Teal Swan's perspective on the future of cryptocurrencies

in #cryptocurrencies7 years ago (edited)

I'm not a big fan or even follower of Teal Swan, but I do love the fact that more and more spiritual teachers talk about cryptocurrencies. And I quite like this straight forward response of hers in this clip.

Teal Swan says, she sees a one-world-currency in our future.

She also says, anything that is "one-world" has the potential to be either very bad or very good.

To me the distinction is this: will it be a centralized one-world-currency (bad) or a decentralized one (good)?

It all depends on the consciousness of the people. Us.

She also comments on the fact that there will be huge volatility - which is no news to anyone with a little common sense, who's in the crypto space not just to make money, but to actually take us into a new paradigm.

Of course the old paradigm will fight back - it is already fighting back - by trying to implement all sorts of regulations.

"The regulators will fail in the end," she says, though.

I believe that, too.
I believe we will all live in a completely different world in about 5 years.

So when she says, "Yes, invest, but also get the hell out again quickly", I take this to mean, "Take profits along the way!" Because of all the ups and downs.

Because why would you choose to get out again, when you believe that this is the future?

Enjoy the clip & let me know what you think!


So glad I just stumbled over your blog.

It looks like the kind of female-welcoming place that I was searching for, here on #steemit . 🎻


Oh Teal Swan...she is so tremendously arrogant, haha! I'd enjoy much more watching you being interviewed about crypto, Anja! :-) But anways learned something new today: the dollar price in Europe is different from the one in the US? Or did she actually mean the fees?

I don't believe in that one worldwide currency. Just remember how complicated it was to introduce the Euro in Europe. Both from an operational and a political point of view there are looooots of barriers. Russia and the US sharing the same currency? I wanna see that happen :-)

For a start I'd love to see crypto becoming more popular in general - that would be the very first step. Maybe we should focus on that before thinking about changing the whole world :-)

I feel she means the value of the doller is different. As in if you were to exchange it to euros etc, you already lose value for doing such etc.

When you say it was very difficult to introduce Euro across most EU countries.. it got done anyway! And when you say you would want crypto becoming more popular.. I may remind you of the recent news across the globe.. all had cryptocurrency in the headlines :D

The time is Now!
The future is Now!

I think so, too :) But I also realise that we all live in our little bubbles and believe only what we see with our limited perception. So I never really know anything for sure. At all. But I do think everything is possible :)

I don't know what she meant by that Dollar comment, LOL, that sounded a bit stupid. Maybe she meant the conversion rates, that $1 is not €1 or something.

The barriers and complications of the Euro happened in our centralized system. The point of Bitcoin & crypto is that it exists outside of that system (without barriers and regulations).

I agree, lots of things have to happen first in order for Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency become a global one. However I also believe that exactly those things will happen in the coming years and over a very short time span.

But we shall see! Nobody knows what the future will bring - and by when - not even Teal Swan :D

Nobody knows what the future will bring - and by when - not even Teal Swan :D

Haha, well said!

The point of Bitcoin & crypto is that it exists outside of that system (without barriers and regulations).

Sure. But to make one of them become that one global coin they would need to tear down all kinds of barriers, regulation, political interests and established structures. That's a loooooong way to go.

From my point of view, one of the most critical aspects of crypto promotion is its aggressivity. If we were offering a smart solution instead of announcing complete world domination we'd be much more successful making crypto become popular :-) Just my perspective.

I'm so curious about the future. I totally get your point of view, but I'm at a point where I believe that this "loooooong way" will not take more than 5 years. I also totally get, how ridiculous this might sound on your end, though. We can only wait and see... :)

Sorry, I couldn't watch it to the end. She obviously hasn't grasped that it's not 'cryptocurrency', but 'cryptocurrencies'. Or that, ultimately, although this will change our financial system, the potential impact of the blockchain on day to day things is as big or bigger than the financial impact. It's not just her: most news sources seem to be just reporting on bitcoin/crypto as investment/currencies, while missing that this technology has the potential to change our world dramatically, very quickly (and for the better).

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