
Why wouldn't I ^^Þ

You too, have a great day!!

Great Day!!

Thanks! I like your attitude

This is Andy Samberg! I like him very much! I love Brooklyn 99

Yeah, I was a bit more enthusiastic yesterday, still will continue visiting and participating in my friends pages, whenever possible..

Barely managing to hang on (the rapid changes in weather are messing up my spine a lot and making it difficult to stand straight and avoid some pain)..

Used to like a lot of the entertainment but it's becoming hard to find it funny when it's filled with propaganda, predictive programming and the world is how it is..

Doesn't really matter, almost no one really cares (not directed at You it's more in a general sense)..

Have a great day brother, cheers

Yeah, I was a bit more enthusiastic yesterday, still will continue visiting and participating in my friends pages, whenever possible..


Barely managing to hang on (the rapid changes in weather are messing up my spine a lot and making it difficult to stand straight and avoid some pain)..

Keep it warm, my friend

Doesn't really matter, almost no one really cares (not directed at You it's more in a general sense)..

People are generally only interested in their own problems. In this chaotic world, there is little time to see others.

However, good friends always help.


There is no need to thank for anything, still it is appreciated the appreciation shown =)

On the contrary my friend, the body is constantly trying to fight inflammation(heating of a specific area), although it is needed to treat some ills, everything related with bones or bone tissue, muscles and tendons should avoid heat, and that's the case with my back, if I heat it even more I will be in a hell sea of pain..

I agree, and totally get that everyone have their own problems, still, most of the times it's a matter of learning union and working along with other human beings to take care of it..

Indeed my friend, true friends are 'always' there ;) and for that, qatlho' (I thank You, in Klingon language x_D_)


So... warm is bad? Probably, the cold will give better results.

I love Star Trek too, all of them even STD, ehmm.. I mean Star Trek Discovery!

Have You ever twisted an ankle? What do you do? You put ice on it to help both with the pain and swelling, so the body can do 'his' thingy and heal everything ^^)

I did love Star Trek, still like to a degree ^^Þ (Yeah I get the STD pun, made me laugh a bit x_D_ cause STD is not Star Trek.. don't offend the Trekkies!! w/ that sexual transmitted disease)

I remember that episode. Good one

And I also remember that a traumatologist told me that I had to combine heat and cold therapies for a sprain. Although generally here in my country we are looking for a person who massages for these types of injuries.

Se dice: un hombre que soba. I don't know how to translate that.

He not only cures with the massages he gives but also uses prayers and mantras to calm the pain.

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