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RE: Is Steemit Growth Great News or Dangerous to the Ecosystem?

Well! Realistically...Steemit has become Out n Out Marketplace and Absolutely commercial business for many!!! name it...Upvotes trading is the foremost...forefront and profitable business, needless to say "We All" do seek help and assistance of Bots from time to there is this flourishing business...besides SP Delegations at a particular cost and period to many... for many... by many...!!!
Whales, Dolphins, Orcas and what not... to quote... are all benefiting substantially with the Steem and SBD price surge!!!
Steemit has become "ADDICTION" for many...(myself included!!!)...which might...or might not be a healthy practice, by virtue of it !!!
People...will come...join Steemit and people will leave Steemit ( for whatever reasons, it may be!!!)...but I really really (eternally!!!) wish Steemit to be a BIG BRAND & BIG SUCCESS !!! for all the selfish reasons !!! :) 😊😊😊😊


Very nice comment dear and I cannot agree more plus it's good to follow the trend and make some thing out of the business steemit offers. Nice comment

Thank you so much!!! @kenhudoy really appreciate that!
Despite being a "beta" Steemit is "Definitely & Progressively" proving itself to be a successful model and we all Steemians expect it to be Out n Out Success! for all involved!
Therefore...simultaneously, there will be issues (good n bad) and practices (ethical & unethical) that will directly Or Indirectly, affect Steemit and all the related processes, to it !
We will have to live with them and address/resolve them, like any other marketplace/community!!! To come out as " ONE-GLOBAL-SUCCESSFUL- STEEMIT COMMUNITY" & most amazingly we have "So Many Talented" here In Our Steemit Community!!!

Couldn't agree more as you laid down all points beautifully. Wish you can find time to garnish my blog posts with your intuitive assertions. 👌

Thank you so much!!! @kenhudoy Truly Obliged !😊
It is such an honour...!!! am just a 😉"Novice"😉, still in the process of Learning, here on Steemit !!!😊
Sure, will visit !!! 👍
Thanks, Kindly!!!

It's quite natural for a market economy to develop where you have free flow of ideas and opportunities without any reasonable restrictions from an authority. And in such a market, all kinds of opportunists and businessmen are bound to take part. Oftentimes it's good for the market participants unless there is fraud taking place. We have to guard against that.

I couldn't agree more !!! @svkrulze
However there is a saying..."NOTHING IS ILLEGAL UNTIL YOU GET CAUGHT" !
Despite the facts, frauds taking place (major/minor), who would really know, as to what is happening where "UNTIL YOU GET CAUGHT" !!!
One can definitely guard...but to a certain extent...there are times when things and situations are absolutely out of your control and you really cannot prevent the "harm/fraud" happening, OR you are utterly unaware of it !!!
Every market has GOOD...BAD...& UGLY of it !!! Its just that what you wanna see and what not ! Therefore even Steemit is No excuse! People will find bugs in the system and exploit the loopholes. Just stay Alert ! Best Possible! 😉
Ohhh's your broken arm!!! ??? Wish you a speedy recovery and good health!!!😊
Get Well Soon !!!

Thanks for your wishes on my recovery.

I couldn't agree more with you

Welcome! 😊

Much Love!

😊😊😊 very good point buddy, I agree with you

Thanks !!! Charles :), for bringing it up! The credit goes to you!!! literally!
Though, I am, trying to make "Steemit" a "Funplace To Be" for myself...bcoz, if taken way to seriously, I might get "Entangled"...and wont be able to unwind at all !!! Cheers once again!

Much Love!😊

Hahaha you are correct about the ablity to be addicted blogging is the key...more success to you buddy.

Thanks a ton! Charles!
Pleasure, Indeed!

welcome, always and more success

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