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RE: Name YOUR decentralized social network?

in #cryptocurrencies6 years ago (edited)

@quillfiller wrote:

You might be interested in a podcast I was listening to (23 mins in) recently where immunologist Prof. Sheena Cruikshank was discussing the microbiome and how poo samples don't truly reflect the range of bacteria that exist between the stomach and the rectum, which live in mucus gel. Although I expect you are already aware of the risks, she advises from this point caution in self-administering.

Finally had a moment to watch that portion of the video you cited. She’s just stating that the stool donor has to screened with lab testing, which I entirely agree with.

Regarding her point about the microflora in the epithelial mucus layer, please again refer to the points made (in the blog I cited) about the absolute importance of saturated fats in nourishing and maintaining that layer. I will quote as follows again from my other reply to your prior post:

That linked comment post contains among several others a link to an astute and well researched technical blog post (also archived) which explains why unsaturated fats and most grains are likely to exacerbate leaky gut. And explains (with a link to another blog post) (also archived) how to this leaky gut stresses the liver (thus could explain a posited causal relationship in my case: leaky gut ➜ NAFLD aka fatty liver ➜ liver+spleen cysts). He explained for example, “unlike short- and medium-chain fatty acids, long-chain fatty acids do not go directly to the liver absent a leaky gut.” Which means saturated (i.e. long-chain) fats are (absent leaky gut) digested in the large intestine symbiotic with good microbiome/microflora in the intestine which aid in said digestion […]

Also just because the stool is not rich in the bacterial diversity of the epithelial mucus layer, it doesn’t follow logically that we have any certainty that a fecal transplant has no restorative impact on the epithelial mucus layer and its bacterial colonization. Anecdotally we have some very compelling users case histories of being entirely cured from ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease with fecal transplants.

Note your cited Prof. Sheena Cruikshank promotes a diverse diet, but that may be (as advised by another so called “expert”) high in unsaturated fats which may be precisely what perpetuates dysbiosis! Read the blog I cited.

Copy of an email I just sent…

IMPORTANT: can [name redacted] or [name redacted] help me find a healthy stool donor in your area?

[name redacted] and/or [name redacted],

Can either of you guys help me to find a suitable stool donor. The preferred qualifications of the donor should be:

  • Eats a balanced diet with vegetables, meats, and does not consume a lot of sugar nor softdrinks. Has never taken antibiotics or at least not many times. And has absolutely never taken the florouquinos class of antibiotics (which has many different brand names and variants). That is the class of antibiotics which I suspect destroyed my gut flora in 2012. After 24 days of it, I was never healthy again (and note the EU has a strict caution against using this class of antibiotics but the FDA refuses to do so).

  • Not obese. Preferably on the thinner side with a fast metabolism.

  • Has no STDs and no known infections, nor past serious infections that leave remnants which can cause later autoimmunity (e.g. Dengue, malaria, etc). Thus someone who is a virgin is even superior, but not an absolute requirement as blood testing can be used instead.

  • Ideally (but not absolutely required, just a bonus) they would be young before the age of puberty (as the biome is most diverse then) and an athlete (i.e. a long distance runner would be nice). Although the way most youth eat these days, probably would be more ideal to have an adult who has learned to eat healthy and avoid soft drinks.

I’m asking you two guys because I would like to return to the USA asap and it’s winter time, so I am really not relishing being in Washington State where my mom is. Texas or Florida sounds nice. I could go north after being cured.

If [another name redacted] or anyone knows suitable donor in California or elsewhere, I might also be interested in going where that person is.

The donor would need to be willing to give me fresh stool at least once, and preferably a few times. I am willing to pay the donor. The donor needs to submit to blood and stool lab tests so confirm that they have no adverse disease or hereditary issues which could make me more ill than I am.

While in the USA, I could also seek an out-patient clinic-based endoscopy testing. Perhaps the capsule camera which is swallow and takes 50,000 photos of the inside of the entire digestive tract. Texas presumably might be a great place to seek this, as it is sort of free-market-based State. Texas and Florida have a nice climate in late Winter/early Spring.

While in the USA, I could obtain a new Linux laptop which may be unavailable here in the Philippines, such as the Lenovo Carbon X1.

I’m feeling ill with diarrhea again. Not as bad as on Jan. 26, but nevertheless recurrent diarrhea is further confirming correlation that I very likely am suffering from bad gut microflora (aka dysbiosis), leaky gut, and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). The ongoing (years by now) fatigue, brain fog, and other effects make it difficult for me to maintain a high-level of consistent productivity in work (and all things in life). It’s incredibly wasteful.

The only known cure for dysbiosis is a fecal transplant, i.e. stool enemas. Numerous people have cured themselves with self-administered stool enemas, but the FDA doesn’t approve of doctors in the USA to do it (except allowed in the case of C.difficile infection which I do not have). There’s nothing illegal about an individual self-administering it in the USA. It’s simple, just puree the fresh stool in some water with Psyllium husks fiber, then force-feed into my anus with an enema bag or large 50ml oral syringe.

I am recurrently losing so much valuable time to being low-energy (low body temperature also) as in forehead on keyboard can’t think fatigue, that it is worth taking the timeout to get some testing done and arrange for an fecal transplant assuming that endoscopy (and other lab testing such as for my thyroid) doesn’t not find an alternative diagnosis.

The reason to come back to the USA, is I don’t trust any donor in Asia. Certainly not in Philippines where people are all bitten by mosquitoes and have so many infectious diseases. And generally I think Asians have a nasty diet (too much white rice for example and eat pork and sugar) and the medical systems are much less Westernized or inflexible/abusive/unprofessional. Also if something goes wrong (e.g. capsule camera gets stuck and requires invasive action to retrieve), I prefer to be under the care of USA doctors. So having a donor prearranged would motivate to come back and do the medical testing first.

There are doctors in Argentina who do fecal transplants, but then I have the language barrier and I doubt it is any cheaper because of the high cost of the flight to South America from Asia as compared to cheaper flights to the USA West Coast from Manila. Also I couldn’t get my specialized Linux laptop there.

I believe all the necessary testing on the donor is available in the USA.

It’s time to investigate and get to the bottom of what ails me. I can’t go on wasting more precious time wallowing in the delirium of the fatigue caused by this adverse health condition.

Having said that, I continue to try to do my best to improve my health where I am for the time being. I ordered Bovine Colostrum arriving no later than Feb. 11:

Bovine Colostrum has (100 times more than human mothers) immunoglobulins that may stimulate a healing process for the gut. Might help me, might not.

Follow-up email:

SUBJECT: Maybe we can delay the search for a fecal donor until later in February

Note I drank 1 liter of fresh cow’s milk (freshly produced here in Davao) and I think I feel better already from that bout of diarrhea.

I’m thinking it was that Nestle Yogurt I ate last night (plus the very intense 3 hour gym workout) which messed up my digestion. That crap has beef gelatin, stabilizer, made from non-fat milk with milk solids added back in, etc.. In short, highly processed, modified Franken(stein)food.

Per that insightful blog post I shared in a prior email recently, the good (e.g. lacto) bacteria needs saturated fat (or which milk and butter are very high) and dairy in order to thrive. There’s a reason that humans drink milk when they’re infants with a not yet development gut microflora and immune system.

I seem to feel much better when I eat unprocessed foods including butter, free-range brown eggs, grass-fed beef, steamed potatoes, unpolished red rice, etc.. instead of processed grains.

Thus, I’m hopeful the Bovine Colostrum is going to cure me.

I think there’s a high probability that my health issue is entirely dysbiosis driven as the root problem. I think the cysts and fatty liver are driven by the dysbiosis, not vice versa. Again if I can’t rectify this problem with these diet and supplement changes within the next couple of weeks or so, then I want to explore returning to the USA for some clinical diagnostics and preparation for fecal transplants.

A reply to the first email:


Hey, I have no idea where to start looking for that. I know hardly any young people. I think liability issues could be very high here. Which is why I Cc'd [pain medication doctor’s name redacted].

Perhaps you should just come to the USA and get thoroughly checked. If fecal transplant MIGHT be indicated, wow, I don't know where to go nor what to do.

If that were to be the only way, the only thing that comes to mind would be to dig deep and find the "medical underground" or perhaps alternative doctors (like the famous nutritionist/alternative medicine guy Dr. Whittaker, he's in California I think, and runs a specialized clinic for those looking for such treatments). I would have to guess that any of such routes would cost $$$$$. Up front.

Perhaps one of your contacts who has lived a LONG TIME where he is, really KNOWS his area, and has LOTS of street-savvy might be another avenue to investigate re unorthodox treatments. Once again, though, $$$$$, and RISKS.

Else..., Mexico??? $$$$$

Good luck, think this through... Personally I don't like it at all, but that's an opinion.

I understand if you know no one, have no younger relatives, or simply just don’t want to bothered or involved. I respect every person’s right to choose. Btw, I had sent follow-up email saying we could wait another couple of weeks to see if the upcoming Bovine Colostrum is going to help me.

Liability? I have never sued anyone and never will. What the f*ck is wrong with white people? Have they entirely forgotten their duty under God? Have they forgotten the story of the man who always ignored the beggar and ended up in hell and begged for drop of water on his tongue but will be forever refused any relief from perpetual agony.

That liability crap that Westerners are stuck in, is why the FDA is effectively able to ban fecal transplants in the USA, because no doctors are willing to take the risk given it is not an FDA approved treatment. Thus protects the corrupt drug companies, because fecal transplants work and they are not patentable.

You don’t like it all? That’s because you have not been sick for 5+ years and no chance of being cured without a fecal transplant. Would you prefer to remain sick the rest of your life instead? Life is a balance of risks. There’s no such thing as a riskless direction. Even doctors poison patients, for example when they put my mom on beta blockers and nearly destroyed her. Of course I would first listen to what doctors find from endoscopy and other routine testing. But I am nearly certain we will end up with no findings and only the nebulous diagnosis of IBS or autoimmunity. In that case, the only thing that works is a fecal transplant. But the modern medical system is avoiding recognizing that. They will refuse to do clinical trials on something that can’t be patented.

I don’t need a doctor to help me with fecal transplants. I only need a suitable donor, then I can do it myself. I don’t need a clandestine clinic. Certainly I would not choose a donor from Mexico, unless I could observe their lifestyle and be very sure of their history. And if I could do all the necessary lab testing on them in Mexico. Yes Mexico is potentially an option but that would probably take a lot of work to try to choose a donor since I know no one in Mexico. And clinics are not in the business of finding donors. Doctors who do fecal transplants want to use a lot of antibiotics also, because they’re afraid. Which sort of defeats the entire point of doing a fecal transplant. Every personal story I have read of people being cured from it after horrific battles with ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease, did it by themselves without a doctor from a donor they knew well in the USA and trusted.

Why do you refer to [pain medication doctor’s name redacted] always? He knows nothing about any of this. It is no where near his specialty and besides doctors in the USA are trained to ignore anything not sponsored by the drug cartel. They are mostly useless except as drones to use by the clever patient who outsmarts them.

Btw, as you can see below, Google is deleting some of my important emails which I am sending you. I asked you to signup for a free account because they will not block my emails. Google is corrupt. Why do you continue to support that evil company by using their services?

You can see a copy of the follow-up email I sent you at the following linked comment. Just click this:

This is the mail system at host

I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not
be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below.

SUBJECT: Maybe we can delay the search for a fecal donor until later in February 8.2 k [ message/rfc822 ]

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550-5.7.1 This message does not have authentication information or fails to
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<mi…[email protected]> […]

<pe…[email protected]> […]


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