Goldman Sachs: Bitcoin is the New Gold

Let's have a quick (not really) chat about what roles bitcoin and cryptocurrencies can and cannot fill.

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Bitcoin cannot and will not ever become money in my opinion, primarily because it is a pure technology solution. It's only intrinsic value is it's technological functionality. By it's nature technology becomes obsolete as better technologies come along. (Hashgraph is already potentially better than the blockchain). So bitcoin will eventually reach it's intrinsic value. Zero.
Gold has always been money for a reason. Crypto-gold will ultimately replace other crypto's as both a medium of exchange (where the crypto provides the platform for transparent digital storage and payments) and a store of value (where gold provides protection against inflation).
There are already a number of crypto-gold solutions emerging. More will follow. Eventually one will become the defacto standard.

Right now the way Bitcoin is dropping is a great time to buy in.
I believe Bitcoin is headed a lot higher, as well as other coins.
Buying into Bitcoin is like buying Gold in a way, it value will increase but the fees, well just too high, that brings in the alt coins and I like Etherium, Litecoin and Dash , one I think will make money is EOS.
Either way crypto is in the red, buying in on dips is how to make money, but it's always a gamble.

Will check them links out. Following you know.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 62345.27
ETH 2427.57
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.49