Airdrops as a Way of Raising Finance

ICOs are soooo 2017. Freestone’s bold prediction is that airdrops will explode in popularity this year.

Why Airdrops?
They bypass all those pesky regulators in one deft step! It also obviates the need for all those expensive ‘ICO advisors’ that amazingly appeared about two weeks after the ICO crazy started last year.

“For only $50,000, let our experienced consultants guide you through the minefield of raising finance with an ICO.”

‘Experienced consultants?’ It was only invented two weeks ago!

I’d have much more respect for them if they had offered their service on a no-win-no-fee basis (in fact, that’s a project I’d be happy to start with someone).

People’s interests have to be aligned, we need to move away from this parasitic way of doing business.

Anyway, Airdrops as a way of raising finance, back to the matter at hand!

Watching the verbal contortions that the EOS project has had to do to appear compliant with regulators, and this a big multi-billion dollar operation, it struck me that the ‘little guy’ has no chance. What should have been a new dawn… a way of projects raising finance cheaply and easily without getting caught in the webs of the regulators, or sucked dry by sundry middlemen, quickly reverted to the old way of doing business. It typically takes a few hundred thousand dollars to launch an ICO now, and 70%+ fail to reach their funding goals.

Could Airdropping be a way to fix this?
My idea is simple. I’m STILL trying to figure out a way of raising finance for my own (no techie, non-blockchain) project. It struck me that a no/low-cost way of potentially generating funds (and interest) would be to create, say, 10 million tokens on Bitshares or Ethereum, then airdrop 5 million of them to anyone holding a particular crypto (maybe Ether). Or a more sophisticated way might be that they have to claim them by joining a Telegram group, or watching a 2 minute video about the project. Most people that receive our free tokens won’t be interested in the project (though hopefully a percentage would be), so now we have to figure out a way of giving the tokens value. That’s the tricky part!

What could give the airdropped tokens value?
That's the tricky part. I can see various almost worthless airdrops in my MyEtherWallet that I've been sent, I'm guessing those projects didn't gain traction. We need a mechanism of getting large numbers of people engaged with the project, or it just disappears into obscurity. We need to bootstrap an active community with the airdrop that would become enthused supporters of the project. Maybe this could be connected in some way to Smart media Tokens, or Communities on Steemit when they come online.

Maybe we could give tokens to select 'thought leaders' in the crypto space that would talk about the project and raise awareness of it, I know that this is an accepted practice.

Holders could be entitled to a discount from us if they used our service, or you could pay for the service this way. I.e, instead of charging someone $250 for a consultation, they can pay with 250 tokens instead. This might peg the tokens at around $1 each. Or alternatively each token holder is entitled to a dividend each month based on some metric (number of patients seen for example).

Tokens will also gain a value if they start being traded back & forth, but this would probably only happen AFTER we had established that they had some intrinsic value in the real world.

What’s in it for us?
Well as we had retained 5 million tokens, and the tokens became pegged at around $1 (in this example), then we had successfully raised $5 million, all without having to comply with any regulators or pay ‘advisors’ a dime.

Thoughts please.
Is this naive? Has it been tried before? Anyone interested in joining the project?


Could it be seen as a pyramid scheme?

You would likely have to have some sort of legally binding obligation to those tokens. What is stopping you from just walking away from them after you sell all of yours?

But there's no pyramid & the people get the tokens for free.

Why legally binding anything? I see that the history would slowly show that the tokens had value i.e if 5% dividends were paid out consistently or we bought & destroyed tokens on the open market at regular intervals.

Initially the tokens are free but then isn't the idea that they start purchasing them over a market? or is it purely some sort of rewards program for seeing you as a patient?

5% dividends based off of what? Possibly cooked figures on your books? How do you monitor that 5%? Or are you posting your tax return for the token holders to analyze?

I like the idea of creating tokens to fund a mortgage on a clinic but then the token holders should be entitled to ownership to part of that clinic based on how many tokens they control.

This is one way how tokens and stocks are extremely different. Tokens don't necessarily give you ownership to influence decisions and direction of token project. For better or worse.

Yeah, I'm liking your's making me think! And this is just a thought experiment, it might not be feasible.

I guess I'm thinking that just as Steem is initially free tokens you gain from posting, eventually it has value because people decide to start trading it. So the founders only gain because a secondary market grows up. I saw it as a discount program if you came as a patient... pay in tokens & get x% off.

Yeah you hit on a difficult thing... it's too easy to cook the books, how would we create transparency (unless every visit to clinic because recorded on a blockchain).

Yeah I kinda agree with that, token holders own part of biz... but that's more an equity token model (rather than this airdrop idea I'm exploring).

OR token sale/airdrop/other to raise finance for an incubator. Not necessarily blockchain ideas, just local incubator for start-ups supercharged with crypto money (and my genius ha!)

The cooking the books is where regulation in the space likely will have to come in. It is nice to think in an ideal world everyone will follow through with the promises that they made during their ICO. But that is not likely to happen.

Also for myself I would likely get in trouble from my regulatory college if I tried to create a token since it would likely be seen as giving a referral reward which is not allowed where I am licensed.

The biggest challenge with any token is figuring out how to give them value. You need more people wanting to hold onto them then sell them. Maybe have some sort of secondary service where if the patient gets enough tokens they get that service for free once a week? Like a infrared sauna? Then you would create a demand for the token while not taking your own clinic time. Whatever it is you likely need some sort of lost leader to create a demand for the token.

Such a wonderful post.thanks for sharing.keep it up.

Nic post.kindly visit my blog.

thank you for such information.. love it...

I am from Poland and I don’t understand all of this, but it’s very interesting. I want to know more about airdrop as way of raising finance. Let me know when you post something more about it. I will follow you and check from time to time your content. If you want, and if you have time please check my profile, it will be nice :) Have a nice day, cheers @alanfreestone !

hahah Airdrops nice photo

thanks for the great post! That's interesting
and here is some more airdrops i post in my blog you can check it out

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