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RE: Name YOUR decentralized social network?

in #cryptocurrencies6 years ago (edited)

I presume you know that hypertext are the links between (and even within) documents that we have on the world wide web (i.e. in browser)?


So you know enough to think that anything related to hypertext is dated from the birth of the Internet, but not detailed enough to know that hyperdata was a more recent concept that has not been entirely implemented.

That sounds about right.

I agree that many reasonably tech aware Anglo Westerners above age 35 are less likely to find the term hypertext novel. But would they associate hyperdata as being essentially the same as hypertext?

When I linked “hypertext” with “hyperdata”, I perhaps should have elaborated that I wasn’t conflating the two terms, simply that it was reflexive word association.

If we could think of a similarly appropriate name of the technology that is less rehashed, I would be happy for it. Just haven’t been able to think of anything yet that isn’t lost in a sea of social media names.

Yes, you’re left with other portmanteaus and invented words to try and reflect all the features you're setting out to achieve. A tall order to get all your ducks in a row. Either that, or go in the other direction and consider non-English words for their sounds, look and energy - like with Uber.

They key concept I would like to convey is the disruption of the middle-man corporation parasite that enslaves data

So is it possible that all other considerations stand a chance of being sublimated to this goal if no all-encompassing eureka! name emerges?

Data is very important to Millennials. Why would they not care about their data? Their music, their photos, their freedom to wisecrack in a permissionless environment (e.g. 4chan), etc.

I’m not disagreeing.

Yet I get the point that hyperdata may not convey a need they perceive they have.

And too that “Hyperdata” might sound like another professional hi-tech, computer-related company to many of them, and maybe not spark their imagination – dunno, I’m just one narrow band of the demographic.

In fact, TBL now is pushing his SOLID platform and technology to decentralize the control of data on the Internet.1

I was reading about it a few days ago. So there seems to be a growing mood for reform. I suspect TBL’s project could gain a head start due to the respect he’s accumulated - in spite of the flaw you pointed out. Struck me that SOLID was a decent name, but not outstanding. I wonder if it will gain traction in the wider community.

Of your other brainstorming ideas, Myriad and Keeper/Keepr stood out for me; however, the shortened spelling habit of Keepr and its like have perhaps passed their sell-by dates by now. So out of the two: Keeper. Also reminds me, say, of how a guy will describe his girlfriend as a “keeper”; better than previous ones. So works on a lighter and more personal basis as well as the more professional and technical angles.


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