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RE: This Will Revolutionize The Cannabis Industry And You Can Support It!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

sorry but i am going to keep commenting like this when i see posts that could use improvement, and i see so many noobs here trying this route and they are unneucessful trying to post stuff to get a feel for it and youll see, my comment was justified, and this has nothing to do with value of steem

and maybe u didnt see that i upvoted his post?

and also u would have ended up finding out about this ICO since they have ads all over coinmarketcap and many crypto sites, and you will see that this use will still have a better time posting more detailed posts...this post was simply copy paset from the press release and he should purt some pore efforty and he will find himself having earned a lot more, ....just a fe extra images and some personal info like his personal opinion on the new ICO and how it can change the cannabis credit payment induystry etc type stuff, u know how ity could loo, and its missing! he could add more thats al, its not piolicing, im just adding helpful comments, and sorry users are not free to just do asthey pleasewwithout OTHER users ALSO doing what they please! people can cmment on whatever they want and say whatever they want

also users can upvote or flag, u cant control what other users do, theres an element of chaos here and there always will be


chill man.
if you don't like, go follow another blog.

it's annoying that you are trying to control the system.

control the system? wtf are you talking about? I upvoted everything, u are the one flagging!

bro i can teach u stuff just accept that i wantd to give u some advice!

u seem like u are trying realy hard t do alot lets get you some followers bro!

post everyday!

i canhelp u!

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