Isaac Kappy Investigation, Part 3 [UPDATE]

in #cryptobeast5 years ago (edited)


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A lot is happening. Yesterday I did an interview with OutOfTheGate and also called in to the RxOnlyPictureShow. I will post the OutOfTheGate one here when it is released.

My bit starts at 3:14:39:

Robert_QSentMe reported that the FBI are now investigating Isaac Kappy's death. I have information confirming that from 2 other sources also.

Confirmation left by Britt in the comments here of what others who saw Kappy's missing last Instagram video are also saying - he was not driving.

Phoenix Enigma did an interview on Lift The Veil and then made a video on his own channel re-telling his story about the pickup truck driver who ran over Kappy hidden under some cardboard.

He says the bank statements shown by Kayla tell us that Kappy withdrew $211 from a PredictIt account. PredictIt lets you bet on political events. It was invented by Victoria University of Wellington in 2014 - my alma mater.

Cory (Phoenix Enigma) speculates that Kappy may have had inside knowledge of politicians relating to #PedoGate and a plan to bet against them on PredictIt. At this stage this seems like just a theory, however Cory does claim to have a lot of inside information he can't release "because people are afraid for their lives".

It is curious that the PredictIt web site has a widget with all the podcasts from StratFor. 5 million StratFor emails leaked to WikiLeaks are how we know about Obama's "$65,000 for hot dogs flown in from Chicago" party and at one point they discuss "sharing a hot dog" amongst their own team. Both Robyn Laird Gritz and Craig Sawyer appear in the leaked Stratfor emails. Stratfor has been linked to Alex Jones, both are in Austin, Texas where the Army has two PsyOp battalions.

Phoenix Enigma is the only person we know of that has spoken to the driver, identified only as a male. The driver told an extremely implausible story about cardboard, a box of kittens, and 18 people waving on the overpass in what at first glance looked like a protest.

The driver has now "gone dark". We basically are forced to take Phoenix Enigma's word for the whole thing, a guy whose web site just happens to be about Deep Underground Military Bases like Camp Navajo. An occultist who says he is now a de-occultist.

Phoenix is obviously both a city in Arizona as well as a winged bird reborn from fire. It is interesting that Phoenix was specifically mentioned in posts from Kappy's landlady "shell". Her identity has been released but I am going to keep it private here. Her Facebook timeline is filled with posts about witchcraft, Wickedness and the Devil (always both capitalized).

August 2018 is when she first connected with Isaac Kappy. She appears to have created her Twitter account specifically to do that (h/t @MrMichaelDade)

"no victim here, just a Blue Circle team member on a mission"

"no more adrenochrome"

note the rose wrapped around the cross. Rosy Cross.

It was strange that she spoke about Tom Hank's movie "The Green Mile" in her Periscope. Stranger still is that she only likes 3 movies, with Hanks coming up first.

Garry Trudeau, Drew Carey, Phil Hendrie, Campbell Brown, Matthew Cooper, John Podesta, Mike Murphy, Stephen Colbert and Greg Proops Exclusive Exclusive (Photo by Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic, Inc)

She is linked to the Agape International Spiritual Center of Southern California. Jack Parsons' occult lodge, where he was doing black magick sex rituals with Church of Scientology founder L Ron Hubbard as disciples of Aleister Crowley, was called Agape. Their spiritual guru founder Reverend Michael Beckwith appeared in the movie The Secret. It's worth noting that Quinn Michaels has been saying for some time that his son's mother's family are a Luciferian cult who were behind The Secret. In Quinn's latest video he says "everything going on with Defango and Kappy is really to do with me".

One of her friends looks like some sort of Self-Help Guru/modern-day wizard. VICE made a video about his cult-like practices and conspiracy theories.

His last name is interesting. Ashley Massaro was a WWE wrestler and military sexual abuse whistleblower who committed suicide by hanging 3 days after Kappy's death. She had appeared on the show Smallville, which links her (albeit peripherally) to Allison Mack and the #NXIVM trial which is currently going on in the Eastern District of New York.

Ashley Massaro on Smallville playing "Athena" - the Owl

Source: Daily Mail

Ashley had made sexual abuse allegations against the US military and the WWE. Vince McMahon the owner is a good friend of Trump, and Trump's "Apprentice" producer Mark Burnett is also involved with wrestling.

Massaro alleged that she was drugged and raped by a man posing as a US Army doctor while in Kuwait on a tour of a US military base. She said she was examined by a WWE doctor after returning from the trip, and that the doctor reported the incident to WWE officials. Massaro alleged that WWE officials called her into a meeting, to apologize, and to persuade "her that it would be best not to report it to appropriate authorities."

TRIGGER WARNING: this affidavit contains graphic details of brutal sexual assault:

WWE claim that they never knew the contents of this affidavit or anything to do with sexual misconduct until after Ashley's death. Read their full statement.

WWE is saddened by the death of Ashley Massaro, and we reiterate our condolences to her family. However, we regret that her attorney Konstantine Kyros, who filed multiple cases against WWE, lost all of them, and was sanctioned multiple times by the Court for repeated misconduct and false allegations, is using Ashley's death to further his malicious campaign against WWE by releasing an affidavit that she submitted to the Court and later apologized to WWE for being involved with, so we wish to make certain things crystal clear.

At no time was Vince McMahon or the management of WWE ever informed by Ashley Massaro or anybody else that she had been sexually assaulted, drugged, raped or sodomized by a military doctor with a nurse standing guard while on a goodwill tour in 2007 to U.S. military bases in Kuwait. In fact, if she ever articulated such a claim to WWE, we would have reported it immediately to the Base Commander.

At no time was there ever a meeting with Vince McMahon, Kevin Dunn, John Laurinaitis or other company executives in which she told them of such a claim and was instructed to keep it quiet.

They also said that Massaro emailed them last October and apologized for being involved in the lawsuit. She did not mention any of the allegations. Strangely, the full email has not been released, but supposedly they did send it to the New York Post. Her lawyer was unaware of her apology to WWE.

Long after Ashley Massaro filed an affidavit, which WWE only learned of the contents after she passed away, Ashley sent an email to WWE on Oct. 20, 2018 - approximately one month after the Court dismissed all claims against WWE and sanctioned the lawyer who brought the suit against WWE, Konstantine Kyros, for repeated misconduct including pursuing false allegations. Below are a number of excerpts from her letter to WWE:

"I love WWE, you all were my family the whole time I was there…"

"The lawsuit got out of control very fast-I had been roped in by the lawyer representing the others..."

"I apologize that I was part of this class action suit and knew it was a bad idea but was convinced by the lawyer and I want to acknowledge that I should've contacted you guys before agreeing to be involved-i was basically poached. But I accept my part of the responsibility and just want to formerly apologize and express my regret."

"You all changed my life and I couldn't be more grateful..."

"Can you express my sincerest regret to Vince, Stephanie, Hunter and Kevin Dunn."

The "Squared Circle Sisters" [sounds Masonic] have created a GoFundMe for Ashley's 18 year old daughter to attend college.

I haven't seen this video yet so I'm not endorsing it but I know some people really get into the Gematria of these events.

Some are asking questions about T1's use of hand signals in his "last scope about Kappy"

It appears to be sign language for V O G - "Voice of God", "voice to skull" or V2K technology which has been around since the 1950's.

The latest Periscope from Robert_QSentme. He reveals that he was suicidal himself and Kappy and other people on Twitter saved him.

[Update May 25 8:25am]

Michael Dade spoke to Kappy's ex-girlfriend Kate. She said that shortly after they learned about Kappy's death, the police came around to intimidate her, talking about some past speeding ticket. She also spoke to the towing company. The tow truck driver told her that there was no scene when he arrived, just the sheriff out there. Kate also said the military were the first ones to show up on the scene, but it's not clear how she knew that.

Like with Phoenix Enigma's report of the driver, this is second-hand information which is considered "hearsay" in Court and inadmissible - even though it could be true. It does sound more plausible to me than the "18 people on the bridge, Kappy in a box of kittens" story. It would be great if we could get a direct report from Kate and the tow truck driver.

LiftTheVeil is reporting that Isaac Kappy's body was cremated, and there are no plans for a funeral service.

In Jason Goodman's acrimonious phone call with (former) NSA/Jesuit Doug Gabriel of American Intelligence Media, Doug told Jason "when they're done with you they're going to throw you off a bridge". Was Kappy caught up with the same people Jason Goodman is involved with?

good find by Leppo

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