$8,200 Christmas GIFT! >> THANK YOU CRYPTO GODS <<

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

#BTC is unstoppable. Any and all "doucheTAnalysts" (myself included) as well as indicators should dictate otherwise; but it's defied all odds and already topped at it's 3rd major support & risen 3 grand over $8,100 to $8,200 range.

There's no better feeling than watching a green +% next to a token in your portfolio after not checking the market for over 8+ hours. Or sleeping through an alarm/alert that would've triggered me to sell at 1st minor support (allowing me to hold out for 3X ROI) thanks to 3 snoozes and my lazy ass I was able to sleep through a risk I never would've willingly taken. and it paid off!

Why? IDK. No1 saw it coming but shit I'll take it. #BTC #ETH #bch #BCC #XRP

Cheers 🥂


yeah you are right bitcoin is unstoppable due to its dominancy
good news about bitcoin.

you know what they say about buying the rumor & selling the news... I'm just ready & charged with my finger on the tether button just in case this goes sideways and takes a drastic turn for the worst

@a1mtarabichi is there any better way you can explain and make this graph simplier and well understood

This is a graph for Bitcoin Cash / ETH which was a specific trade I had set to; not for BTC in general. Unless you were trading bitcoin cash for eth than it's irrelevant; i just posted the chart & indicators because pretty much most of the top 10 market cap has followed a similar parabolic movement and rapid % increase.

Basically the green/yellow zone is the resistance "tug-of-war" area and seeing as how the threshold was crossed; (same with $btcusd) we were able to reach a 3rd, even quicker than the first two bull-run!

Although I fear it may be short-lived.

What a great morning to wake up too - any ideas on what the driver is today? Do you think it is the ETF chat for BTC?

Hard to tell Sage.. Here's a good article I read that might help answer some questions: https://www.ft.com/content/8db6ce04-d458-11e7-8c9a-d9c0a5c8d5c9 for the drivers;

oh no! a financial times subscription page!!

here was something I found today :


So 2 things Sagey bud

  1. if you're gonna act facetious & sarcastic online via text, you better emphasize that sarcasm otherwise you are just confusing
  2. i thought Steemit was social networking for adults. meaning no trolls, douches, or spammers/idiots? The financial times subscription page would re-direct you to the article if you skimmed the headline...
  3. Wtf is up your ass? why are you acting like a douche? I remember reading some of your blog posts & leaving positive feedback. so why come on my page and trash me?

whats the matter buddy? you upset that life ain't goin the way you want it to so you lash out on the success of others? yawn tell me sumthing i don't know / i'm not used to already.

Hey now dude, I'm only kidding with you. Am I sarcastic? Oh yeah, but I assume most people get my humor from reading my posts. I'm wrong to assume that. And the fact that I put that ZH article on there was meant to show you what I found in respect to the run to share, so I apologize .

So yeah, my bad. Sarcasm doesn't translate well. I like your stuff, so apologies. I'll keep it clean going forward. I wasn't meant to be contrite.

also, I don't mean to say you are a guy / girl with the "dude" comment. That's just a carry over from blogging about sports. Again, my bad.

sorry lol my mistake :) peace & love I knew there was some confusion. that's why i hate speaking in txt.

i don't care about the guy / girl dude comment lol i just thought you were being facetitious like "oh no he posted a financial tab subscription page, big deal" i misinterpreted what you meant. sorry sage!

hey man, I'd drop it, but did you see this? I feel bad you thinking I'm a dbag troll. I get enough of that on my other website. Hope you saw this. Not really into negative karma on this site, so apologizes again. Let's go Bitcoin, and I hope you bought your Digibytes

yes i did. we cool sage we cool like the fonz


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