A new cryptocurrency that is aimed at fixing the broken news cycle - Civil is the decentralized marketplace for sustainable journalism.

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

"To push back against fake news, Civil gives newsmakers a platform to create ad-free, inalterable journalism that’s immune to outside interests… and supported by readers." Scientific American

Really excited to read about Civil  - a new cryptocurrency that is aimed at fixing the broken news cycle through curated content, that in a sense, is the news equivalent of steam, with participants committed to quality content. I hope that this, at some stage, ameliorates the crap that flows through on twitter that purports to be news  - just have a read about what Elon Musk tweeted about the divers who saved the Thai soccer team. Just goes to prove that no matter how much money you have, once a fool, always a bigoted idiot!

The story starts on zig zag of 2 ladies who embark on a journey of freedom and dispelling myths, and educating the world: https://zigzagpod.com, which can be accessed via 99% invisible as well, and via Radiotopia.

Read more here, with an excerpt below:


Civil’s cryptoeconomic model seeks to enable a more direct, transparent relationship between journalists and citizens, while using blockchain to also strengthen protections for journalists against censorship and intellectual property violations. The goal of Civil is to create a sustainable, global marketplace for journalism that is free from manipulative ads, misinformation and outside influence. Civil will differ from current media companies, both platforms and publishers, where a centralized operator controls the distribution of content to the public. By improving transparency and autonomy through a decentralized approach, Civil aims to strengthen trust between citizens and traditional news reporting, creating a renewed appreciation for the value of financially supporting journalism directly.Activity on the Civil protocol will be mediated through the Ethereum blockchain and a community of consumers, content creators, fact checkers and publishers, who work together to decide which newsrooms to organize and the types of content published on the network. Rather than a given platform or publisher dictating the content its readers can consume, a decentralized network of people curates newsrooms and content.In order to achieve Civil’s decentralized goal, activity on the platform will be managed by an Ethereum blockchain-based token, CVL.


So now we can see the crypto for everything in upcoming months is guess

Yes. I will start replycrypto, for all replies on all social media sites!!! :)

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