Crypto Generation: Empowering Cryptocurrency Community

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

It is the time to acknowledge the steem/it performance as the good feature crypto to largest community in Indonesia. Considering, steem/it has been taking an important role within these generations, and they are continuously building up the crypto network. It is unbelievable, these small city people are quite aware of steem/it influence and most of them are eagerly involving in crypto issues. Because they believe the crypto will be useful for the community and regarded as a mean to earn the active income to fulfill their need, the students can pay the tuition fee, fathers can fulfill their family need, the housewives can help their husband to add the value of living. Perhaps, it is still fresh in our mind that there was a local coffee shop accepted SBD (steem blockchain dollar) as the payment and followed by some small business field but when the price rocketed, they stopped receiving due to it was not worth with the exchange value. I optimistically see, this payment system will be practiced again in the near future.

Cryptocurrency is Part of Community

If we talk about crypto here, it is very welcome. I mean, in my city, Lhokseumawe where the steemit took the first hit a year ago. Its presence has turned the productive individuals into the cryptocurrency holders, so it is almost every single day, these crypto generations discuss the possibility of the crypto prospect in the future. They positively respond the fluctuating market that happens these days. Most of them take this opportunity to advance the understanding of the performance of cryptocurrency which may have become a crucial role for financial awakening. Yes, "Bitcoin", most of the steemit users in Aceh, especially in my city Lhoksemawe have the bitcoin account. It is a royal birth system that can bring fairness, equality, transparency, inclusivity and become a true financial freedom to all of us. In so doing, the community is now on a mission to educate more people to step on the cryptoland.


Cryptocurrency Perspective

Throughout the popularity of steemit in my city, people tried to adopt the crypto perspective, that is no longer regarded as the strange change as well as the blockhain that make these crypto gens. are welcoming the cryptocurrency with open arms. It also comes at the expense of one of key feature that will possibly use as payment as we did couple months ago. In the meantime, the crypto is trusted as the future prospect e-money that will take over these generations in my city, especially these two cryptocurrency SBD and steem will be trying to improve scalability and convenience, so in the future, the cryptocurrency will hold realistically adaptive mean with the current payment method.

The Steem/it City Project

Since steemit is adopted as the new blockchain media, and many young individuals more to come, which is then associating their creativity with the need of this platform. Most of them are encouraged to dig more information and knowledge about the cryptocurrency and the blockchain itself. Part of users already used this two digital money on the market and some do market analysis, such as trading, investing, and spotting the movement market graphic while the others use the steemit earning for the daily need. It is quite necessary, this city realizes that steem/it or crypto, in general, is no longer a brand new. The government must thank to steemit that has brought a positive effect to these generations. You know, steemit did not stop at these young generations but many of professional workers are also involving in this platform as well as the cryptocurrency enthusiasts. It means to say is, they have been currently becoming a part of advancing the knowledge about the prospect of this digital asset and take it as a serious matter to get involve in crypto world. Steemit has bridged this interaction to the wide range cryptocurrency as well as the immense social media that continue empowering the society in my city Lhokseumawe, and some part of regencies in Indonesia.


The data said, that the majority of steemit users in Indonesia is Aceh, and Lhokseumae holds the highest record steemit users. So, based on this reason, the steem city will become a trendsetter for others cities in Indonesia, and to the world as a whole. In my view, the steem city project will happen due to the Lhokseumawe city steemit users have been seriously engaging to spread the steem/it influence to almost provinces in Indonesia with thousands of members that engaged in steemit operations and Lhokseumawe is a center of this growth. This is another reason why Lhokseumawe city is right to be embedded as the groundbreaking city of steem/it.



Thanks @abduhawab for doing @promo-steem and I hope you always do #promo-steem and we @steem-ambassador will see your other activities when doing #promo-steem.
I really hope your promo-steem activities get a reward, hopefully account @steem-ambassador see your post
Do not forget to spread love in the #promo-steem tag

Bagimana cara bergabung dalam komunitas Steemit Indonesia pak

good looking community..

Jika dulu lhokseumawe dijuluki dengan kota petro dollars Mungkin nantinya lhokseumawe akan berubah menjadi kota crypto. Karena sangat banyak warga lhokseumawe yang memiliki cryptocurrency.

betul sekali @jamal.jeje.terima kasih

Sangat keren bang,,kota Lhokseumawe saat ini sudah sebagai kota steemdollar setelah sebelumnya dikenal dengan kota petrodollar.

ya bang, semoga ini akan terus bertahan. terima kasih bang

Kehadiran steemit memang membawa perubahan besar, khususnya para penggunanya, kita semakin kreatif dan rajin menulis, tentunya tulisan yang bermanfaat, yang efeknya mendorong pembacanya untuk lebih baik lagi, Lhokseumawe dan sekitarnya, memang sekarang sudah banyak komunitas pengguna steemit, meskipun harga sbd saat ini tak menentu, semoga kita tetap smngat berkarya di steemit. Sukses selalu bng @abduhawab

ya, betul, yang penting semangat tetap membara. terima kasih

betul bang, kita harus tetap semangat apapun yang terjadi 😃

Semoga Steemit dan semua komunitas nya sehat dan tumbuh terus sesuai dengan yang kita inginkan bersama. Kedewasaan dan sikap saling merangkul adalah komposisi utama yang dibutuhkan untuk mewujudkannya. Karena jujur, kehadiran Steemit bagai oase di tengah gurun.. Mungkin agak melankolis.. Tapi begitulah adanya.. Saleum Bang @abduhawab.. :)

Amin...semoga media ini bisa terus memberikan yang terbaik kepada kita. Terima kasih @sammymubarraq

Amiinn.. Semoga Bang @abduhawab.. :)

kota lhokseumawe semakin terkenal dimata dunia, bukan hanya Minyak dan gas nya saja tetapi juga dengan steemdollar nya hehe.
nice abangda @abduhawab terimakasih dan semoga tetap berkarya di steemit

betul sekali @rizqiaulia. terima kasih atas komentarnya

Imbasnya,saya patut berbangga diri karena menjadi salah seorang penduduk kota lhokseumawe, untuk memfaatnya sendiri di kampung saya begitu terasa pak, mungkin kalau cuma ngopi bayar sbd udah biasa, tapi ditempat saya yang dominan nya petani, untuk penyemprotan padi, nebar pupuk dan ongkos panen, bayar pake steem pak hehee

yep, betul sekali aris. terima kasih banyak

Bagimana cara bergabung dalam komunitas Steemit Indonesia pak

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