What's going on with China, Cryptocurrencies and Jimie Dimond?

in #cryptocurrencies7 years ago

I am fairly new to cryptocurrencies and trading, but one thing that makes sense to me is not to worry about any of this. Let me expand on the thought. China, so they are going to require licensing, what does that have to do with anything. Seems like a pretty dumb idea to me to give up your corner of the market, so to speak. There is so much opportunity for everybody else out there if China continues on the trend they are on. Also seems to me if you are in cryptocurrencies for the short term, you're in it for the wrong reason. I've been following a few people who have helped me with my research in trading cryptocurrencies and what I've learned is don't worry about the short term, we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg, stay in this for the long haul. As for the CEO of JP Morgan, any of the bankers speaking out about the cryptocurrencies being "Fraudulent" are scared that their continued immoral acts against humanity are coming to an end and they are about to be exposed. Just a couple of weeks ago there were news reports about billions of dollars going from the traditional stock market over to the cryptocurrencies market.

So here's my take and this certainly isn't financial advice by any stretch of the imagination. Stick around, be patient and just keep keeping on. It seems to me if you're not involved or if you're going to try to make a quick buck and get rich quick, you may get disappointed. If you've seen any of my responses/replies to posts, I always encourage, "Stay Strong, Press On and Charge the Hill!" This is my encouragement to you.

As always, Passionate about your Dreams,



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