Isaac Kappy Investigation, Part 2 [UPDATES]

in #cryptobeast5 years ago (edited)


Part 1 The Mysterious Death of Isaac Kappy

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

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The Sawman, The Priest and the Fi-Fi Dossier

The last post got too big so I'm continuing the research over here. A lot is happening in the collective online investigation into Hollywood pedophilia whistleblower Isaac Kappy's sudden death.

We will be adding to this post as more information comes in. I want to try to separate the facts from speculation as much as possible. I will be talking about this story on YouTube this week.

Q = 17, IK = 9 11

Some Anons zoomed in on the photo Tom Hanks posted of a glove "roadkill on Historic Route 66". Centered in the V-shaped shadow made by his elbow is a bottle cap with the letter P on it. Cap P = Kappy

The first police reports had two major errors. Kappy forced himself (with two people holding him) off the I-40 Westbound, not Eastbound; and there was a car accident, as well as the bridge fall. How could the DPS get both these things wrong when reporting to the media?

The story took an interesting turn this week when @truthofaflower appeared on the scene. This was her first Periscope, as the lady who looked after the dogs of Isaac's roommate. She broadcast in front of the wooden closet where Kappy filmed his last Periscope.

Not everybody was buying it. @Robert_Qsentme asked a lot of questions, pointing out 10 different occasions where she lied.

Robert had made an earlier Periscope too:

In response, @truthofaflower Kayla came on Periscope with a lady purporting to be Kappy's landlord, Michelle (MDS) or "Eve", a florist in Southern California.

Backup copy:

A killer parasite that came from our soldiers in Iran?

Robert the Deplorable did a response video tonight:

Jason Boss, a "Torah Keeper" has funded Isaac Kappy and Vegan Mikey to the tune of around $20,000, and had helped Kappy out with "a lot" of Bitcoin ($17,000) before he traveled to Australia (according to one report, and confirmed as likely by a close source, Eliahi Priest paid for the flight):

Kappy was purchasing diamonds from Priest while in Australia. This is confirmed from the chat logs between Fiona and Kappy about Priest.

Here is Eliahi Priest's eulogy for Kappy, in which he clearly states "I know who killed Isaac Kappy". He appears to think "Q" killed him:

Eliahi's Instagram posts immediately before Kappy's death are eyebrow-raising. Expendable spies? Large quantities of gold and diamonds?

1195 carats is worth between $1-$10 million, depending on the color of the diamonds. Diamonds are a way to move large amounts of money around the world undetected, as they won't trigger metal detectors and a small bag can be worth a fortune.

One thing that most people don't understand about gold is that it is phenomenally heavy. All the gold that has ever been mined in the history of humanity would fill an Olympic size swimming pool. Here are some pictures of gold bullion:

10 kg bars

12.5 kg bar

The bars pictured look at least 10 kg. A single gold bar of that weight is currently worth more than $400,000. Assuming that they are stacked 4 high in the 3 chests shown, it would be 180 bars= $73.9 million. A sliver under 2 tons of gold.

Eliahi's social media in the 2 weeks leading up to Kappy's death is mostly dark. Seemingly out of nowhere in May 12 he appears with massive amounts of gold bars and diamonds. Kappy was involved in some sort of diamond deal with Priest (whose family are jewelers), and purchased about $17,000 of Bitcoin before he went to Australia to meet the man who claims responsibility for hacking the Australian government on his Twitter page. Note the chess header:

Kappy's phone number was (323)283-3537. He also used Signal, Telegram, Instagram. He had a computer which was "wiped clean" except for his email access and bank account password, and an iPad (or possibly tablet laptop) that he took with him.

Jason Boss took "Junkie Mikey" in and was paying his bills and what he thought was for his kids' school, when it turned out it was for "the needle".

Thanks to Monkey Savant for capturing this video from Jason Boss:

He reveals that he was abused by his father. Kayla said his father was Jewish and a "minister" - strange that she would not say Rabbi.

Kappy is in the red, Jason and his wife are in the gray.

This video has a quick summary of social media connections. Many of them are being deleted.

There are a number of questions. I will try to compile them here, and update if any get answered.

  1. Who ID'd the body?
  2. Why has nobody been able to obtain a police report yet?
  3. Is there an autopsy report, death certificate, toxicology report, funeral notice, obituary?
  4. If Kappy had money, why did he not pay rent?
  5. Why did MDS let him stay with her if he did not tidy his mess or contribute to the house?
  6. Did "Mommy" kick him out?
  7. How did Kayla get into his computer?
  8. How did Kayla get printouts of his bank records? Wells Fargo has two-factor authentication.
  9. Why was Kappy in Arizona?
  10. Did he realize he was right next to an Arizona Army National Guard base?
  11. What did he do between the tire blow out, the last time he was seen in his Telegram group, sunrise (5:22am) and his alleged suicide (7:25am)?
  12. Why did the police rule it a suicide in about 1 hour, when he had made a video saying he was not suicidal and indicating he was under duress?
  13. Why did police not come to his house to look at his computer and other effects?
  14. Why was there damage to the walls of the house in 3 different locations?
  15. Why is the media not asking any questions about a Hollywood star suddenly dying in a small town? Shouldn't the town have been crawling with media?
  16. If Kayla and her boyfriend gave Kappy a book about how to disappear without a trace, why would she mention that?
  17. Why do the two women not seem more remorseful or grieved after the loss of their friend?
  18. Why did Michelle say she was going to get $3 million and pay her place off, turn it into Camp Kappy, and give some of the money to the parents - out of the royalties from Kappy's Album?
  19. Why did Eliahi Priest burn sage and post an exclusive track from Kappy within hours of the news of his death, and only post a eulogy days later? Shouldn't you grieve for your friend first and think about promoting his album second?
  20. Why did Tom Hanks post gloves abandoned in the desert on Historic Route 66 (I-40 where Kappy died is also the Historic Route 66) 40 days and nights before the death? Why did he post a red scarf with 1977 (the year Kappy was born)?
  21. Why did Kayla mention twice that this is a chess game?
  22. Where is the CCTV video of Kappy checking in at the Days Inn?
  23. Is there any video from the truck stop?

Some body language analysis of Kappy's last video. 113,000 views, 2,773 comments:

[Update May 20 2019 9:00pm]

Great job Ghostcrab for speaking to the worker who checked Kappy in at the Days Inn. Kappy was twitching his head. After 7:11 am he was leaving for home and saw Kappy walking around the outside of the hotel. He was in bed for much of the night, "apparently came back out on some occasions", went back to the room and then apparently went back out again. Buying cigarettes from the truck stop?

[Update May 21 2019 7:12am]

Thomas from Cicada 3301 has given an interview to The Phoenix Enigma about Isaac Kappy.

The latest Cicada video has prophesies relating to Judas (1:18)

I have edited the Coconino County EMS traffic to cut out gaps and obviously unrelated calls. I can't guarantee that everything still in there is related to Kappy, as the scanner is for the entire County.

The first announcement of the accident says it is at the I-40 Eastbound. Then he corrects it to Westbound. In fact, it was Eastbound.

The Flagstaff feed has slightly different information. Kappy may have been alive when they found him, CPR was given, efforts to revive him failed.

[Update May 21 2019, 1:52pm]

Isaac Kappy timeline from an Anon at Voat.

Here is a timeline. I have not included all of the bad actors. There are many; some of whom I have mentioned elsewhere in this thread.

July 22, 2018 - Isaac Kappy's first tweet about Seth Green intimating Green is a pedophile.

July 23, 2018 - Isaac Kappy drops the dime on Seth Green on periscope and instagram livestreams

July 24, 2018 - Lift The Veil first mention of Isaac Kappy his initial impression is that Kappy is high as a kite and doesn't seem to take him seriously.

August 1, 2018 - Isaac Kappy goes on Alex Jones and talks about Seth Green and Clare Grant.

August 2, 2018 - Media Matters publishes a list of the right-wing amplifiers of the QAnon conspiracy theory hit list which includes LTV and Alex Jones (#1 on the list) among many others. Most of which revolved around the Q phenomenon in addition it also mentions Pizzagate. While LtV did cover Q at times it was clear that he thought Q was fake yet Media Matters still labeled him as an alt-right influencer.

August 3, 2018 - Lift the Veil discusses Media Matters labeling him as an alt-right influencer on his show.

August 4 or 5, 2018 - Lift the Veil interviews Michael Whalen about his experience with voodoo doughnuts owners involving child trafficking. Initial video has since been removed from youtube.

August 5, 2018 - Alex Jones/infowars gets de-platformed from Apple, youtube, facebook, twitter and associated app stores.

August 6, 2018 - AnOpenSecret claims Isaac Kappy is a fraud. Furthermore AnOpenSecret claims that Kappy had both a patreon and youtube account neither of which were true. (Kappy did set up a Patreon sometime in late July and it was up for about an hour but then he took it down after people objected to it and he then told people not to send donations)

August 8, 2018 - Media Matters publishes an article about DoughnutGate and names Isaac Kappy, Lift the Veil and Michael Whalen. -

August 10, 2018 - Lift the Veil has a second interview with Michael Whalen regarding Voodoo Doughnuts.

August 11, 2018 - Kam Hoffman aka 'Exploring Reality' reappears on youtube with a video titled 'Isaac Kappy and nathan shill or real? pizza gate?' in which he attacks Issac Kappy and Lift the Veil as shills and possibly satanists.

August 15, 2018 - Kam Hoffman uploads a video titled '"vegan mikey" michael connelly is he a con? illuminati dis info agent? tom hanks a pedo?'

August 26, 2018 - Blayne Douglas sends out a periscope video from the hospital saying that he wants to leave $75,000 to Michael Whalen and Isaac Kappy because he is dying from meningitis and will soon be put into an induced coma. He also says he wants to give Kappy power of attorney over his estate. He claims to own a house in Ireland but he actually lives in Iowa. During the video Blayne is very insistent that people make Kappy take the money because 'without the money there is no winning'. This was 100% staged and fake.

August 28, 2018 - First mention of Voodoo doughnuts by AnOpenSecret on twitter. Citing a police report obtained by The Oregonian/Oregon Live. Tweet - Article -

August 30, 2018 - A rapid-fire series of tweets by AnOpenSecret decrying the whole thing as nothing more than a hoax designed to scam money.

September 1, 2018 - AnOpenSecret attacks a journalist for creating a Discord chat with the intention of gathering evidence that the owners of Voodoo Doughnuts may be involved in a pedophile ring.

September 4, 2018 - CDAN Blind Item #3 First mention of Voodoo 'scam.' (Note: Enty from CDAN is a good friend of Gabe Hoffman from AnOpenSecret) -

September 4, 2018 - Jason Boss makes a video stating he has gotten involved with Michael Whalen. Boss states he already knows Mikey very well now and considers him a friend and has helped him as much as he possibly can. Talks Mikey up for the first 7 minutes or so then plays a call he says he made to Portland PD @10:00.

September 10, 2018 - CDAN posts Blind Item #3 about Michael's paypal being shut down -

September 12, 2018 - Kam Hoffman aka Exploring Reality broadcasts an interview with Voodoo Doughnut Recordings artist Devin Millar titled 'Devin Millar from Voo doo doughnut recordings thinks Vegan Mikey is a liar' (Very important!! )

October 2, 2018 - Random Rants of Ryan announces he is working with Kam Hoffman in video titled 'Dropping BombShells Tonight W/ Exploring Reality' (reminder Devan Miller of Voodoo Recordings worked with Kam Hoffman to debunk Michael)

October 3, 2018 - Random Rants of Ryan video '#Shitstorm #VooDooDonuts - Vegan Mikey revealed! W/ Exploring Reality'

October 5, 2018 - Ryan posts video 'Setting Up Interview With Vegan Mikey...' Ryan claims to be working with LtV to set up an interview with Mikey but it never happened. This is a theme that becomes very apparent throughout this entire saga: none of the people who work so diligently to discredit LtV, Kappy and Mikey not once bother to reach out and attempt to get to the bottom of things.

October 10, 2018 - CDAN posts Blind Item #17 implying Issac Kappy was hit with a cease and desist letter from Seth Green and Clare Grant. (Kappy emphatically stated to me that he received no such letter) -

October 13, 2018 - Titus Frost sets up forum to clear the air between LtV, Kappy, The Last American Vagabond. After bashing LtV, Kappy and Mikey for almost two weeks straight with no real evidence Ryan does not show up to clear the air. '#STWT Show 63 - #PedoGate is now # DramaGate - Kappy, LTV and TLAV Discussion #Shitstorm

October 23, 2018 - Titus Frost interviews Mikey '#DonutGate - Vegan Mikey aka Michael Whalen Interview'

November 5, 2018 - CDAN posts Blind Item #9 about Issac Kappy being kicked of Twitter and returning on a new account. -

December 7, 2018 - Random Rants of Ryan livestreams a video 'Santa Claus came early this year' hinting that certain youtubers (presumably Lift the Veil) are going to have a very bad Christmas and get coal in their stockings.

Dec 20, 2018 - Random Rants of Ryan does a livestreams called 'Santa Clause Came Early For Vegan Mikey' where he intimates that Mikey is going to have a bad Christmas. How would he know that? (I asked Mikey about this and he said that it was because he was getting evicted but how would Ryan know that unless he talked to Jason Boss?)

February 4, 2019 - Boss posts 'The @VeganMikey saga- It's Finally Over.' -

February 4, 2019 - Boss posts "VeganMikeys Puzzle Pieces - House Cleanup...Since This Was Public..." video

February 5, 2019 - Crazy Days and Nights posts Blind Item #9 sourcing Boss' claims Michael left the house trashed and needles left behind

February 7, 2019 - Boss posts 'VeganMikeys Needles Are Everywhere.' Similar to the House Cleanup video this is a short video showing a needle in a sink that could have been filmed anywhere.

March 27, 2019 - Boss posts ' Isaac Kappy Comes At Me - Blood Diamonds???' Boss goes through a text exchange with Isaac Kappy after Kappy accuses him of being a Mossad shill. It's not the first time that this claim has been made by people. Boss refers to Kappy as a junkie, claims to talk to Fiona Barnett for 'hours on the phone' and that she is as legitimate as it gets. He also claims to have filed charges with the police - presumably in The Dalles where Michael was staying - against Michael Whalen for the alleged drug paraphernalia. He also mentions that Kappy deposited $17,000 worth of bitcoin with him before he left for Australia

May 2, 2019 - Boss posts ' The Curse of @VeganMikey Michael Whalen' A video in which he goes over an alleged bill for the property that leased in his wife's name for Michael Whalen. There is no address, letterhead or any other information. Much like the two drug paraphernalia videos this could have been created by anyone with a word processor. In this video he alleges that he is out $26,000 dollars. He calls Kappy a 'junkie psyop.'

May 13, 2019 - Date that Isaac Kappy died. 

May 15, 2019 - Boss begins posting videos on his youtube channel alleging that Isaac Kappy was murdered, blames other youtubers for it, and claims that the letter posted on Isaac Kappy's Instagram was not written by him. What a swell guy! It's totally not like he has been involved in shady shit before! Yeah, snopes is shit. Doesn't change the fact that he rallies support for Sidethorn and Conspiracy Granny to go hassle the family members of the victims of a church that got shot up. This guy is psyop central. 

In case anyone hasn't been paying attention to this guy it's also weird that he proudly hosts and encourages videos of Brenton Tarrant on his video hosting site I'm all for free speech but when a shady fucker like this guy is the only one loudly and proudly hosting stuff like this with literally zero blowback you have to ask yourself: is this really about free speech or is it about identifying people who believe in it? Oh, did I mention he wants your personal information so he can 'vet' you before you can post videos on his site? Weird. Go ahead and try to sign up. Maybe things have changed in the last couple months but I doubt it. His buddy Todd D. Bennett is an interesting character as well. Some of you should look into that guy and his trips to Israel and the children's charities.

I don't expect anyone to watch every video listed in this timeline. That's not the point of this. I am merely sourcing the information that I used to come to my conclusions. If you read all through all of that you will notice that the two main players responsible for 'debunking' the voodoo doughnuts accusers are: Jason Boss and Blayne Douglas (who I haven't even gotten into yet). At least those were the two that provided the setup and the debunking. One promised the moon and the other pulled the rug out from under it. Convenient huh? I haven't gotten into the the other people,aside from Ryan, who used their voice and position of 'authority on the matter' to reinforce the narrative yet but I will soon enough. Until then, there's this for you to chew on.

Source: Voat

The discussion about Lyme's disease, Morgellons, and flesh-eating scabies seemed like a classic red herring, a diversion for the truthers.

On a hunch, I Googled "lyme disease Israel". Straight away it came up with this guy, telling us Israel has only ever had 1 case.

But then...later that year (2017), an outbreak of Lyme disease was found in caves in the West Bank.

The closest town? Bethlehem. It's almost like someone is trying to paste Biblical elements into this narrative. Judas, Noah, Archangel Michael, this the Illuminati trying to usher in the End Times?

The medicine the two ladies were pushing to fight against parasites from Iran in the video is Ivermectin.

The largest shareholder is John Paulson, who made his fortune betting against subprime mortgages in the 2008 Global Financial Crisis.

Ivermectin is actually pretty widely available, including in the US


Phoenix Enigma has driven past the site both West and East bound and filmed HD evidence that the accident happened on I-40 Eastbound. So why did the officer get this wrong on the scene?

Could be related, could be note, but there was a VICE journalist raid of the owner of 8 Chan's house. VICE was started by Canadians (intelligence?) 8 chan is the home of #QAnon, Isaac Kappy was a big QAnon supporter and seemed to suggest he betrayed QAnon.

[Update May 22 19 11:26am]

Thanks to Nathan from @lifttheveil for providing further information about the Bitcoin transactions Kappy did before going to Australia. He sold 1.58 BTC to Jason Boss via this address.

Does anyone have a copy of Kappy's final Instagram - the one he did from the car? This is one of the most important pieces of missing information, along with the police report.

Two hero teenagers tried to stop the tragic death of a Hollywood celebrity in a small town in the middle of nowhere. Why aren't these kids posting on social media and doing interviews on TMZ? A lot of mainstream media mentions of this case around the world, but where are all the reporters looking into it? Surely the one thing that would open a suicide investigation is if the subject said on video right before "I am definitely not suicidal and I am in big trouble, I fear for my life".

[Update May 22 2019 6:21pm]

A lot of these social media posts are getting rapidly scrubbed. An army of anons are archiving everything.

Robert_QSentMe has bombshell news: the FBI have opened an investigation into Kappy's death.

Lift the Veil had an interesting interview today with occultist de-occultist The Phoenix Enigma, who claims to have met the driver of the truck that ran Kappy over "like a box of kittens".

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