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RE: Name YOUR decentralized social network?

in #cryptocurrencies6 years ago (edited)

People do not understand Proverbs 1:10–19

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez Debunks Myths About A 70% Marginal Tax. C.f. the comments under the linked video! You can clearly see the demise of the West is at hand. C.f. also Elizabeth Warren’s Wealth Tax – How to Destroy the United States in Less than 10 years.

They don’t understand how if they gang up against others (to tax and steal from them, regulate them, etc), they are destroying themselves:

10 My son, if sinful men entice you,
do not give in to them.
11 If they say, “Come along with us;
let’s lie in wait for innocent blood,
let’s ambush some harmless soul;
12 let’s swallow them alive, like the grave,
and whole, like those who go down to the pit;
13 we will get all sorts of valuable things
and fill our houses with plunder;
14 cast lots with us;
we will all share the loot”—
15 my son, do not go along with them,
do not set foot on their paths;
16 for their feet rush into evil,
they are swift to shed blood.
17 How useless to spread a net
where every bird can see it!
18 These men lie in wait for their own blood;
they ambush only themselves!
19 Such are the paths of all who go after ill-gotten gain;
it takes away the life of those who get it.

I replied on Gab’s Twitter feed:

Nice excuse for running another centralized system which is the same problem you assert you’re trying to fix. There’s of course a solution to content people do not want to see. The concept is decentralized curation and I probably invented the concept years ago. Gab won’t scale.

I made a follow-up reply:

If we all tie our shoelaces together in unison to defeat those who have shoes we don’t agree with, then we fall flat on our faces when any of us tries to move. You[Gab] think[s] you[they]’re making a better/justified world, but you[they]’re actually destroying your[them]selves.

I also wrote on Twitter in that convo:

You support Gab even more because you ban others? Huh? And who decides? It’s impossible to have centralized exclusion w/o it becoming in the future censorship against everyone. Because power corrupts absolutely.

And responding to Gab again:

How is that centralized power to decide which content is censored not also criminal? Why do you think only criminals will use a platform which gives them freedom? Is it because you don’t understand how decentralized curation can hide from everyone the content they dislike.

See my past (mostly censored) debates on BCT with @dinofelis et al about Usenet as an insufficient precedent. Usenet wasn’t a Fat Protocol.

What those myopic peeps who are commenting there on Gab’s Twitter feed don’t understand is that everybody in the society wanting to regulate and control everybody else destroys degrees-of-freedom and will push the Western economies into gridlock (and eventually civil war) and over the cliff into the economic abyss over the next decade. They don’t understand that degrees-of-freedom and freedom to create small businesses unharassed by regulation and egregious taxation (along with two coasts on Pacific and Atlantic with a Mississippi river bisecting for farm and industrial age commerce+trade, but now we are moving into the knowledge age and that geographical advantage is not germane) is what made the USA the #1 economy in the world. They don’t understand the epochal shift that is the blockchain. Nor do they (nor Martin Armstrong) understand why tokenization (i.e. Fat Protocols) is important.

This satire The British Press I think sums up the situation well. People want to be pandered to, and do not want to be told anything about reality.

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