Bitcoin: Resistance is Futile

in #cryptocurrencies7 years ago (edited)

The popularity of Bitcoin is as exponential as its value. We are only in the infancy of this revolutionary technology, but it is clear that the foundation is being set for a complete overhaul of our traditional way of life.

In less than 10 years Bitcoin has gone global, and the United States is at the forefront of its use. Take a good look at the world around you - what do you see? Our old ways have created a system that is unstable, unsecure, and imbalanced. Bitcoin and the technologies it spawned will even the odds in all of our favor. That alone should be a good enough reason why right now is the perfect time to begin integrating Bitcoin into your everyday life, and help introduce it to your community.

There are so many benefits to getting involved in using Bitcoin at such an early stage. Let's start with the obvious one, profits...

Many like myself initially got involved in Bitcoin specifically to make a quick profit. I quickly realized that there was so much more to it all, but that was my mentality. So I downloaded the Coinbase app and just started buying a little bit every payday and held it. Like every other new investor on a very tight budget, I cringed at the sight of dips, but I also had confidence in knowing Bitcoin's financial history for shattering resistance. Bitcoin recently broke through the $5,500 value mark, surpassing gold (price per oz.) by over $4,200. At least for the foreseeable futurem Bitcoin in my opinion is as solid as it is sound to invest in, even with volatility being so high.

It is promising to see major companies such as Overstock and Newegg accepting Bitcoin as a form of payment, but it will be your local small business that will truly reap the benefits of Bitcoin and it's technology. makes it possible for anyone to adopt Bitcoin into their personal or business life. They offer a very simplified service where you can accept and store your Bitcoins - when you're ready to do some shopping, just pull out your official Bitpay Visa card which is linked to your Bitcoin wallet and accepted anywhere Visa is accepted.

by: Josh Julia


@scooter77 @ausbitbank - give it a read, this article speaks of how btc will become an adaption of life. You can already buy from the retailer Culture Kings with bitcoin. ♥️

Hi @kyriacos,
I'm sorry that you feel that way, but if you actually read the article you'll see that our ideas are completely different - mine is focused solely on Bitcoin and its growing popularity and use, while yours makes an argument against Bitcoin maximalism. Yes, both of our articles contain the phrase "resistance is futile", but as I'm sure you know, that phrase was first popularized by Star Trek, and is far from an uncommon saying. In other words, you either 'stole the idea' from Star Trek yourself, or simply thought of the same phrase by coincidence and are trying to claim it as your own invention. In reality, I had no idea of your existence before you commented on this post, and I don't think that using one identical phrase warrants accusations of stealing your idea by any stretch of the imagination. Once again, apologies that you seem to take offense here, but all of our work is original content written, fact-checked, and edited by a hardworking team.

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