Technical Analysis Is Coffee Reading 2.0

in #cryptocurrencies7 years ago

When I was young, I used to watch my mother and her friends gather up to drink turkish coffee. They would discuss news and events in their life while they were enjoying their shot. After they finished, they would flip the cups, wait for a bit and then turn them back up again in order to see the arbitrary coffee patterns forming on the base.

They would swear that over the years some patterns were looking much the same and they would indicate certain events. It makes sense since they would use the same motion to flip the cup, the recipe was much the same and the quantity of the water and ground coffee was also about the same. These patterns, whether they were clouds, animals or anything else in between, came to represent specific future events. Ask any of them and they would tell you that the stains predicted things like death, birth, marriage, misfortune, coming to money and other usual suspects as one would expect from these kind of things.

Of Course this is all superstition but there is a grain of truth in their belief that can also be found in the fortune telling arena. The patterns, whether they come from technical analysis, the zodiac or coffee stains don't matter as much as the people believing in them. In my hometown, most people knew about the patterns and the potential outcomes as much as traders know about "head and shoulders", "bull flags" and "parabolic growths". As the patterns emerge within a community that accepts and understand them, they become indicators of self-fulfilling prophecies. If enough people believe in them, then the patterns will fulfill their cycle in order to meet the expectations of those who depend on them.

This is why it is so hard to convince people against fortune telling or technical analysis. They both have seen the patterns predicting events time after time. Even though the 'misses' are far greater than the 'hits', it doesn't appear so because the brain has a tendency to forget the losses and only remember the wins. This is also why gamblers get caught up in the loop and why they rarely learn from their mistakes.

Humans are incredibly superstitious beings. The trick is not the accuracy of the system that drives the particular superstition but the amount of people who believe and follow it. In religion, this can cause massive problems. For example, if enough people believe that the world is going to shit and that we are approaching Armageddon day, most people will lead such a lifestyle that can cause a major catastrophe and thus fulfill their own superstition. Thing is, the individual will be clueless to the mass psychological effect that caused the events and they will rather believe the holy book or the priest that preached it.

Much like religion though there are some key players that can lead the crowd into fulfilling their own superstitions. In religion and politics we know them as politicians and priests. Even in science some people can cause this self-fulfilling dogma by designing experiments for specifically answering their own hypothesis. In the markets, those people are called "market makers". They are big players with extremely large positions and they can manipulate the entire market to their liking. Many will doubt this. They would say that coins like Bitcoin or Ethereum are "evenly distributed". A quick search on google about recent statistics and specific address growth would prove them otherwise.

As power concentrates to less people, the masses are easier to manipulate since few people can create loveable, attractive patterns that we are so used to them. We depend greatly on them in order to survive. Evolution has crafted us so we fall for them time after time again. Today, we are living in a world were patterns serve as fishing baits. We think we understand how everything works ...until it is too late.


Then again, you can't leave men without their "coffee reading" ! They need it just as much as women ! :)

"Reflexivity" as what you describe is called in some circles is a very powerful engine of human progress. of course sometimes it misfires and explodes. Religion was essential to the aggregation of human societies from isolated families to extended families to tribes to heterogenous societies. But religion is based on reflexivity - as more and more people "believe" they warp the reality so that their beliefs are confirmed.

I had several discussions recently about the blockchain phenomenon. Technically, if it was "just another technology" most of the people would just shrug. But it acquired a status of quasi religion and that is a huge opportunity. Even if we know that, rationally speaking, blockchain is not magic, pretending the opposite allows things previously very difficult or almost impossible to become feasible.

Raising seed money for instance: the money is in the hands of people who would never understand, let alone trust with their money a project based on cryptographic mumble-jumble. But if you tell them "you don't need to understand because it's magic" they are suddenly willing to fund good projects, to give them a chance they would not otherwise have had. Of course it makes it almost equally likely that they fund scams, but scams "come with the territory" and are mostly irrelevant in the big scheme of things, as they will be adversely selected.

Also, I believe that being pure "emotion plays", TA, Elliot waves and "tea leaves reading" should work really well on crypto, much better than on classic stocks or other financial assets backed by real world events.

i agree with you 100% on this

When I teach support and resistance principles in the first video of my scaredycat crypto course - I literally say, as more and more people give these price areas we weight, they become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

90% of investing is psychology and emotion. The 10% technical just graphs people's emotions and beliefs. And that is my small edge. :-)

Relying solely on one indicator always sets one up for failure. You have to think about the bigger picture, consult your intuition, and in my opinion, read as much as you can from bright minds.

Your last paragraph states, "As power concentrates to less people, the masses are easier to manipulate...". Unfortunately I cannot agree more, and its pretty damn obvious to see this playing out as we speak.

In my view, the best solution to set yourself apart from the herd is to read, read some more, and think. Simplicity is underrated. Enjoy your musings @kyriacos!

You are totally right here. Most of the technical analysts (those on steemit included) sell a high profitable "tips" on How to get rich easy, and that happens not only on cryptos, but in Any speculative market.

I have been studying about Financial markets for almost an a year, and there is some things i learned:

  • People are stupid and want to make money with no effort, therefore, there Will always be people looking for the next "hot" investment tip. These are the majority people that lose money on the markets.
  • Graphs and indicators dont move the price. Only people buying and selling move the price
  • Technical analysis is useful, but only If you really understand what that indicatior is translating. Each indicator os based on some direct information on the market, but is Just that. An indicator.
  • Technical analysis is only useful with some degree of fundamental analysis.
  • A Trend or Pattern only appears on a graph when there is enough information over time. Any Pattern on that 6 month old coin wont Tell you shit.
  • Cryptos are the most easily manipulated market i have ever seen.
  • Learn, dont follow.
  • The smart money get rich over the Dumb money.
  • If someone say that they have more than 70% accuracy on the market, its bullshit.

The problem we have is a overvaluation of technical analysis, and in cryptos there is too much Dumb money on the table.

It's astounding how much people seek out order and pattern in such a chaotic ecosystem. But just like any other change to our ways of living, staying away from superstitious thoughts or actions requires consistent skepticism of our own thoughts and actions. To tweak a fantastic quote by Ayn Rand, though the non-thinkers may ignore reality, none of us can escape the consequences of their ignorance.

Thanks for this story sharing... i appreciate this post. resteemit

Humans are incredibly superstitious beings ,this sentence is true for whole over the world.Humans has big brain cell,But they are idial,They do not use it proper work.

I think you are on to something. Yes self-fulfillment happens and folks put way too much stock in it. One must have the wisdom to know when it is real and when it is stretching what you want to believe. Thanks.

We in Aceh are also fans of drinking coffee, if you have the opportunity to visit Aceh you will find in every corner of some coffee shops and everywhere we will find coffee from teenagers to parents accompanied by a cup of coffee. but we have never found anything like what they say that they predict what will come from just the rest of the coffee in the cup. strange indeed. The introductory greetings from @syafiqali are happy to be able to exchange stories about coffee..

The Steemit experiment doesn't exactly disprove this 8-).

who said it does? :P

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