video clip that is short documentaries.)

Some Of My Best Posts

"Stand for What Feels Best!" (Money in the world today is established out of the thin atmosphere by an elite that is small at the cost of everyone else.)

"Creating The World We Long For!" (my post that is last from the previous series, listing my 16 previous posts.)

"Thank you, Dan Larimer! You might be a mentor that is great" (Dan could be the Ex-CTO of Steemit)

"Steemit.com Set To get to be the World's Most Popular Website" (section of the steenbok that is ultimate

"the absolute most thing that is breathtaking ever heard" (My most readily useful paid post at 8,000$)

My series that is latest

"#1 Toward A More Merciful World!"

"#2 United We Stand!"

"# 3 The Real Value Of Everything!"

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