I believe these cryptocurrencies will make me multi millionaire...

I believe these cryptocurrencies will make me multi millionaire...

I believe these crypto currencies will make me multi multi millionaire.jpg

Firstly I am thankful you guys for reading this, as I am complete newbie to this @steemit
So lets start what I believe about these coins.

@Cardano is being built by IOHK, who are an extraordinary technology company. They have brought together an international team of leading experts, academics and cryptographers to build Cardano over the the past two years, inspired by the best features of existing cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Ripple and Ethereum. This are many articles in the mainstream media that support this. What I believe is this coin is at its initials like @dash @neo was their in last 2016.

Coin 2- IOTA (MIOTA)

@IOTA as this coin solves the problem of Transaction costs, scalibility and offline transactions. This coin is also at its initials and I hope this gonna work in next years. I am planning to hold this coin atleast for a year. IOTA have invest my money in that.

Coin 3- STEEM

@steemit as I am posting on this platform itself I believe in this blockchain reason behind I think this will be a blockchain version of @google itself where every person can put their posts with no centralised power. I hope this will become next google.

Coin 4- These are bunch of coins I am collection

I am putting small amount of money on these coin like Einsteium (EMC2), Ethereum Classic (ETC) , NEO, SALT.

I am not a profession so please do your own research before buying any of coin.

Thankyou again. Please comment what you think so that I can learn from you guys. And please mention those coin which you believes gonna work.


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Thankyou Sir, I'll try to follow these

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 59715.05
ETH 3186.24
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.42