Sometimes you need to stay calm and keep to the plan. Crypto crash makes you do bad things.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

I always am the one to say " Dont panic" The coins will go back up. Yesterday I didnt follow my advice. I ended up paying a lot of fees moving money around and in the end really the only thing I did was waste money. I didnt follow my own advice. It made me realize alot of people probably do that same thing. I will try from now on no matter how difficult to stay with my plan. When things get bad I think it is best to wait and ride it out. Things go up , things go down.

I was surprised at my self for getting into a panic because it is not like me to do that. Making mistakes is ok as long as you learn form them.

I want to say Good luck to everyone. Keep your heads up and even though it has been bad the last day or so things will get better. Its the nature coins to rise and fall. Make a plan and stick to it. That is my advice and I will try to live by that now.


Nice post dear! Nothing is constant with cryptocurrencies. Anything can happen at anytime. To be save, one should avoid panicking during a crypto crash and just stay calm till the coins shoot back up once again. Nice post dear! Keep steeming.

Thanks my thought is it is ok to make mistakes as long as you learn from them :)

Definitely Dear! Definitely;- The best way to learnt is through mistakes and the experience gathered over time. Cheers Dear! Keep steeming.

Exactly what I'm saying every time. Stay calm and don't panic yourself. Crypto market always will pass over this and we have to go trough this too. Stay tough!

I really just need to stay focused its like fighting with yourself. You start guessing and second guessing but in the end it always seems to be if you had just stayed calm and did nothing and let the crash pass you would be just fine. LOL coinbase i am sure is happy with the $400 or so in fees I paid them to move money but lesson learned I am a little stronger and wiser now :)

Unbelievable SBD & Steem price fall.

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STEEM 0.19
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BTC 63466.84
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.76