CNBC Pumping Ripple. Fake News Pumping Fake Coin?

in #cryptocurrencies7 years ago


Is there an agenda between media corporations and the Bankers coin Ripple? I will be frank, I do not listen to, support or promote the corrupt media such as CNBC. I think it is safe to say, that I would do just the opposite of what CNBC says or does. So I am not surprised to hear that CNBC on live TV was showing the viewing audience how to purchase Ripple.

Ripple is known, in the crypto world, as the "Bankers Coin". There has been much debate as to whether the token known as Ripple, is even needed to transact on the blockchain. Ripple is an open-source, semi-permissioned blockchain run by Ripple labs. Ripple uses trust lines that only parties who both agree to open a line of communication use. So Banks, create their own network of partners and allow them to transact assets on the blockchain to each other.

To make a long story short, the Ripple token (XRP) is not even needed to transact on the blockchain. In time, the Ripple token (XRP) will become an unnecessary expense in the network. According to an article by Brian Schuster in the Hackernoon

"Increasing the price of XRP does not strengthen their position in winning the financial institutions market. When competition get intense, XRP will be one of the first factors to be eliminated, either through devaluing XRP significantly or giving it away entirely. This is ultimately the fate of XRP is: at best, a potential incentive to have new organizations join their business, at worst, an additional cost that is completely eliminated by giving away XRP (or close to it). In either case, the value of XRP is simply not supported by it’s use case and will be unlikely to retain it’s value".

It looks like the Bankers use Ripple to pump and dumb as they see fit. It is a token that they can manipulate as they wish and use it to gain cash from unsuspecting investors. In turn, they use this cash and purchase Bitcoin (BTC) with it. I do not give financial advice. I do give my opinion and often state what my long term crypto strategies are. I have never liked nor participated in Ripple. Have some made money trading XRP? Yes, of course, but I refuse to participate in the bankers game. One of the promising aspects of crypto currencies and the decentralized blockchain is the fact that it is outside the corrupt banking system and is its replacement. So why would I sell out and make profits off the very institution and their coin that I hate?

So I would not be surprised if there is collusion between lame stream media and the bankers coin Ripple. I find it interesting that CNBC took time out to show people how to buy Ripple, yet ignore 30 plus crypto coins that are by far more superior in many aspects than XRP.

reference article:


I thank @joshsigurdson for batman slapping me when I wanted to climb on the ripple train a while ago.

Glad you listened.

Ripple is the plague stay away from it. Lol. They are pumping and dumping to buy BTC guaranteed. Trying to buy it all up, or as much as they can anyway. My hopes are that most people with ripple are doin what you did, just get it to make a little profit, not holding long term. Time will tell I guess.

Yes, I agree

I have some ripple, but Digibyte is close to my heart. With 5 mining algorithms, 30 second blocks, 140 transactions per second, and being more decentralized than Bitcoin... HODL Digibyte!!!

Good points. I also like Digibyte more so than Ripple anyday

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