ADAB SOLUTIONS is an Islamic project that needs a crypto currency market.

Muslims are people of firm views, the main values of their life related to the purity of deeds and actions, their coherence with Islam. This is the reason why a Muslim should be sure of the correctness of his actions and consistency with the Shariah.

No any benefits will attract a Muslim if he is not sure of the correctness of such investment and it’s compliance with Islam. Our beliefs and faith require irrefutable evidence of the correctness of the deeds.
To date, the cryptocurrency market is an attractive area of investment, but the many contradictions in this market and the uncertain position of the Islamic community on the admissibility of investments in this market gave rise to questioning or full rejection of the investment to the cryptocurrency market by the Muslims, which led to the distancing and wait-and-see position of Muslim investors.

Nevertheless, some enthusiasts continued studying the cryptocurrencies for the compliance with the norms of Islam. As a result, became clear that some ideas and cryptocurrencies correspond to the norms of Islam, while many others do not.

Thanks to the efforts of these enthusiastic people such a projects as Halal Chain and One Gramm were implemented. And with these projects everything is clear. They were created and positioned as a halal projects created in a Muslim environment. Such projects have relevant documents, which confirm their compliance with Shariah law.
Some projects created by non-Muslims and did not set out to comply with the norms of Islam, eventually received documentation that their project and issued cryptocurrency correspond to Shariah.
But such projects are few in number. As for the rest hundreds of other cryptocurrencies and projects that are created, it is not clear whether the investment in them is possible.

Moreover, there is no clear classification and systematic approach in determining the signs of halal cryptocurrencies and projects. There is no single place for investment and trading with such a cryptocurrencies, and, moreover, there is no marketplace for launching new halal projects.

This is a significant problem that does not allow Muslims to freely trade cryptocurrencies, invest, realize ideas, and create new cryptocurrencies and companies.
ADAB Solutions intends to solve this problem. We are creating an exchange where only cryptocurrencies and tokens that correspond to the norms of Islam will be traded. Our users absolutely do not need to worry about the permissibility of transactions.

The authoritative Council for Islamic Finance (the Shariah Advisory Board) will allow trading only those assets, in which there is no doubt. Resolutions of the Shariah Advisory Board will be based not on a private judgment, but on a systemic classification, detailed, thorough study of cryptocurrencies, as well as companies and their tokens.
Moreover, ADAB Solutions intends to become a platform for launching the new halal projects. This will not only solve the problem of halal investment, but also significantly simplify and reduce the cost of crowdfunding for the founders of projects, as well as simplify the process of investing for investors.

We understand that start-ups are certainly risky, but it is thanks to innovators that new and unique technologies are created, which is the foundation of the future world.

Therefore, investments through crowdfunding should develop further. This way of attracting capital in Islamic finance should take a worthy place. The distribution of risks to a large number of investors, as well as the distribution of the funds of each investor among many projects, significantly reduces investment risks, increases investment reliability, accelerates the development of companies, and helps to create additional value by issuing domestic currencies (tokens).
Ideas that correspond to the norms of Shariah are based on material value, have a clear business strategy, and this allows us to claim that halal projects are incomparably safer, safer and more successful than the beautiful signs of many cryptocurrency initiatives.

We believe that projects like ours are the first milestones of the emergence of a new Islamic crypto-economy, with high ethical business standards, a real connection between the blockchain technology and the real world.

#Adab #Muslims #investments #crypto-economy #Islamic #finance #cryptocurrency #exchange #FICE #Shariah
#trading #cryptocurrencies #Muslim #community #market
#digital #economy


Awesome post. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. You have achieved that.

Thank you very much, we set ourselves the goal to solve the main problem that prevents the Islamic community from participating in crypto projects.

very interesting, congratulations.

ADAB Solutions, registered in the United Arab Emirates. The platform should show and explain to Muslims that they do not commit sinful actions and thereby increase the flow of investors in cryptocurrency.

The security of the FICE platform will be provided by the best cybersecurity developers, including a high level of business transparency.

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